Last chapter, and it's after Christmas, too! I'm listening tot he song Dare Devil... repeatedly. God it kicks major ass...

...well, whatever. Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday, Digital! WOOT!

Dear Santa Claus!

Hiya, it's me! monkey D. Luffy! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

His chest puffed out, inflated with fresh salty air that was tinged, for once, with the sharp of scent of pine. It hung in thick, steamy clouds over the entire deck. It twirled and hung from the pine branches of an overly-decorated Christmas tree, said tree slumped down with the heavy weight of strands of popcorn, strings of lights, tens of tens of baubles, many ornaments, and various selections of meat. Underneath the tree, tree skirt concealed entirely, lay large heaps of presents, all with a unique... style. Some were perfectly wrapped, others looked like they'd just been rolled up into balls of colorful crinkle paper and stuck there; some had so much tape on them they were impossible to un-open, and others were misshapen and suspiciously looked to be filled with... meat.

I don't know if you have wanted posters up there in the North Pole, but if you do, than you already know me! Monkey D. Luffy, future King of the Pirates! But don't put me on the bad list! I only kick the asses of the bad guys, not the good ones! The good ones give me meat!

I want some meat now! Where's Sanji?

Childish bounding and laughing, leaps and twirls over the wooden banisters of the Going Merry. His raven black hair danced in the wind, eyes bright, stomach full with the delicious breakfast Sanji has been up for several hours preparing. Something, he said, would only happen once a year.

He'd advised all not to think it would ever happen again. Except, of course, for Nami and Robin. Whom his love for had quadrupled since both had surprised him outside of the doorway underneath the mistletoe in their new outfits they'd received for Christmas that morning, each giving the love-struck chef a peck on the cheek.

Well, tomorrow's Christmas! I hope it's not too late to send you letters for what we want! I had all of my crew send you letters. Ha ha, I can't believe they did it, too! Must be in the spirit of Christmas! YOSH!

"Luffy, would you calm down?" a voice, although definitely amused, chided from the corner of the desk he was sitting, which was about five yards from the great Douglass Fir.

"Oh c'mon, Zoro!" Luffy laughed. "Dance with me!" He was, indeed, dancing all around the ship, body twirling to the beat of un-heard music. Or perhaps it was the drumming of waves hitting the ship, the thrumming of footsteps slapping against wood, mesmerizing lyrics of the seagulls above their heads.

"Dance with meee!"

"Ugh, Luffy, I said n---GAH! What are you doing, you idiot? I said NO!"

But Luffy already had his arms wrapped firmly around the first mate and was spinning around with him on the floor amidst the amused laughter of their fellow crewmates.

But for some reason, Zoro didn't seem to mind it too much. The laughter, to him, was drowned out by the song of the sea and the gentle hum of Luffy's happy voice.

We've all been really good this year! It's so weird that all of us got along enough to make it this far, heehee! They're really great! And we're more then crewmates! We're family! One big family!

Robin quietly chuckled, narrow eyes going back to her new book that laid gently on her lap, legs stretched out before her on the beach chair. "Lovely Christmas, is it not, Navigator-san?"

"Mhmm, sure is," Nami agreed. She was angling her head in different directions, one hand bunching up and holding her orange locks of hair back from her face as she admired the crystal necklace that hung from her neck. "Tilt that mirror a little to the left, would you Sanji?"

"Of course, Nami-san!" Sanji chirped, tilting the small disk of glass to the preferred direction. "It looks so beautiful on you!"

"Thank you."

"Ahhh! My Nami-san looks so beautiful when she's pleased!"

I'm not really sure what the rest of the crew wished for for Christmas, but I hope that whatever it is, they get it! They all deserve it! They're the best friends I could hope for, and if you upset them, I'll come up there and send you flying with a kick!

"Usopp, I told you not to mix those two things together! It creates acid, you idiot!"

Usopp winced, more from the pain in his left pinky then Chopper's sharp tone of voice. "I knew what I was doing!" Usopp replied in a huff. "It just slipped, not my fault!"

'Well then be careful with those chemicals," Chopper said, finished with neatly tying the ace bandage around Usopp's finger. Casting the opened box at Usopp's heel a withering glance, the reindeer chirped, "All done!"

"Thanks, Chopper!" the sharpshooter exclaimed. "Now I can get back to these smoke bombs... Did you know my new design can---?"

"Hey Usopp?"

Blinking at the interruption, Usopp asked, "Yeah?"

"Do you have any cure for... animals?" Chopper murmured sadly.

"Animals?" Humming thoughtfully, Usopp sat back on his heels as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "I dunno. I thought that was your area, Chopper?"

"It is!" Chopper assured his frantically. "But I saw this little girl holding a really sick dog yesterday, and I don't know how to cure him... he was a pretty young dog, but he just looked awful..."

The reindeer was unaware that Usopp was looking over his shoulder. "Shaggy dog? White?"

Chopper nodded sadly, biting his lip.

"About yay big?"

Chopper looked up to see Usopp's hand raised a good two feet from the deck. "Yup, that's him."

"...that dog?" Usopp pointed somewhere behind him.

Startled, Chopper whipped around. The Going Merry was anchored by a cove not far from the village, in need of supplies that no one was willing to provide on Christmas Eve or Day. And there, running and splashing through the waves, was a little blonde girl, white dog barking and trotting at her heels.

Chopper's eye s bugged out of their sockets. 'OH MY GOSH, IT'S THE DOGGY! HE'S ALIIIIIVE!"

"Yu---wait, Chopper, what are you doing? Chopper wait! Don't jump over the deck! YOU'LL DROWN YOU IDIOT USE THE RAMP!"

I really hope they all have a great Christmas this year. And really, that's all I want. I don't need help being Pirate King. I'm already well on my way, and it'd be pretty pathetic if someone tried to help me.

But these guys are the best. They're my nakama, and I want them to be happy! That's all I want for Christmas.

"Hey Luffy!" Usopp called to the still dancing captain, who was holding onto a less reluctant-looking Zoro.

"Yeah?" Luffy laughed.

"Did you send our letters?"

Luffy blinked, stopping his dancing for a moment. "Of course I did!" Luffy said. "Can't you tell?"

I hope you have a great Christmas, Santa! Because I'm having the time of my life down here, and tomorrow is gonna be even better!

As everyone echoed an agreement, Luffy beamed. "Hee hee, and I got my Christmas wish, too!"

So for Christmas, bring me a happy nakama! And tons of adventures for us to go on!

"And what did you wish for?" Zoro asked. He stood still, encircled by his captain's arms, unmoving and not looking all too upset about it.

Luffy beamed. "All of you!" he said with a bright grin.

Well, see ya later! We'll all be waiting down here, and ready for any adventures you bring us!

With laughs,

And with a smile brighter than any they'd ever seen, even on Luffy's face, the rubber pirate stretched out his arms and laughed, the sound more musical than any Christmas bell. "Merry Christmas, everyone!"

