Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.
/I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold/
Loud crying could be heard throughout the main square. This was nothing new to regulars, but some stopped and stared wondering what could make a girl so hysterical. Uchiha Sasuke had struck again, or more like his fan club had struck. Uchiha Sasuke, the village heartthrob. Cool, calm, collected, and an aristocratic face that could only be brought about by well breeding. He rivaled even the Hyuuga's beauty. Everyday, or at least every four hours some girl would come up to him and 'ask for a date'. He would sneer and make them back off, this usually happened when he was in the main square. Most girls were stupid and thought that asking him in a public place would make it harder for him to say no. That was their own humiliation. Their fault. He was not to blame for girls and their weird thoughts.
Well, don't mis-understand me, I have the utmost respect for women. They are the mothers of all in existence today, how can you not respect that? It's girls I can't stand. Just like I can't stand boys. Men were an all right lot, they have to earn my respect of course, but boys, just like girls he could not help but detest. It's one thing when your ten, but when your eighteen years old, one would expect some maturity.
He didn't want a -shudder- girl. He wanted a woman, a real woman. Someone, if possibly, like his mother. He knew it was childish, but he had nothing to compare a woman too, except his mother. He had heard the whole clan say she was a real woman, and as he got older the more he realized how very true it was. He remembered her kindness and comfort, her warmth. He wanted THAT. More then anything, and he wouldn't take it for granted like his father did.
/I don't want my love to go to waste/
Sixteen years of nothing but vengeance and hatred. It was hard for him to come to terms that he really HAD beaten Itachi, that he HAD taken his revenge. For his whole life Itachi was unbeatable, and he somehow came to realize that he depended on that. Now that Itachi was gone he had nothing to support him, he had broken his own pillar of strength. He was a fool, for going to Orochimaru, for killing Itachi, for everything. Now all that was left was for him to regain his life, and he knew only of one way.
Restore the clan, it was his -other- goal. The only problem with that, was he had zero candidates. Sure there was Sakura, and Ino, and countless other girls, but he wanted a woman. So he did the only thing he could, he searched. For two years he built up his status in the Shinobi world, and everyone thought he was just being normal, no one noticed but all the while he was looking, searching for that one woman that he knew had to be there. The one to complete him. It made him worm, and helped him get up in the morning. Just the idea of finding her made him want to go run a marathon with Lee.
/I want you and your beautiful soul/
It had happened when I least expected it. Naruto had come rushing up and asking if I was free that night. Seeing the light in his eyes I debated weather to say yes or not, he took the silence as a no.
"Ino and Sakura-chan are having a party tonight! You have to come! Everyone will be there! It'll be so much fun! So, can we go? ne? ne? ne?" Naruto rattled on in his excitement.
Sasuke sighed, he knew his automatic yes should have been put to use.
"Why?" He asked bluntly.
"Because.. Something about the air, and the sun..." Naruto trailed off, trying to remember why they were having a party.
"The air and the sun?" Sasuke dead panned. That was the stupidest thing he had heard all day.
"Um.. Yea!" Naruto nodded, not really caring. It was a party! And he was not only invited but he helped set up the decorations and everything!
"Right." Sasuke sighed. He really didn't have anything to do, so why not? It would be interesting to hear what's up with this air and sun business.
"So you mean you'll come!" Naruto's eyes lighted with excitement. Sasuke was, after all his best friend.
"Why not?" Sasuke said sarcastically, followed by a sigh.
Well, Naruto dragged him around for a good hour, trying to make him change out of his uniform, which didn't happen. They finally arrived at Ino's house, where the party was at. You could see a few people on the porch in deep conversation, some people dancing or lingering in the house, and most in the back drinking what looked like spiked punch and talking or dancing. It looked like a grown up party, for that he was thankful.
They were there for five minutes before Naruto signaled Sakura. She signaled Ino, and before he knew it she was on the table with her punch glass getting everyone's attention.
"First, I want to thank all of you who came here, it's a wonderful thing that has happened to a wonderful woman, and you don't know how much it means to her, or us that you would celebrate with us." She paused to let the cheers die down.
"She has been the single most caring person I have ever had the pleasure to know. She has helped me with so much in my life I'm not sure I would be here today without her guidance." At a few snickers she added, "Yes, she even helped me get over the insane obsession I had with Sasuke." She smirked at him, and he decided to have fun, so he smirked back. But he was confused, who was she talking about? Had I just walked into someone's birthday party or something?
"Four days ago, we, her best friends" Sakura, Tenten, Neji, and both male members of team eight looked pleased. "Heard the most amazing news and we didn't hesitate to put together this celebration. She has worked so hard all her life and now it's finally paying due." She paused again at more cheers. Whoever this woman was, the people loved her, that was for sure.
"Four days ago, we heard from Neji himself, that Hyuuga Hiashi has finally decided to step down, and his heir is his first born, as it was meant to be. She proved herself worthy when everyone thought she would fail" She chuckled, "Well, almost everyone. I would like you all to give your happiness and compliments that are due, to the Heir of Hyuuga, Hinata!" Everyone clapped and shouted, Sasuke himself clapped. So, the big bad blow fish was stepping down, huh?
Hinata stood from behind the punch, extremely embarrassed, not only for the speech but the cheers also. She smiled shyly and made her way to Ino.
"Don't you think you took it a bit to far Ino-chan?" She asked quietly. No one had ever spoken like that about her, it was sooo embarrassing. She was just trying to be kind, not to be famous or something.
"Of course not! Your too modest Hinata-chan!" Ino replied, and encouraged her to say something to the crowed. Reluctantly she climbed up on the table, her face as red as a tomato.
Sasuke's breath hitched as he saw the angelical beauty clime up on the table. Hyuuga Hinata ka? he thought. He remembered her from their academy days, and he saw her once in a while stalking Naruto, but that was years ago. He had practically forgot she existed. He didn't see how he could. She was beautiful, how had he missed this one?
"A-ano..." Hinata started quietly, she hated public speaking.
"You have to be louder then that if you want them to hear you." Ino said, earning her a warning glare from Hinata.
Ano.. T-thank you for coming tonight, I hope the party isn't too much of a drag. You know how Ino can muck things up when she's excited." Hinata started out timid, but got more confidant as she went on. The lessons her father gave her helped immensely. She decided to get revenge on Ino. A few snickered, but were silenced by the heat of Ino's glare.
"But all jokes aside, I really do appreciate what all of you have done for me, even if it's just showing up at this party. I can see myself as I was 10 years ago, with no friends, and no family. You helped me in my time of most need, and here you all are again, supporting and cheering me on as my life changes forever. Again, thank you so very much, from the bottom of heart, however small that may be." She ended with a joke, like she always did when speaking to a crowd. Ino rolled her eyes at the comment, and most people laughed because they couldn't picture Hinata's heart than anything but big.
Sasuke, on the other hand, was laughing for a whole different reason.
"Air and the sun?" He asked Naruto mockingly. It was actually pretty hilarious. Even Naruto laughed - after he gave Sasuke a deep scowl and a sharp punch in the arm, of course.
/You're the one I want to chase/
Really, he knew he was making a distraction for himself. He had been transfixed as soon as she started talking. She was like a siren, her voice could lure pirates to the depths, he was sure of that. He would probably go to the depths if she asked him too. He kept making light banter with Naruto, until he went to congratulate Hinata.
Then I walked to Shikamaru and talked with him for a while. My mind really wasn't on the conversation, it was on the angel across the room. I angled myself so I could watch her out of the corner of my eye as I looked and talked to Shikamaru. If he noticed my mind wasn't really there, he didn't say anything.
Finally for what seemed like hours, which was probably only 20 minutes, he went to congratulate her. Most everyone was done saying theirs to her, so not many people were around and he liked privacy.
"Congratulations Hinata." He said when he was before her. He purposely dropped any suffix. She seemed surpassed he even came up to her much less say grats to boot.
"Ano, thank you Sasuke-san." She said, and purposely added the suffix. She was not comfortable calling someone she really didn't know by their first names only, much less a man! Ino said she was very old fashioned. She guessed all the things her mother did and said had sunk in at a little age. Her mother was the epitome of old fashion. She didn't know about other people, but she liked the old ways.
"I know we don't know each other, but I am happy for you. Naruto, the baka, asked me to come to this party, and he said it was for something about air and the sun." Sasuke continued, he really had not said this much to many people. Naruto being one of them, Shikamaru another also. Hinata laughed at that, only Naruto would remember air and the sun. She had no idea why, but she was comfortable around him. She guessed it was because they had similar upbringings.
"Imagine my surprise when I found out it was for you. I have not seen you lately, in the last few years actually." He continued, feeling totally at ease chatting with her. Yes, he thought, she might be the one I'm looking for. He decided to test his luck, and slid into the seat next to hers.
"Ah, actually, I have been around, but mostly to and from the academy. I work part time there, with the youngest of them, and I sometimes baby-sit across the road at the daycare there." Hinata explained, she had been very busy these last years, and never found time to go on shopping sprees or that sort of thing.
"I see. So you like children I imagine?" He questioned, inside he was jumping for joy, she liked children!
Hinata blushed. "Actually, your the first who has caught me in that." She said with a chuckle. "Yes, I really do love children, that's why I choose to be around them all the time. When I see a child, I see innocence, and bravery we could not know now. It's amazing to me, to watch them soak up all that's around them to build their own personality. Too watch as they grow and change, and live life the way they want too." She shrugged, realizing she was rambling.
Sasuke was entranced, not only by the sound of her heavenly voice, but of her words also. She had a unique outlook on life, and it was refreshing. He smiled.
"I agree. Though I don't think I could handle twenty in the same room for six hours every day." He realized he was opening up, he was only humorous when he opened up. She laughed, and he floated to cloud nine for putting it there.
Naruto, Neji, and Shikamaru silently watched the scene play out from the other side of the room. Naruto was surprised, Sasuke didn't just open like that. Neji was concerned, was that Sasuke? And Shikamaru looked bored, but really he was intrigued, what IS he doing?
"Did, did he just - FLIRT - with Hinata!" Neji asked in outrage. Naruto laughed.
"No, of course not! I've known Sasuke since we were twelve, he does NOT flirt." Naruto said matter of factly.
"Then what the hell was that!" Neji asked and pointed angrily at the couple. Sasuke was saying something and Hinata was laughing hysterically.
"Um... I'm not sure..." Naruto trailed off as he realized Sasuke really WAS flirting with Hinata!
"OH MY GOD!" He shouted, but most ignored him, used to him shouting things like that. "And here's the proof ladies and gentleman! Sasuke is actually a mortal man!" He said more quietly but still loud. Shikamaru snorted in amusement.
Unfortunately, everyone but the few by Hinata didn't hear, including Sasuke. The two continued their pleasant conversation not knowing everyone was looking at them now. He continued to flirt heavily, and she continued to giggle, blush, and flirt back. She didn't realize she was doing it, but Sasuke did, and he was overjoyed.
Soon enough however, Sakura came up to them, with something akin to anger in her eyes. "Sasuke-kun." She bit out forcefully, how dare he flirt with someone other than her!
"We need to speak." She said curtly, barely containing her jealous rage. Sasuke just narrowed his eyes at her.
"No, I really don't think we do." He replied, how dare she interrupt him. He knew what this was about, she was still set out to get him. Well, she was going to have to cope, because he had just found her, the one he was going to do everything in his power to get. No one would stop him, specially not Sakura of all people.
"Yes, I think we do, right now." She said almost desperately, anything to get him away from her. She couldn't bare the sight of them together.
Sighing, Sasuke decided how to do this. Finally he said, "Fine." He looked back to Hinata, "I'm sorry about this, I'll be right back." He said seriously. She only nodded in understanding.
Sakura was stunned by his words, he had said sorry to her! That wasn't what was supposed to happen! And he certainly was NOT supposed to promise to be back! After walking into the hall, they looked at each other, calculating. Before she could say anything his curt words sliced her.
"Get over yourself Sakura. I have told you again, and again, that you are nothing more than a friend. And even that's waning now. What I do in my personal life is not yours or anyone else's concern. If you have a problem with me, or Hinata, then I'm sorry, but it's just that, your problem. So you either back down, or I throw you down. I really don't want to hurt you Sakura, but if it's between hurting you, and getting the thing I have wanted most for my whole life, I will choose my wife." He was done with his speech, and he would not talk of this again with her. He had made his decision clear, and nothing was going to keep me from her.
He turned his back on her crying, and left. She was beginning to bloom, but she had to get over him or she would never be whole. Even if he had chosen her, it would not have worked. She was holding onto her childhood crush, and as painful as it is to let go, to become your age you have too. After walking back into the room, he was delighted to find Hinata waiting for him, she looked as if she hadn't moved. "Sorry. All taken care of." He smiled and sat down again. Needless to say, it was a wonderful night for him, and he hoped it had been at least half as pleasant for her as it was for him.
Please review! thanks
Song: Beautiful Soul by Jesse McCartney