Disclaimer: (holds up drawings of Megaman, Lan, Protoman, Chaud, etc.) I don't own them. (holds up drawings of Sayuri and Sapphire) I own them.

A/N: Didn't I have an announcement for you guys? Yeah! (ahems) ATTENTION!
All stories written by Chiming-chan, including Only Tears Will Tell, are going on a temporary extended hiatus after this update. Ya know why? Cuz I'm starting a big project on here! Actually, two, and one's much bigger than the other. The smaller one will be entitled 'Battle of the Bands', and it will be about two bands (naturally) entering a Battle of the Bands competition. Since I'm lazy and not very creative, I'm going to skip right to the part where it's just those two bands duking it out.
AND NOW! The moment you've all been waiting for…my ultra-super-mega-uber-duper-powahfull-NEW PROJECT!
Amerouppan Idol! -crowd goes wild-
That's right, Amerouppan Idol. Just like the American hit series, but with all your favorite Rockman stars!

T-T ow. -has a headache- I gotta go eat. Update…NOW!



"Sai…wh-what are you…"

"Shut your mouth. Want him dead? Keep talking."

-flash of light-

Click. Boom. The image of a purple glass bullet close up as it whizzes through the air is seen in Lan's mind's eye.

"No! Chaud!" He falls to his knees as he realizes that Chaud's trembling body won't get out of the way in time. Tears begin to form.

-flash of light-

Chaud's breath comes fast and hard while Lan skates as fast as he can toward Dentech Hospital.

-End flashback…-

Lan watched Chaud's chest rise and fall slowly as he lay on the bed, all sorts of machines and monitors attached to his body. Tears slowly trickled down his face. Sai…how could you…

Chaud's breath began to come in shuddering gasps. Lan jumped. The poison was beginning to work its way further around Chaud's body. I'll kill you if I must, Sayuri Megami.

He must have growled it out loud, because Lan became aware of a warm, strong hand gripping his own. He looked down and saw Chaud staring weakly up toward him. He gasped. "Ch…Chaud?"

Chaud snickered softly. "Do I…really scare you…that much, Lan?" His breathing became a tad steadier, although he was no better off for it. "Listen…don't…go off…killing…anyone while…I'm around…got it?"

More silver drops of water pooled in Lan's eyes. "But-but…what she did…" He bent his head down, shielding his eyes. "I can never forgive her for it…" He growled. "She's harmed you in one of the worst ways possible. Even if she had slapped you across the face, I would still hunt her down again."

Chaud's eyes widened in shock and guilt. Doesn't he remember? I did that very thing to the girl. Then his heart nearly stopped with a rush of ill feelings. Maybe that's why…

Lan must have felt Chaud tense up, because now he held tightly onto his hands. "Chaud…" He held his gaze into Chaud's eyes as he tried to say something, which he eventually succeeded in doing.


"She's mine."

Lan was a bit surprised by this, but returned to normal, smiled, and nodded. "Gotcha."

Chaud seemed satisfied, and he lay his head back on the pillow and closed his eyes. His grip on Lan's hands weakened, and Lan squeezed tighter. Suddenly, Chaud's chest tightened up, and his eyes shot open as he fell into a fit of coughing. Lan embraced the boy and tried to help him relax. When Chaud spoke again, it was in but a raspy whisper.

"Lan…go to…room…113…that's…where her…mom is…Take her down…and I'll be…happy…" He groaned and closed his eyes again, evidently more tense. The poison was taking its toll fast. Lan took Chaud's hint, let go of his hands (albeit reluctantly) and began to step out of the room. Before he walked out, he glanced back at Chaud, whose breath was shuddering again. He had to hurry.

Don't go killing anyone, you say? Then don't effing die.


Thank god for Mom's back door…thought Sayuri as she pushed as hard and as fast as she could on her scooter. Reaching said door, she pulled it open and found herself at the end of a corridor. She counted the numbers. 117…116…115…114…Ah, there she was. 113. Sai pushed the door open and saw that her mother's bed was empty. All that was left of her was a card on the bedside table that read

Ms. Sakura megami
Age of 47
Passed on May 16, 2006 of Unknown Causes
We shall mourn her loss

All throughout the hospital, the mourning cry of a young, now orphaned girl rang out in sadness, stopping the hearts of all who heard it. Including Chaud's. (For the record, now he's got 2 hours.)


O.M.G. I can't even believe I'm putting this on hiatus now. Ah, well. REVIEWS GET!
