Lucky Spencer wanted his daughter. Yes, if her mother just happened to fall in love with him again, that would be great. But Lucky only wanted Sophie. His little girl. When he saw his ex-wife, Samantha sitting on a bench laughing as she watched a man playing with Sophie, it was all he could do not to yell 'Get the fuck away from my daughter'. He would have, if only he had the guts to handle the well-built man who he now knew as Jason. Jason looked as if he was solid muscle, and Lucky didn't want to piss him off.

When Lucky heard his daughter ask if she could call the man 'Dad' that almost caused Lucky to forget his fears and punch the man in the face. How dare he take over his role in his daughter's life.

He knew getting his daughter back would be hard, after all, he had given full custody to his ex-wife. But he would find away to get his daughter, whether it took a week or a year. He'd find a way.


Sam stood on the docks, overlooking the clear, rippling water. Her thoughts on her ex-husband. It was only a week ago that she had seen Lucky at the park, watching their daughter. She couldn't say she was afraid for her daughter, because, the truth was, Sam knew Lucky wouldn't harm Sophie. He never was that type of man. But, that didn't mean she was going to let him into the little girl's life. Lucky, after all, made the decision to leave her and Sophie. Not the other way around.

Her thoughts shifted and Sam smiled, it was a week ago that her precious daughter asked Jason if she could call him 'Dad'. Sophie had always been outgoing, but when she out of the blue, asked if she could call the man 'Dad', that took on a whole new meaning of outgoing in Sam's book.


Sam turned around after hearing the familiar voice, "Hey Carly."

The taller woman smiled as she made her way towards Sam, "You seem lost in the thought. Does it have anything to do with the sexy, blue-eyed hunk you've been dating?"

Sam couldn't help but laugh at Carly's description of Jason, "I knew there was a reason I loved you like a sister."

Carly laughed, "Well, am I right? Are you thinking about Jason?"

"I was," Sam smiled and then said, "But Lucky was in my thoughts too."

"Oh," Carly said, knowing all about the incident last weekend.

"You know Carly, I knew I was mad as hell at Lucky for what he did all those years ago, and I thought the hate I felt towards him was gone," Sam said, turning towards Carly, "I mean, I have my beautiful daughter, a great job, not to mention Jason. But, when I saw him at the park, I felt that anger. I felt the urge to show him just how much he hurt me back then."

Carly nodded, "That's understandable Sam. It's not like you can suppress the hatred forever. It was going to come out when you saw Lucky."

"That's the thing Carly; I never thought I'd see him again. I thought that he'd stay away from Port Charles for good," she said, trying to keep the angry tears in her eyes from falling.

"I know Sam," Carly said and wrapped Sam in a comforting hug.

Sam straightened herself up in a matter of moments, pulling away from Carly, she smiled, "You know what Caroline? I don't have the fucking time to cry over this crap. What do you say to you and I going out and having some drinks up at Jakes tonight?"

Carly smiled, "Samantha McCall, you're a genius!"


Sam and Carly sat at a small table nearest the dance floor, drinking margaritas.

"Why in the hell are Jason and Sonny babysitting Sophie?" Carly laughed.

Sam giggled, "I think Sophie would have been way to much just for Jason to take care of. She can get insane, you know that."

The girls fell into a fit of giggles. Enjoying their night out.


"Sophie, you have to go to sleep. Your mother's going to kill me if she finds out I let you stay up an hour past your bed time," Jason groaned, trying to reason with the 5 year old.

"Come on Daddy, just a little bit longer," Sophie pouted, giving Jason big puppy dog eyes.

Sonny rubbed a hand over his face, "Sophie, please!"

Jason laughed at Sonny's obvious frustration and then said, "Okay Sophie. What if I read you a bed time story?"

The little girl seemed to consider this before looking at Jason, "Okay."

Sonny's eyes widened as Sophie retreated up the stairs. Once she was out of earshot, he said, "You've gotta be fucking kidding me. I tried that an hour ago! She said no. What the hell?"

Jason chuckled, "Sonny. Go home. Sleep. I've got this."

"Thank god," he said, "I'll see ya later man."

Jason nodded, "Bye."

After Sonny left, Jason walked up the stairs towards Sophie's room.


An hour after Sophie had finally fallen asleep, Sam walked through the door, with Carly and Sonny not far behind her.

Jason got up from the couch and made his way towards Sam, pulling her into a kiss. It was only meant to be a soft, quick, hello kiss. But it was obvious Sam wanted much more than that as she moved her tongue along Jason's bottom lip, begging for entrance. Jason pulled away, reluctantly, remembering that Sonny and Carly were there.

Sonny pointed at Sam, "She's drunk man. Coleman called me from the bar telling me that they had both been drinking margs all night and looked like they needed someone to come and get them."

Carly shrugged, "That was just Coleman's opinion. I think Sam and I would have been just fine."

Sonny shook his head at the slurred words from Carly, "Just wanted to make sure Sam got home alright. I'm going to get goin'. I still gotta get this woman home."

Carly scoffed, "See how he treats me? I mean, come on. I'm his girlfriend but god-forbid he calls me that. Now I'm just 'This woman'."

Sam poked Jason in the chest with her index finger and looked up at him, "If you ever call me, 'This woman' you're gonna wish you never did."

Jason laughed, Sam was definitely drunk, "Alright Ms. McCall, I promise I will never call you 'This Woman'."

"We'll see you later guys," Sonny chimed in, as he began to lead Carly out of the house.

"Sammi! We're definitely going to have to do this again!" Carly exclaimed as Sonny began to close the door.

Jason was just happy that the sleeping child upstairs didn't appear to have woken up from the ruckus downstairs. He turned towards Sam and bent down to kiss her. She looked awfully hott when she was drunk.