DISCLAIMER: Belongs to JK Rowling except for the plot. Implied Harry/Voldemort and Harry/Draco.


"This is the end, Tom."

The words slip off his tongue. There's no going back.

"Can you really do this?"

The wand is raised; the words are on his lips, but those crimson eyes look at his with pity.

"I have no choice." It's the truth. Those words are whispered into his head.

Neither can live while the other survives.

"You always have a choice, Harry."

"Not now. Not with you."

"And yet you did before?" there is humour in his voice. He's mocking his weakness.

"Not anymore." This is with confidence. He is trying to convince himself.

"Why is that, Harry?"

There is no reply. A telltale glance towards the blond figure slumped unconcious against the wall tells all.

"I see."

"He's better than you."

"In what way?" He spat. "Does he give you power? Experience? Does he make you laugh?"

"He sure doesn't make me cry."

With the jet of green light it's over. He had no choice. The body slumps to the ground, and he stands there.

It's over.

He repeats it in his head.

It's over. He's gone. He's never coming back.

Draco stirs to his right, begins to wake.


He looks at the corpse for a few second longer, before turning to Draco.


"Is he gone?"

"Yes. Yes he is."





Inspired by Velvet Revolver's 'Come On, Come In'. Very much a different tempo to the fic, but that's the way my brain works.

Sorry it's so short. I can't do long, not really.
