Okay, another part of the diary...lol, it was hard writing the Phantom's...I started it around 5 times. Like Christine's, I'm not really thrilled with it, but it's okay. lol, so I'm not going to be killed then? Someone sent me a death threat saying they'd kill me if I didn't finish the whole fanfic...well, I'm working on it, I'm just a picky person when it comes to the final draft of my stories. Anyway, I hope everyone likes it, I'm going to be working on a few more diary entries soon!

The Very Secret Diary of Erik (A.K.A The Phantom)

Day 1

Opera got new managers and a new patron. This is bad news, as I shall have to spend more of my precious time training this new administration to fear me. Hopefully they will catch on fast, or I will be dreadfully displeased. That stupid wench Carlotta made a fool of herself trying to impress that new patron. However, it was obvious he was giving her the cold shoulder. Anyway, time for the daily hit list:

1) Carlotta (stupid toad)

2) Buquet (nosy bastard)

3) Piangi (tubby bitch)

Day 2

My lovely Christine got to sing the lead role in the opera tonight! Everyone was enchanted by her. Especially that new patron. He invited her out to dinner after the performance. That smelly Fop, he obviously can't tell when a girl is taken. Which is why I'm on my way now to whisk Christine down here. Spending time with that fop could be bad for her health, she could pass out from the smell of the hairspray he uses.

Daily Hit List

1) The Fop (asshole)

2) Carlotta (still a stupid toad)

3) Buquet (still a nosy bastard)

4) Piangi (still a tubby bitch)

Day 3

Was successful in whisking Christine down to lair. Maybe if I show her how awesome my lair is, she'll never want to leave! I can show her my opera dollhouse, my noose collection, and my torture chamber! And she can have the swan bed I stole...I've been trying to find a use for that.

Daily Hit List

1) The Fop (still an asshole)

2) Carlotta (still a stupid toad)

3) Buquet (still a nosy bastard)

4) Piangi (still a tubby bitch)

Day 4

Why did everything go wrong? Why?

Everything was going fine yesterday, until I showed Christine a replica of her. She totally freaked out and fainted! But why? Most girls would be flattered to have someone think that they were so beautiful that their likeness should be made into a statue! At least I think. Now she's ignoring me! Maybe I'll make her some cookies to cheer her up...

Daily Hit List

1) The Fop (still an asshole)

2) Carlotta (still a stupid toad)

3) Buquet (still a nosy bastard)

4) Piangi (still a tubby bitch)

Day 5

Brought Christine back to opera. She finally came out of her room and found me darning a hole in my cape. She asked me why I was knitting, so I politely corrected her and said I was not knitting, I was darning. She started crying because I corrected her! But I think it had more to do with the fact that she was homesick. So I decided to give her some cookies, and to bring her back up to the opera. I think for the moment she'd be happier there.

Daily Hit List

1) The Fop (I sent that priss a note saying he better keep away from Christine because of his nauseous hairspray fumes, but does that idiot listen? NO!)

2) Carlotta (still as toad-like as ever...I shall have to embarrass her when she performs tomorrow...that role was supposed to be Christine's)

3) Andre (I have no use for a manager who doesn't listen to my demands)

4) Firmin (another manager I have no use for. Frankly, I could care less which manager is annihilated first, I just listed Andre first so that it's alphabetical)

5) Buquet (still nosy...he almost found my trapdoor today)

6) Piangi (still tubby, still bitchy)

Day 6

Today was horrible! My only consolation is that I knocked somebody off my hit list, so there's one less person to plot against. But those stupid managers are spreading rumours that Christine is sleeping with the Fop! As if my Christine would do that! Although I believe the Fop is capable of anything, and might rape her at any moment! He took full advantage of her tonight!

It all happened while I was in the rafters taunting Buqeut with my noose. That snivelling idiot finally grabbed it and decided he would do a magic trick with it. He put it around his neck and was about to do a vanishing trick, but then he tripped and fell onto the stage. Of course, this scared Christine and she ran up onto the roof to get as far away as she could. But the evil Fop followed, with dishonourable intentions. He took full advantage of her distress and asked her to marry him! In her shock, she said yes! I don't think she actually means it though...but what if she does! I cannot stand having to compete with that THING for her affection!

Daily Hit List

1) That THING (and his demise will be painful)

2) Carlotta (still as annoying as ever, but making her croak in front of everyone was fun)

3) Andre (still have no use for him)

4) Firmin (also have no use for him)

5) Piangi (still bitchy and tubby)

A Few Months Later...

Day 100

Been too bust last few months sabotaging the Fops new lip-gloss line to write. Would you believe it, that Thing actually opened one, and is forcing poor Christine to test all the lip-gloss. Real men don't do those things, especially to the woman they love.

Today the opera had a masquerade. I did what I always do, I showed up and terrorized the guests. This time I went as Red Death. I must say, that costume works the best at terrorizing people. Anyway, I found Christine, who was all by herself. The Thing had deserted her to go to the washroom. I spoke to her and convinced her to choose me, but then the Thing chose that moment to run in and fall into the hole in the floor that leads to my torture chamber. Of course, he HAD to fall in this time! It's not like he could the other hundred times he's stood on that exact spot! Then everyone began crowding to try and help him, so I got out of there quickly. Bottom-line, haven't gotten Christine yet.

Daily Hit List

1) The Thing

2) Carlotta

3) Andre

4) Firmin

5) Piangi

Day 101


I really, really, really do. That is just something I had to write before I lose complete control of myself.

Okay, not only has he stolen MY true love, but he can't let her be alone by herself or with anyone else! Today all she wanted was to go to the cemetery in peace, so I drove her. When we got there, I comforted her in her grief with a song, and she told me she'd come back to my lair with me. Then that feminine voice sounded, and the THING galloped into the cemetery on his trusty steed Buttercup. And it's not enough that he has my true love, and doesn't give her ANY privacy, now he's trying to steal my fashion sense!

That chit was trying to pull off a Fabio-shirt! Now, I'm not into hairspray or the latest fashions, but everyone knows that only I can pull off a Fabio-shirt successfully. And Fabio, I suppose. So no one else should try! Even with a shirt from the opera Good Will, where it's obvious the wannabe got it from.

ANYWAY. The Wannabe then started trying to fight me just for speaking to Christine. I easily fought him, but then I accidentally hit his preening arm. He then seemed to get super-strength, and, I'm sad to say, beat me. I will never live down almost dying at the hands of a wannabe. But I was lucky, because he seemed to think killing me was a bad idea, because it would get blood all over how perfectly moisturized hands. He then grabbed Christine and left.

Mmph. I'm tired and embarrassed of recounting my horrible day, I think I'll cheer myself up by plotting some more.

Daily Hit List

1) The Thing (...NO COMMENT!)

2) Carlotta (too toadlike)

3) Andre (too useless)

4) Firmin (too flamboyant...so is Andre too)

5) Piangi (too tubby and too bitchy)

Day 102

This shall be my last entry. For I have lost the only thing I ever really wanted...perhaps forever.

The play tonight started out great. Christine was singing the lead, and I had just killed Piangi so I could take his role on stage. I went on, and then while Christine and I were singing, she pulled my mask off. I was so shocked and angry that I accidentally pulled the cord I had hooked on the chandelier. It fell, and lit the opera on fire. So I escaped to my lair with Christine. The Thing followed us. When I saw him, I lost it and grabbed my noose and threw it around his neck. I told Christine she had to make her decision now, and that I'd kill the thing if she chose him. I think she almost chose him, just so that could happen, but then she decided not to. My Christine couldn't allow someone to be murdered.

And then she kissed me. It was...just so strange and wonderful, I cannot describe it in words. The first time someone's ever done that. And I knew then and now that I can only ever love her.

I wish that that moment could have lasted so much longer. But then the Thing did what Things are always known to do; cry. It was earsplitting and the worst thing I've evr heard. I broke away and told Christine I could not hear myself think. And I realized, Christine could not choose me, at least not at that moment. Or else we would always be haunted by the Thing every moment of our lives. She has to either get him to love someone else, or get someone to kill him. But she will never go for the latter, she's too good. And because he's a Thing, he'll probably insist on always loving Christine just so we can always be apart.

But there's always hope...I haven't given up on that yet...maybe Christine can give him to Meg...

Please R&R!