Sirius: My God, can you believe he just did that!

Remus: Yes, I saw him.

Sirius: I mean I told Prongs expressively NOT to read out that poem in front of anyone, especially Evans, and what does he go and do; read it out in front of EVANS!

Remus: I know Sirius, I was there.

Sirius: Did you see the look on her face?

Remus: Of course.

Sirius: And then how she marched off all hoity-toity, into transfiguration, after slapping him!

Remus: Mmmmm, I really am not in the mood to recount the events which just happened.

Sirius: Well I don't think she hit him that hard.

Remus: SIRIUS!

Sirius: Oh, oh, oh, calm yourself my dear.

Remus: GAH!

Sirius: Just to tell you, I do not speak werewolf language.

Remus: Oh, ha ha, that was simply an expression of my frustration at you.

Sirius: Oh, of course, of course it was.

Remus: Sirius, stop passing me notes, McGonagall is looking angry. Anyway, we need to do the assignment.

Sirius: Oh, pah, I can do this easily. Hello I am a fully trained animagus!

Remus: That is just great. Now leave me ALONE!

Sirius: Why do you reject me, I am wounded, WOUNDED I tell you!

Remus: Well go to the hospital wing then.

Sirius: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Remus: Sirius, you don't need to growl like a dog unless you are transformed!

Sirius: Fine, I am going to speak to Prongs. Goodbye Moony!

Remus: Good riddance.

Sirius: WHAT did you just say!

Remus: Ehem, nothing.

Sirius: You are no longer my friend, goodbye!


James: Whoa, calm down. Anyway, I thought she would like it.

Sirius: You are absolutely INSANE I tell you, INSANE!

James: Right.

Sirius: And you have a faint red mark where she slapped you.

James: I know.

Sirius: JAMES, I am disgusted, you have been stroking the spot she hit for the last few minutes!

James: She willingly touched you.

Sirius: Yeah to cause BPH.


Sirius: Bodily, physical harm.

James: Isn't it physical, bodily harm.

Sirius: I don't know, ask Moony.

James: OK.

Sirius: Actually, wait, don't. I no longer count him as a friend, so you shouldn't.

James: Whatever.

Sirius: Don't you "whatever" me!

James: Whatever.

Sirius: NEVER SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN! You mean thing, you have hurt me beyond redemption.

James: Whatever.

Sirius: Die, James Potter, die!

James: One day I will, probably after you though!

Sirius: Yeah right, we all know that I am stronger and healthier than you.

James: Sure you are.

Sirius: See, even you agree.

James: It is called sarcasm, my dear friend, sarcasm!

Sirius: Whatever.

James: Three words, Padfoot, three words; pot, kettle, black!

Sirius: I know, I know, your secret desire is to be a black pot married to a silver kettle!

James: WHAT!

Sirius: Well, that is what you meant, isn't it?

James: No, I meant that you were a hypocrite; it comes from the saying "The pot called the kettle black."

Sirius: But the pot is black as well, isn't it?


Sirius: Oh, ahhhh, I see! But, anyway, why were you calling me a hypocrite?

James: Isn't it obvious?

Sirius: No, not really.

James: Well, when I say "whatever" you go completely nuts, but then you said it.

Sirius: The reason I hate you saying "whatever" is that it is a "Sirius word"!

James: What the…?

Sirius: I put ownership on certain words that I like or dislike; if I put it on a word no one else may use that word.

James: Fine, now let's stop writing notes; McGonagall is coming over to check our work.

Sirius: Oh dear, I haven't done it.

James: Take Moony's.

Sirius: Good idea.

He hit me when I tried to take it!

James: Well I did tell you not to take it.

Sirius: No you didn't, you said (to quote): "take Moony's".

James: No I didn't, I said "don't take Moony's".

Sirius: No you DIDN'T! I have it here in writing…. Look see, here:

Take Moony's.

James: You wrote that!

Sirius: NO I DID NOT!

James: Yeah you did.

Sirius: It is in your writing.

James: No, that is your writing, I write like this:

Don't take Moony's.

Sirius: You just wrote that now.

James: No I didn't.

Sirius: YES YOU DID!

James: You are never going to win this argument, just admit it.

Sirius: NO, because I know I am right.

James: Fine.

Sirius: Fine.

James: Fine.

Sirius: Argh, the bell. I haven't listened all lesson. Damn!

James: Neither have I.

Sirius: Yeah, because you were too busy staring at your little Lilykins!


Sirius: Fine, fine. I am going to copy Moony's work.

James: You said you weren't friends with him anymore.

Sirius: Well I am now.

James: User.

Sirius: I know, I know.

James: Ok, we can talk now. Let's go.

To be continued…