Split into Pieces
Author: Darling Fox
Rating: T to be on the safe side
Summary: Karasu destroys things.
Disclaimer: Yu Yu Hakusho © Yoshihiro Togashi
Perfect things were a temptation, something Karasu had to destroy, break into little pieces and scatter all around. It was satisfying to see something beautiful and untouched to fall apart beyond restoring. To know that he had done it.
The red glittered on the grass under the burning sun, shining more brightly than the most valuable rubies and attracting attention like the Tournament itself. Karasu knew the brilliant colour hid delicious paleness, something he had wanted to taste since the very beginning. Back then the time hadn't been right, the flesh not ready to be taken. But now he knew the moment had finally come and he was going to savour it with all the concentration it deserved.
Carefully, Karasu kneeled down and touched the redness. Just a light brush so it wouldn't be ruined right away.
The apple split into neat, symmetric pieces.
The End.