A/N: (Sometimes I wonder if you guys even read these-- Quite frankly, I don't read other ones...) Anywho, I'd like to again thank everyone for reading and reviewing, or just reading. If you get a chance, please review. I'd like to know what you think :)

***Lastly, I'd like to draw your attention to a website designed for discussing all things anime: fan-works, fan-culture etc. The website is fanbbs(dot)net, So please, if you get a spare moment and feel like showing off your stuff, or just chatting, stop by! And now, your next chapter. Enjoy!

Chapter 22: Miroku the Moody

Sango sat in her cell, playing solitaire. She was quite frankly, bored out of her mind. Miroku had left early in the morning yesterday, and was supposed to be visiting soon, but she knew better than to be dependant on his timing. Sango growled in frustration. She hated solitaire! She had only ever won once, out of about two hundred games. Sango stood up from her bunk, and paced around the room, trying to burn off steam. Then something came to mind; she could work on her demon slaying skills! Even though she may not need them for a while, she might as well refresh her memory. Besides, she didn't have anything better to do, except lose about twenty more games of solitaire.

Sango began stretching, twisting out painful knots, and loosening her joints. She cracked, twisted and stretched her back. After about twenty minutes or so, she moved onto core strength and overall flexibility exercises. Sango thrust her leg in the air above her head, and held in there, using the wall as balance, for fifty seconds. She continued this for about two hours, and still wasn't done.

Holding onto the bars of the cell door, Sango twisted into yet another painful looking stretch, involving a foot directly above her head while still standing. Miroku began opening the cell door, both of them unaware that either was on the other side of the door. Sango squealed as the door opened and she began to lose her balance. Miroku, heard Sango's cries, and looked at her, only to see her foot coming down from the door and into his face.

"SHIT!" He screamed.

Sango, once regaining balance, looked at Miroku in shock. He had a nice footprint on his face, and he would most-likely get a bruise later on.

"What was that for, Sango?"

"Miroku! I'm so sorry! It's just that I didn't see you, and I lost my balance, and—"

"You know what, it doesn't matter now, what's done is done." He said a bit irritably.

"Sheesh, what's got your undies in a bunch?" She giggled.

Miroku only glared. "I'm not in that great of a mood, alright?" He stated.

"Yeah, I kind of noticed, what's on your mind?" She asked light-heartedly, sitting next to him on the bottom bunk.

"It's nothing." He said coldly.

"Miroku, it's not like I could tell anyone." She nodded, indicating her prison.

"I said it's nothing."

"Fine, fine, whatever, but have you checked in on Kagome? Or at least heard anything about her? It's practically driving me insane!"

"Yeah, she's fine. She should be released from the hospital tomorrow evening, I think. And she's only got to serve one more week here, so you'll be alone here for just a little while longer, I'm afraid."

"But, you'll come to visit me, right?" She pouted.

"I'm not sure if I can, things are getting really tied up lately, especially with Kikyo around." He said.

Sango laughed. "Amen to that."

Miroku couldn't help but smile. "I suppose."

"So has anything else happened?"

Miroku refrained from speaking for a moment. "No, not really."

"Liar!" Sango said, throwing the cloth pillow at him.

"Yuck!" He howled. "This thing is distgusting. You have to sleep on this?" He asked in disbelief.

"I don't have much of a choice, now do I?" She chuckled, also grossed out by the imitation pillow.

"Well, than I guess I'll just have to get you a new one the, what do you think?" He said playfully. Miroku leaned in to gently kiss Sango, but she recoiled.

"What's gotten into you? One minute, you're ready to bite my head off, and now you're kissing me!" She exclaimed.

"So does that mean I don't get my kiss?" Miroku pouted.

Sango smiled. "Of course not," She said, kissing him full on the lips.

"So… why can't you tell me what's going on? I have a right to know, after all." Sango said, sitting in Miroku's lap.

"It's a secret." He said.

"Secrets, secrets are no fun, secrets are for everyone!" She chanted, as if only five.

"Hmm, well, that's too bad, because I'm not telling." He said, with a smug smile.


"So, what's new with you?"

"Nothing, I've been locked up in a cell room all day, what do you expect?"

"I suppose you're right. Well, I'm sorry, but I have to cut this visit short, my sweet." Miroku said, kissing Sango lightly on the lips—and squeezing her backside— before he left.

Sango blushed furiously, and muttered under her breath.


"I heard that!" Miroku shouted, his voice echoing through the corridor.

"Good!" She retorted, laughing as she did so.


Miroku got out of his car, and hurried to his office, and checked his messages. To his discomfort, there was one, from Shippo.

"One new message, three-fifty-three, P.M"

"Hi Miroku. It's Shippo, I'm afraid I've got some…interesting news. Uh, we found the source of miasma. Call me when you get back. Thanks, bye." Shippo's colemn voice echoed through the office.

Miroku hastily punched the numbers for Shippo's office. It rang about five times before a groggy Shippo picked up the phone.


"Shippo? It's Miroku."

Shippo's tone softened. "Oh, sorry Miroku, this case is just ridiculous."

"Tell me about it."

"Well, you see, the miasma belonged to Naraku, I trust you will inform Lord Inuyasha about this A.S.A.P."

"Gotcha." Miroku said, and then hung up the phone.

Miroku hastily advanced to Inuyasha's secret chambers. There he found Inuyasha sitting slumped, his back against the wall, head on his knees, and deep in thought. Miroku thought he was sleeping at first, but Inuyasha's response proved him wrong.

"Feh. Took you long enough." He grumbled.

"Sorry, Inuyasha, I just thought you should know, we confirmed a suspect in the formula case."

"Really now? Do tell." He said sarcastically.

"Well, you see, it was—"

"Damn it, Miroku! I already know!" He cried. "Thanks for having the decency to do your job."

"Then why, Inuyasha, did you ask me to tell you who the suspect was?"

"Because you idiot, I'm getting really tired of this. Didn't Sango tell you this, weeks ago?" Inuyasha hissed.

"Yeah, she did as a matter of fact, but you must understand, it was her word against his, and—"

"Save it, Miroku, I don't want to hear it, you're dismissed."

"Inuyasha, you need to calm down, or perhaps get counseling. Because, quite frankly, you're acting like a child, and I am in no mood to deal with it. If you want my advice, you should banish Naraku, dump Kikyo, and get back Kagome, but I suppose you already knew that too."

"I said, you're dismissed."

"Excuse me, your highness." Miroku said, turning on his heel to leave, and stepping out of the door calmly.