Chapter one: Just The Beginning

It was very early in the morning. Kagome sat there crying. The pain, the bleeding, the pain, so very bad. Oh, sweet sorrow. Kagome was being transferred to new castle grounds. Her life had actually been pretty good up until now. Her last slave job wasn't impossible; she was fed well, and had her mom. But now? Nothing, the only thing she had was her mom's favorite plate. It was the last present her mom had ever gotten before both of her parents were killed for acts of treason, which they did not commit. Kagome looked out of a crack in the wooden box she was imprisoned in. She had been roughly informed that she would be working as her new lords head maid. Kagome had always hated cleaning, but she had to. She had refused to the guard that had come to pick her up. He had beaten her ruthlessly, and she couldn't remember anything after that. A small glint of light caught her eye. The sun was rising. Kagome tried her best to watch the sun rise. It was painful; her mother had always watched the sun rise before performing the daily tasks. Kagome smiled to herself as she remembered her mother's soft and comforting words.

'Sun rise,

Sun set,

You'll always be my daughter,

And don't you forget.'

Kagome inhaled deeply, the air, despite the musty cabin thing, the air smelled crisp, and like fall. Fall was her favorite season of all, she wasn't quite sure why, but it was. The girl exhaled, and clutched the cloth that covered the plate that was formerly her mothers, and fell into a state of unconsciousness.

"Get up wench! I said get up!"

Kagome opened her eyes, and slowly got out of the prison she had been held in. She was in tears by the time she made her way all the way out, her back was screaming at her for moving, it stung so badly, she felt a cool liquid trickle down her back and making her only dress cling to her form. She let out a slight cry when she felt a hand swipe across her cheek, which also, stung now.

"Don't talk back to me! If you can't handle this pain, you might as well just give up now!" The slave worker yelled.

"And you will refer to me as Master Gyou. Got that, slave?"

Kagome bit her tongue, but nodded in response. She might as well try to make a nice start. This, was only the beginning of her pain.

A/N: Poor Kagome, just one thing who's her lord? cough I wonder….. ANYWAYS I WANT AT LEAST THREE REVIEWS OR I WILL NOT CONTINUE!