Mariks1andonly: hey guys I am back with a new story I hope you like it and well yeah sorry this chapter will be a bit short, I want to test this story out first before writing really long chapters! Enjoy!

"Anzu get down here or I am going to leave without you!" her mom yelled

Anzu checking her hair in the mirror one last time called out "be right there mom!" she grabbed her satchel bag and tore off down the stairs and out the door and hopped into her mom's car and they sped off.

Anzu's POV

Hi I am Anzu Mazaki, I am 17 years old and I just moved back here from the United States. Wow it looks like this place hasn't changed that much since I left it a long time ago. I have long brown hair which my mom has continuously asked me to get cut but I refuse to and sparkling blue eyes.

End of POV

"oh honey I bet you are so excited for your first day at a new school"

Anzu currently staring out the car window and trying to figure out why her mother could possibly think she was happy to be starting at a new school. She rolled her eyes and said in a semi-sarcastic tone "oh you bet mom"

Amy cast a quick glance at her sulking 17 year old daughter. "oh honey it is going to be fine, you just wait and see. Pretty soon you will have a bunch of friends and a fresh start." Anzu rolled her eyes and started to whine "but mom I do not want to be here! I want to be back in California with my friends." She sighed and looked down at the uniform she was being forced to wear. It was a short blue pleated skirt, a white blouse which in her opinion was to tight on her, a baby pink jacket again in her opinion to small for her, a big blue bow on the front of her shirt and well at least she got to wear her new tennis shoes.

"Mom I do not want to be here in Domino, Japan! Why did we have to move back here in the first place!" her mom continued to drive along and watch the road since it had started to rain. "honey you know your father got a new job offer here with the company and we had to move".

Anzu sighed and looked out the window of the car again. When they stop at a red light she sees a group of boys standing, there wearing the boy's style of uniform for her new school. "I know mom it's just I don't think I can fit in here again.

Her mom starts driving again as soon as the light changes to green and then too soon in Anzu's opinion they arrive at her new school. Anzu's mom turned in her seat and smiled at her daughter. "trust me Anzu dear you will fit in just fine". Amy watched her daughter get out of the car and blew her kiss and drove off.

Anzu sighed and mumbled "let the fun begin" she turned around and headed into her new school. Anzu first went to the office and got her schedule then she went to find her locker. "ok I found my locker now to find my first class" she looked at her schedule "hmm Ancient History room 220A" she headed off to find her class. Anzu was walking along trying to get to her class when she slammed into a hard chest and fell down on her butt. "Ouch!" Anzu stood rubbing her sore backside and looked up to apologize to the person. She found herself staring into a pair of violet eyes. "Oh my god I am so sorry"

The boy chuckled "it's quite alright" Anzu noticed that he was a few inches taller then her and was tan, muscled and had sandy blonde hair. Anzu blushed when she realized she was staring at him. "oh how rude of me my name is Anzu" The boy smiled and shook her hand. "my name is Marik"

Author's note

Ok sorry this is so short but this is all I could come up with for now! Please Read and Review No flames please! If you hate this couple then don't read my story! Thank you