SHAMELESS PLUG!! If you like C.S. Lewis and Narnia fanfic please check out my new fic over there entitled 'Across the Worlds'. Please read and review this and that fic!! SHAMELESS PLUG OVER!

Forever Syaoran's Angels 2: Angels Forever

Chapter 17: Boiling point


Sakura turned and stared into a nightmare.


"Please… no… no… no…" she begged.


More and more figures emerged from the darkness. Faces of people she had almost forgotten, people she had been unable to save as an Angel, people she had helped kill as part of the Venom Squad.

But it was the figure at the front of this crowd that struck fear deep into her heart. Kevin Lacuray stared at her, his eyes wide and sightless, his mouth opened in an eternal question.


"I had to," Sakura wailed, "I had to! Please! I tried… I had to… please…"

Jonathan Blackly pointed at her accusingly, blood dripping from the wound in his gut.


Chelsea was there, her face horribly distorted by death.


They came in a crushing wave of death and fury. Eyes and fingers accusing her at every turn.


"Please…" Sakura fell to the ground, her face full of anguish, "I had to… I had to…"

A cold hand forced her face up.

It was Kevin.

He stared down at her and to her horror he began to rot. His skin dissolved into nothingness as his flesh began to blacken and turn putrid, his eyeballs popped raining ichor down on her as Sakura screamed and flailed trying to get away from this nightmare but she was pinned down by an invisible force.

"It's all your fault," Kevin rasped out, "It's all your faul…"


Sakura shot up, heart pounding, cold sweat pouring down her face. She looked around wildly, trying to orientate herself.

Seeing the familiarity of the room, she let out a long sigh of relief.

"Oh god," she flopped back down on the bed, "It was a dream."

She felt tears began to emerge as the faces from her dream flickered in her head.




"Is this all worth it? All this pain and misery? Am I doing the right thing?" Sakura whispered staring up at the ceiling, "I blame you! You told me to do all this. To do what was necessary and look how things have turned out!"

She was really angry now.

"I'm sick and tired of this! I don't know what to do anymore!!" she screamed, "Please?! Am I doing the right thing!!"

Just as she finished, the rage left her leaving her broken and disillusioned. She had to continue. There was no option left. She had gone too far, done too much to back out now. She had to stick it out to the bitter end.

"Stupid destiny," she scowled.


The whole house shook as Sakura jumped up, scared.

The house shook again. The door burst open and Anthony poked his head in, his face alit with excitement.

"It's the Angels!" he laughed, "They've come to attack us! Get dressed, we've got a battle to fight!"

Slamming the door shut, Anthony ran off as Sakura leapt out of the bed instantly searching for her clothes. She quickly dressed as the house shook over and over again. Putting her yellow veil in place, Sakura took a deep breath and prepared herself for the heart-wrenching pain she felt every time she faced her former friends.

Squaring her shoulders, Sakura walked through her door and got ready to do war against her friends.


Xiaolang waved his hands again and a jet of green light slammed into the dome of crackling purple energy surrounding the house causing it to shake.

"Hmm… still no effect?" he murmured, "Well, let's try this…"

He raised his sword and murmured a quick incantation. A wave of blue light jetted up the length of the blade, wreathing it in shimmering light. Taking a deep breath, he swung the sword at the dome.

There was a loud pop and a burst of light. The blue light on his sword and purple dome both winked out of existence as Xiaolang grinned.

"Ready?" he turned to his allies.

The Angels nodded grimly, each of them adjusting their weapons. Meiling cracked her knuckles, a grin on her face as she got ready to exact her revenge on the Venom Squad.

Michelle tossed her long metal quarterstaff from hand to hand, her eyes fierce and determined. Beside her, Tomoyo pulled her sai daggers out of their sheaths and pointed them at the dilapidated house. The ramshackle building was set in an industrial wasteland, a patch of dry grass masquerading as a front yard out front as all around broken chunks of concrete and abandoned rusting machinery littered the grey unchanging landscape.

"Let's do this," she said decisively.

Xiaolang turned to their guests.

"Are you ready to begin?" he asked.

Nivaline Sarah Thomas smiled calmly.

"You're lucky you managed to contacts us in time," she said lightly, "And that we managed to teleport here in time."

Xiaolang raised an eyebrow.

"We're ready," Nivaline turned to the group of Shaolin monks standing behind her in neat disciplined rows, "Heng? Let's begin."

The whip-lean man nodded and turned to his fellow monks. The Angels and Xiaolang watched on as they stood in a wide circle, chanting under their breaths as they pointed their fingers towards the earth. The chanting got louder and louder as light began to form around their hands.

Nivaline's magic flared in a flash of emerald green as other sparks of magic leapt from the other monks. The magic began to pool in the centre of the circle, swirling round and round in a whirlwind of colour as Nivaline raised her hand to the heavens.

"We call upon the gods and spirits above to bless this earth!" she called out in a loud commanding voice, "Give it life and let it walk like the beasts who dwell upon it. As rain gives life to the forests so do we give life to this earth!"

The glowing magical light in the centre of the circle flared and turned into a ball of crackling energy as Nivaline pointed to the earth once more.

"Let the power flow from the circle and enter the earth. Awaken and walk! Benevolent gods hear our plea! So mote it be!"

Energy snaked out from the giant sizzling orb and slammed down in the earth. It crackled through the ground jetting off and growing like giant neon roots. The earth began to tremble as Nivaline smiled, sweat rolling down her face.

"WALK!!" she screamed.

The crackling energy roared and the earth began to move.


"Holy…" Uri whistled.

The Venom Squad and Garrett crouched by the window watching the monks outside perform their magic. Anthony swore as their spell was completed.

"What's happening?" he demanded.

Garrett was silent, his dark eyes watching the monks carefully.

"There!" Sakura pointed the ground.

The earth was rumbling again as soil and rocks shifted. The Venom Squad gasped in shock as the spell took affect.

Giant earthen figures emerged from the ground, soil and rock compacting to form limbs and torso. Misshapen heads began to form as the dirt and loam creatures began to amble forwards sucking up grass and chunks of pavement to form their bulky bodies.

Soon a variable army of rocky creatures stood in front of the house, awaiting their commands.

"Golems," Garrett spat.

"How do we kill them?" Anthony demanded.

Verona was standing silently beside them, emotionless and silent as usual.

"Leave that to me," Garret smirked.

He waved his hands, dark oily light gathering in his palms. With a yell, he thrust his arms forwards, the window shattering as the darkness jetted outside onto the lawn ahead.

The light hit the ground and pooled like dark ink as Garrett yelled out a strange barking word before clapping his hands together.

The darkness immediately leapt up into the sky and began separating into individual blobs that stretched and mutated.

Garrett smiled as the darkness began to form claws and fangs and tails.

"Darklings," he grinned as the huge reptilian shadowy monsters stood to guard the house.

"Now," Garrett turned to the Venom Squad, "This should be fun."


"Darklings," Nivaline confirmed as the Angels and Xiaolang stared at the black monsters Garrett had summoned, "Killing creatures summoned by dark magic."

"Well," Xiaolang squared his shoulders, "I think there's only one thing we can say to that…"

He raised his sword and pointed it at the house and at Garrett and the Venom Squad.


With a dull roar, the golems lurched forwards. The Darklings immediately lunged forwards, talons slashing. The two sides crashed into one another with deadly brutal force.

One golem was immediately crushed to dust as two Darklings leapt at it, biting down onto its head. Nearby another Darkling died as one of the golems broke its neck.

The chaos raged as the dirt and shadow monsters fought and fought.

"Let's go!" Meiling shouted plunging into melee.

Nivaline and monks pulled out weapons as they too joined the fight.

Tomoyo darted to the side dodging a Darkling's claws before stabbing her daggers into its knees disabling its legs. Its roar turned into helpless whimpers as it crumpled to the ground. Mercilessly Tomoyo swiped her daggers across its throat killing it instantly.


Michelle twisted her quarterstaff's handgrip.


Two long blades shot out from both ends turning the staff into a deadly double-tipped spear as she stabbed outwards impaling a Darkling on the end of it.

The reptilian monster screamed and slashed at Michelle with its talons but Michelle ducked away from the blow before ripping the spear out of its side almost slicing it in two. A quick stab to the face finished it off as Michelle leapt forwards with a cry.


Meiling charged forwards leaping onto a golem's back using it as a springboard before throwing herself at one of Darkling's. She slammed it into the ground and wrestled it down, wrapping her arm around its neck as it wailed and struggled.


Ruthlessly, Meiling snapped its neck. The creature instantly went still as Meiling reached for its taloned hands. With a cry, she ripped one of the claws free before hurling it forwards like a dagger.

A Darkling fell, the talon impaled in its eye as Meiling grinned. She rolled away from a Darkling's thrashing tail before legging sweeping it down to the ground.


The Angel turned as Nivaline hurled a sword straight at her. Easily catching the blade, Meiling twirled it in her hands before stabbing the Darkling in the gut. Ripping the sword free from the dying monster, Meiling whirled around to meet her next victim.


Garrett cursed as Xiaolang raised his hands and blasted two Darkling backwards with a single spell.

"GET OUT THERE!" he screamed at the Venom Squad, "KILL THEM!!"

Waving his hands, he sent out a blast of dark energy that instantly disintegrated a row of golems. But the spell seemed to take a lot out of him as Garrett stumbled forwards slightly, his face ashen.

Clutching his chest, he turned to the Venom Squad.

"GO!!" he screamed.

Anthony, Verona, Sakura and Uri surged outside as Garrett collapsed against the wall, gasping for breath.

"Bloody spell took too much…" he coughed.

A golem charged at him but Garrett easily blasted it to dust with a spell but the effort sort him into a frenzied coughing fit.


Cackling Uri slashed forwards tearing chunks out of the golem before landing a powerful kick that sent it stumbling backwards. Leaping over its head, she flipped and landed behind it stabbing her daggers into its neck before ripping them decapitating the golem. It instantly turned to dust as Uri whirled around and attacked another golem.


Armed with a sword, Anthony hacked off a golem's arm before cutting it in half. Pushing through the disintegrating monster, Anthony found himself face-to-face with a monk. The Asian man instantly lashed forwards smacking Anthony in the face. The Cobra Mark cell leader stumbled backwards with a curse before righting himself. The monk fell on him slashing with his own sword as Anthony blocked the blows.

Twisting their swords together, Anthony managed to trap the monk's blade before stepping forwards and punching the man in the face. The monk fell backwards losing the grip on his sword as with a roar, Anthony darted forwards and stabbed at him viciously.

The monk cried out as the blade sank deep in his cut.

"Sorry," Anthony sneered, "I like my skewers without soy sauce."

Kicking the man out of his blade, Anthony faced off against another golem.


Verona was punching a golem in the face fighting it barehanded and winning. Fragments of rock fell out of the golem's face as Verona continued to pound at it. With a final crunching blow, she managed to knock its head straight off before kicking it blowing it to dust. Grabbing a nearby Darkling, the towering Russian woman snapped its arm as the creature screamed in pain. Wrenching the broken limb away from the demon, Verona swung the taloned hands around slicing deep into another golem's face.

Powering forwards, Verona attacked dealing out death wherever she went.

Battleaxe in hand, Sakura jumped over a dying Darkling before swinging her weapon around neatly decapitating a golem. It exploded in a shower of dirt as Sakura leapt forward.


A monk swung his sword at her but Sakura deflected the blow with her own weapon before gracefully spinning around the man. Her leg shot out and landed a hefty one-two blow to his face before cracking him across the head with the flat of her blade.

The monk crumpled to the ground as Sakura spun around gracefully fighting off an incoming golem. Embedding the axe into its gut, Sakura slashed outwards slicing the golem in half.

She spun around, her battleaxe whistling through the air.


A sword shot out blocking her blow.

Sakura blinked.

"Hello Sandra," Xiaolang grinned unpleasantly, "I believe I have a score to settle with you."

Sakura merely bowed, her eyes mocking.

"Then let's get to it," she taunted.

The grin instantly vanished as Xiaolang knocked the axe away and leapt to attack.


Uri grinned.

"Well, here we are again," Uri smirked.

Tomoyo returned her smile, her eyes predatory and calculating. The two women stood across from one another ignoring the chaos all around them as golems, Darklings and monks fought and killed over and over again.

"You know these grudge matches of ours are getting so very tiring," Uri smirked, "I think I need something new… something fresh."

"Oh don't lie. You live for these," Tomoyo shot back raising her dagger.

Uri's eyes flashed and the assassins lunged forwards, her katana-style daggers flashing through the air. Tomoyo blocked both blows before knocking her hands away. Spin kicking the woman to the ground, Tomoyo lunged at her, daggers ready to kill.


Meiling flew backwards as Verona slammed before fists straight into her. The Angel landed with a crunch before slowly climbing to her feet, groaning in pain.

Verona charged straight at her, fists swinging. Meiling danced out of the way barely dodging out of the way.

She kicked Verona in the back causing her to stumble forwards before twirling her sword around in her hands.

"Come on bitch!" Meiling barked out, "This is for Kevin!"

She darted forwards slashing with her hands. Verona's hands shout clapping around the blade and trapping it but Meiling had fought Verona enough times to expect that. The Asian Angel lashed out cracking Verona across her masked force sending the woman stumbling aside. Meiling gritted her teeth in pain as the shock of the blow shot up her arm.

"Okay, time to bring out the big guns," she muttered.

Grabbing her belt, she unhooked the special weapons she had hanging there. Coolly, she slipped the brass knuckles over her fist but they weren't just ordinary brass knuckles. Long two-inch spikes jutted out from the top of each knuckle turning each punch into a deadly four-point stab.

"Let's go," she growled leaping straight at Verona.


A monk went down screaming as a Darkling leapt on him, tearing him to pieces. Nivaline cursed and reduced the Darkling to ashes with a wave of flames. With Heng by her side, the two of them fought their way towards the house.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she could see Tomoyo and Uri lunge at one another sans weapons landing brutal blows on one another. Gritting her teeth, Nivaline forced herself to ignore them as she reached the shattered window where Garrett lay.

The dark mage saw them coming and tried to blast them backwards with a spell but Heng easily deflected it with a shielding spell summoning a glittering silver wall between them.

Nivaline grinned knowing their plan had worked. They had forced his hand with their summoning of the golems, forcing him to use a huge amount of magic to summon an army of his own. Now with his magic flickering, Nivaline felt triumph run through her as she charged forwards.

Garrett lurched to his feet and screamed out a spell. A giant blast of dark water shot out at them but Nivaline tore through it with a wave of fire.

Snarling, Garrett turned tail and dashed into the house as Nivaline and Heng leapt through the broken window and chased after him.


Another monk died as a Darkling punched its taloned fist through his chest. A golem slammed the Darkling away as Michelle darted forwards stabbing the creature in the chest.

Ripping her metal spear free, Michelle had almost no time to react as Anthony fell on her with a cry.

Swinging her staff around, she managed to deflect his blow away before blasting a kick into his chest. Anthony fell backwards as Michelle leapt forwards stabbing forwards with her spear.

Anthony sidestepped the lunge before raking his sword across her arm. Michelle screamed out in pain but held grimly onto her spear. She spun around swinging the staff straight into Anthony's gut.

The man groaned out and keeled over in pain as Michelle charged forwards, kneeing him straight in the face. Anthony fell over backwards as Michelle stabbed down at him.

Anthony rolled away, the long blade slamming down into the ground as Michelle swore and pulled it free.

She was forced to whirl around and fight off an incoming Darkling. Dispatching it with a slash to its throat, Michelle turned back to Anthony but he was gone.

"God damn it!" she snarled, her blue eyes scanning the battlefield for the man.

Finding him nowhere, Michelle shook her head and darted away helping a monk fight off three Darklings at once.

Sakura and Xiaolang duelled furiously, sparks flying from the weapons as metal met metal over and over again.

Sakura hopped over Xiaolang's sword as he swept it at her legs and managed to kick him straight in the face. Xiaolang rolled with the blow ending up on his feet as Sakura swung the battleaxe at him.

Xiaolang easily leapt away from the axe's path but a Darkling wasn't so lucky, the blade slamming into its reptilian face slaying it instantly.

The axe blade wrenched and caught in the creature's face as Sakura tried to free her weapon.

In that split second of struggle, Xiaolang lunged in, swiping the sword at her. Sakura leapt backwards abandoning her weapon as the sword just missed her face.

She let out a gasp of shock as the bottom part of her veil fell away, sliced off neatly as Xiaolang grinned.

"Almost," he smirked before stabbing forwards.

Sakura spun away from the blade and grabbed onto his wrist trapping his arm. Firing a quick punch into his face, Sakura threw him aside before grabbing her axe and finally yanked it free.

Whirling back, she whipped her axe around in a wide arch neatly taking out a golem as Xiaolang ducked the blow. He straightened and shot out a devastating kick, his foot slamming into Sakura's chest.

The dark-haired woman cried out and stumbled backwards as Xiaolang advanced, sword at the ready.

Sakura hit the ground, the air knocked from her lungs. She laid there gasping for breath as Xiaolang towered over her.

"Time to end this," Xiaolang pointed his hand at Sakura, "PARAMENTUM!"

A burst of lighting blue energy shot out at her but Sakura was faster.

"Reverso!" she screamed.

A wave of golden light shot out of her hand and slammed into Xiaolang's spell. The man was forced to leap away as his own attack flew back at him burning a chunk of his hair as it sailed past.

Xiaolang gaped at her.

"You know magic," he whispered.

"What? Surprised?" Sakura smirked, "A girl's gotta learn a few tricks to survive in this crazy world."

Xiaolang pointed his sword at her.

"LIGHTNING!" he commanded in a thundering voice.

Streams of pure electricity whipped across the air at Sakura as the former Angel gritted her teeth.

"DEFLECT!" she screamed shoving her hands forwards.

A wall of golden light slammed into place as Sakura tried to fend off the lighting bolts that threatened to sear her flesh to the bone.


Uri backed away, gasping for breath. Her tongue probed inside her mouth as she suddenly swore and spat out a bloody knocked-out tooth.

"Awww… now you don't have that beautiful smile of yours," Tomoyo taunted as she raised her fists.

Their daggers had long been lost in the fight, both of them reduced to a scrappy brawl fest where everything went.

"Bitch," Uri kicked out, her foot smacking into a pile of dirt that had formerly been a golem.

Tomoyo cried out as grit flew into her eye. Cackling, Uri slammed into her knocking the blinded Angel to the ground before landing punishing blows to her face.

"See I'm wondering," Uri hit her again, "Where is your delightful boyfriend? Did Raven finally grow a pair and manage to kill him? Or did he finally decide to dump your stupid scrawny ass."

She tried to karate chop her in the face but Tomoyo lunged forwards sinking her teeth into Uri's hand. The assassin screamed out in pain as Tomoyo bit down hard drawing blood. Freeing her hand from beneath Uri, Tomoyo slammed the assassin the face knocking her free as she spat the hand out of her mouth. Gagging slightly on the blood, Tomoyo scrubbed at her hands clearing the grit away.

"He's fine… just a little injured after the crap you Venom Squad pulled off. Which by the way," Tomoyo kicked Uri to the ground, "Is why we're so intent on kicking your ass today."

"You mean you're still with him?" Uri taunted, "Even though he's a killer who murdered his way through god knows how many…"

"Oh just shut up!" Tomoyo kicked Uri again knocking her backwards, "This taunting schtick isn't going to work sister so just knock it of…"

A Darkling suddenly slammed into her knocking her to the ground. Tomoyo's head slammed into the ground dazing her as the Darkling reared over her, jaws dripping with bloody. Blinding she lashed out kicking the Darkling's gut knocking it backwards as she rolled to her feet. Leaping into a flip, Tomoyo managed to wrap her legs around its thick neck and with a cry, threw herself backwards bringing the demon down with her.

The Darkling slammed into the ground with a cry as Tomoyo tightened her legs and twisted.

With a dull crack, its neck snapped and the Darkling's eyes went dull.

"Let that be a lesson to you," Tomoyo spat as she slowly climbed to her feet.

"Hey bitch."

Tomoyo looked up. Uri was standing over her triumphantly, a sword picked up from somewhere in her hands.

"Let's see your Marie Antoinette impression," she crowed as she raised her sword ready to chop down on Tomoyo's neck.


Uri's eyes rolled into her head and she instantly crumpled to the ground. Michelle stood behind her, bloodied rock in hand as she grinned.

"Well let's see how you like your new brain damage," she snarled dropping the rock as she helped Tomoyo up.

"That's one down," Tomoyo muttered.

"Four more to go," Michelle watched as Xiaolang and Sakura struggled in their magical duel off to the side.

Meiling and Verona were locked in combat elsewhere firing brutal punches at one another.

Tomoyo sighed.

"Where's Anthony?" she asked.

Michelle stabbed a Darkling through the chest before shrugging.

"No idea, lost him in the crowd."

"Damn. Okay I'll find him. Go help Meiling," Tomoyo pushed her friend away, "Go!"

The two Angels darted off to do battle once more as the chaos continued to rage all around them.


Meiling hit Verona again, the spikes digging into the woman's flesh drawing blood. Ruthlessly, Meiling pounded her again drawing out more blood. By this point, Verona was bleeding from a dozen wounds, the oozing blood sapping her strength as Meiling grinned dodging a blow from the Russian woman.

With a cry, Meiling spun around firing a kick straight in Verona's face knocking her backwards. Pressing her advantage, she fired off two punches cracking into Verona's mask as her spiked brass knuckles drilling deep into the ceramic.

Verona fought her off with a swift punch that crashed into Meiling's shoulder knocking her away.

"Shi…" Meiling righted herself as Verona slammed into her.

Meiling stumbled but recovered, grabbing Verona's wrist as she tried to punch her again. With a cry, Meiling slammed her fist down into the woman's arm.

The spikes were thrust deep into Verona's flesh almost coming out through the other side. For the first time during their fight, Verona reacted thrashing wildly in pain as blood spurted out from the deep penetrating wound. Meiling grinned and tore her brass knuckles away before kicking Verona in the exact spot where her arm met her shoulder.

Then was sickening pop and Meiling felt the arm in her hands go limp. She lunged forwards to finish the match but Verona was quicker head-butting Meiling in the face and knocking her backwards.

A monk leapt out of nowhere, screaming as he slashed down at Verona with his sword. Meiling was dazed but could still see what was about to happen.

"NOOOOOO!!" she screamed trying to stop the man, "DON'T!!"

With her one good arm, Verona batted the man's arm away before slamming her palm into his throat. Meiling cried in horror as the Russian assassin crushed the monk's windpipe, destroying it with brutal force.

The man instantly went limp as foam dribbled out of his mouth. He crumpled to the ground as Verona scooped up his sword.

She turned to Meiling and slowly cracked her neck, each sound a deadly omen.

"Shi…" Meiling's eyes widened as Verona charged straight at her, slashing the air with her sword.

Meiling instantly threw herself backwards as the sword whipped past her. She landed and instantly launched into a backwards flip leaping over another slash. An unlucky Darkling and golem, both engaged in combat were cleaved in two as Verona attacked again.

Gore and sand exploded into the air as Verona kicked the bodies aside and lunged at Meiling, stabbing forwards.

Meiling twisted, the sword missing her and ramming itself through another Darkling. The demon screeched and twisted wildly on the end of the blade as Meiling leapt to the side scooping up an abandoned sword.

Somewhere across the battlefield, she could see Xiaolang launching a burst of lightning at Sandra but the woman was…

"What the hell?" Meiling muttered as she realised Sandra could use magic.

The Venom Squad member had thrown up a shimmering of golden light pushing the lightning back and away. Darklings and golems were being incinerated by the deflected attack as monks scrambled away, running for their lives as burst of lightning set fire to the grass and bushes around them.

Oily black smoke began to roll onto the front lawn turned battlefield obscuring everything. And in that split second of distraction, Verona attacked.

Meiling barely had time to bring up her own sword as Verona's blade crashed down onto hers. The ruby-eyed Angel was sent stumbling backwards by the force of the blow as she struggled to defend herself as Verona continued to hack at her over and over again.


Meiling cried out in horror as Verona's blade slammed down onto her sword jarring her arm but this time the sword sheared straight through the metal leaving Meiling with a useless metal hilt. Her shattered blade fell to the ground as Verona's blade sliced down with incredible speed. Meiling tried to leap away but she was too slow.


She screamed out in pain as Verona's sword bit deep into her hip. Her leg instantly gave out as she crumpled to the ground.

Verona immediately pounced swinging her sword.

Meiling looked up at her in horror knowing that there was no way she could defend herself. She could only wait to die…

The sword flew at her like the Reaper's scythe.

She was going to die…


Michelle gasped in horror as Meiling fell under Verona's attack.

"Meiling!" she shouted but her voice was lost under the roar of the Darklings and the sound of battle.

Moving quickly, she twisted the handle on her staff again.


The blades retracted back turning the double-ended spear into a quarterstaff again. Dashing forwards, Michelle kicked a Darkling away as it tried to attack her. With a cry, she dug the blunt end of the staff into the soil and leapt with all her might.

Pole-vaulting over the heads of the golems, Darklings and monks, Michelle landed right next to Verona and instantly lashed out with her staff praying it would be enough.



A metal staff flew into Meiling's dazed view knocking the sword away.
"Get up!" Michelle barked, "Get up!"

The blonde-haired Angel twisted her staff knocking the sword to the ground before slamming the end of it into Verona's face.

The Russian assassin stumbled backwards.

"Get up!" Michelle screamed at Meiling.

"You saved me," Meiling murmured, obviously out of it, "You saved me."

"Yeah, now repay me by getting the hell up!" Michelle screamed.

Meiling slowly climbed to her feet, her eyes still slightly unfocused as Verona lunged forwards again. Michelle tried to smack her away with the staff but Verona caught it in her good hand and swung wildly.

Michelle was sent flying, losing her grip on the staff as she slammed into a golem pushing it into a Darkling. The monstrous reptile immediately tore it to shreds before grabbing Michelle.

The Angel struggled with the monster as metres away from her Verona advanced on Meiling, quarterstaff in hand.

Meiling raised her brass-knuckled fists, every muscle in her body screaming in pain and waited.

The attack came quickly and viciously. Verona stabbed forwards with the staff, Meiling spun away but Verona anticipated the move and swung the staff to the side smacking her heavily in the ribs. Meiling yelped out in pain and almost tripped over her own foot.

Stumbling, she righted herself as Verona came at her, her useless arm dangling by her side as the other held the staff high above.

Verona swept the staff down, Meiling jumping away as the staff slammed into the ground.

With a cry, Meiling leapt forwards grabbing onto the end of the staff as Verona tried to yank it back towards her.

The two sworn enemies struggled to overpower the other, pulling the staff between them. But the long fight had gotten to Meiling and it was starting to show. Verona began to pull the staff slowly towards her as the Asian Angel clung on grimly, digging her heels in trying to yank the weapon away.

Verona gave one mighty pull and Meiling was jerked off the end. But she retaliated quickly, grabbing hold of the staff again and shoving it forwards. Verona stumbled as the end of the staff slammed into her gut.

"Gotcha!" Meiling moved to repeat the attack but Verona had already recovered.

The Russian woman clamped her hand around the staff stopping Meiling from driving it forwards. They struggled again, the end of the staff resting against Verona's gut as Meiling tried to jab her with it again.

"MEILING!!" Michelle blasted the Darkling she was fighting with away with a kick, "THE BLADE! THE BLADE!!"

Meiling's eyes widened as Michelle's words slammed into her head. Sending Verona a nasty smile, Meiling spun away from the staff's end and lunged forwards grabbing hold of staff's middle where the handgrip was.

"Sorry V," the Angel drawled, "But I've just gotta stick it to you."

Meiling twisted the handle.


Verona's head snapped back in a soundless roar of pain as the long blades shot out from the staff's ends. The razor sharp spearhead slammed into her gut, cutting deep as blood instantly gushed out from the gaping mortal wound.

With the blade embedded in her gut, Verona stumbled forwards, still clutching the staff.

Meiling backed away as blood sprayed from the large wound.

The Russian woman tripped forwards and sealed her fate.

Michelle and Meiling let out twin cries of horror and looked away as Verona fell on the staff driving it deeper into her. Time seemed to slow as Verona slumped to the side, the double bladed quarterstaff impaled through her body.

The body twitched and finally went still.

Meiling gaped at her.

"Oh my god… she's dead," Meiling whispered almost not believing it.

After almost four years of fighting the Venom squad assassin Meiling was left stunned to see that the woman had finally fallen.


"Come on!" Michelle grabbed Meiling and spun her around, "We've got to stop the other members!"

Meiling shook herself and instantly leapt back into the fray as all around Verona's cooling body, the battle raged on.



Garrett flung his arm forwards and the knives, suspended in the air by his magic, instantly lanced forwards becoming a deadly barrage of razor sharp metal.

"MOVE!" Heng screamed waving his hand.

The fridge immediately leapt from its place and spun in front of them, the knives slamming into its metal body.

Nivaline and Heng had caught up with Garrett in the kitchen and an all out magical fight was in progress.

The dark mage wheezed and clutched his chest as Nivaline grinned wickedly.

"Awww… does the lil' baby want a nap?" she taunted.

Garrett glared at her.

"DARFLAMIUS!" he bellowed.

The kitchen stove promptly exploded propelling long tongues fire at Nivaline and Heng.


Nivaline pointed at the fridge and it burst open, unleashing a veritable blizzard from its depth. It collided with the fire instantly extinguishing the flames as Garrett clapped his hands together.

The floor beneath Nivaline and Heng exploded tossing them backwards into the wall as Garrett screamed out an unknown word.

Electrical wiring burst out from the walls, moving like serpents as they wrapped themselves around Nivaline and Heng binding them up. Nivaline choked as one cable wrapped itself around her neck, cutting off her hair.

Heng instantly acted.

"STILLAMA!" he shouted.

The cables went limp and fell away from them as Garrett pointed his hands at them.

"You're starting to get on my nerves!" the dark mage howled.

A stream of crackling dark energy slammed into Heng sending him into fits of screaming pain as Nivaline glared at Garrett.

A burst of green light sent the dark mage flying across the room. He crashed into a table and lay amidst the debris, face pale and drenched with sweat as he fought for breath.

"HUO!" Nivaline sent a burst of flame at him but Garrett snapped his fingers.

He disappeared in a puff of dark smoke, the flame setting the remnants of the table alit.

Garrett instantly reappeared in the doorway leading into the kitchen and flung his arm forwards.

"Stop trying to fight me and just die already!" he bellowed.

Nivaline and Heng both let out cries of shock as an invisible force gripped their bodies and sent them flying up towards the ceiling. They slammed into the ceiling, back first as the invisible force pinned them down leaving them helpless.

"Now, just lay there like good boys and girls and just burn," Garrett pointed at the fire burning in the kitchen and it immediately flared up becoming a giant inferno.

Whirling around, he stormed away from the kitchen as Nivaline and Heng lay helplessly trapped against the ceiling as the flames reared up ready to devour them.


Sakura let out a cry of effort and shoved the lightning away. The attack split and broke up sending sparks flying in every direction.

Darklings and golems were instantly incinerated as the refracted attack tore through their bodies. The smell of burning flesh swept through the battlefield causing all the humans to choke violently.

Sakura slowly lowered her hand, gasping with exertion. Xiaolang glared at her, a trail of blood falling from his nose.

"Getting a little stressed there Xiaolang?" Sakura managed to cough out.

Xiaolang glared at her and wiped the blood away with the back of his hands.

"Not even a little."

His hand whipped forwards ready to unleash another attack but Sakura struck first. A bolt of golden energy shot out from the tips of her fingers and slammed into Xiaolang's chest knocking him backwards.

The dark-haired assassin instantly leapt forwards landing a brutal crescent kick to his head. Xiaolang fell to the side as Sakura lashed out again with a snap kick. The blow connected and sent him stumbling onto his back.

"Just give up," Sakura growled.

Before Xiaolang could even react, Sakura placed the heel of her foot on his throat, digging in slightly. The amber-haired mage wheezed and began to move but Sakura pressed down harder instantly sealing off his airway.

"Place nicely or you lose oxygen," Sakura warned.

She released her foot slightly as Xiaolang coughed and glared at her.

"Hey bitch," he snarled, "Watch your back."

Sakura's eyes widened.


A golem punched her straight in the back of the head sending her flying. Sakura twisted through the air shooting off a blast of magic that tore through the magical earthy creature. The golem promptly exploded into a cascade of soil and rock as Sakura landed awkwardly on her feet, instantly falling to her knees.

Xiaolang was there, kicking out. The devastating blow connected with her shoulder twisting her to the ground.

With a cry, Xiaolang tried to a reverse kick slamming the heel down towards her chest. Sakura's arm shot out and grabbed his foot.

"PARESTHESIA!" she screamed out.

Gold light burst from her fingertips and shot out Xiaolang's leg. The man yelped out in shock as numbness seeped through his muscles like ice, melting all strength away. Sakura threw his heel away throwing him backwards before flipping back onto her feet.

Xiaolang tried to steady himself but one leg was partially paralysed unable to take his wait. He stumbled on it and almost fell flat on his face but recovered hopping slightly on his other foot.

Sakura smirked at him.

"You look ridiculous," she taunted.

Xiaolang merely shot her a cold calculating smile.

"You look like a bird," he raised his hands.

Sakura moved to deflect the attack away but she was a fraction too slow. A huge rippling wave of green energy ripped through the air tossing Darklings and golems away in its path before slamming into Sakura.

A scream was ripped out of her throat as she was sent flying through the air with incredible speed. A stunned silence fell over the battlefield as everyone watched the Venom Squad assassin sail through the air and crashed straight through the front door of the house.

The door splintered under the blow as Sakura blasted through the doorway and slammed into a wall leaving a sizeable crater in the plaster. With a moan, she flopped on the ground face first, blood flowing freely from the numerous cuts on her body.

Xiaolang grinned and pointed at his paralysed leg. The feeling quickly returned as confidently, he strode through the chaotic battle and casually entered the house.

"Well, Sandra," he raised his hands as crackling green energy gathered between his fingers, "This doesn't like good for a dark-haired villain."

He pointed them at the downed Sakura.

"Let's hear you scream."

A jet of green energy ripped through Sakura's body. She convulsed wildly as her piercing scream rang through the house.


Tomoyo danced around a Darkling's wild slashes before darting in and socking it in the face. The dark lizard-like monster fell to the ground as Tomoyo glanced around.

Her jaw dropped in shock as she saw Xiaolang launch a massive spell at Sandra. She watched, awed, as the assassin went flying crashing into the house.

"Ouch," she winced.

Shaking her head, she turned back to the battle and tried to spot Anthony through the bedlam.

A glimpse of dark hair instantly drew her attention as Tomoyo grinned. She instantly darted towards the tall leader of the Venom Squad punching anything that got in her way.

Anthony was fighting off a golem, slashing at it wildly with his sword as blood ran freely from a cut on his cheek. With a snarl, he sliced the earth monster's head off turning it into an explosion of sand. He whirled around ready to face his next opponent and stopped seeing Tomoyo's grinning face.

"If you don't mind me saying so Anthony, I gotta say," Tomoyo's smile turned perfectly evil, "It's not look good for your merry band of idiots."

"Well then," Anthony pointed his sword at her, "Let's even out the score."

Tomoyo grinned and raised her hand beckoning him towards her. With a cry, Anthony lunged forwards trying to impale her on the end of his sword but Tomoyo was way faster, spinning away. She ducked as Anthony's sword went flying past overhead. As soon as it swept past her body, she launched into a horizontal spinning kick knocking the sword out of the man's hand.

Anthony was left gaping as his sword was sent flying into the melee around them and was instantly lost. Tomoyo landed gracefully from her spin and gave him a little bow.

"Come on Anthony," Tomoyo taunted, "Let's have a real fight."

Anthony cocked his head to the side.

"Let's not."

He whipped a gun out from his belt and pointed it at her. Tomoyo's eyes widened.


Bullets ripped through the air around her as Tomoyo hit the ground covering her head as Anthony fired wildly. The shots stopped and Tomoyo looked up anxiously but the man was gone.

She cursed wildly.



Nivaline and Heng struggled wildly trying to pull themselves free from the magical bonds Garrett had put them under but it was hopeless. The flames reared up getting closer and closer, the heat almost becoming unbearable as both of them began coughing violently, the smoke invading every pore on their lung.

"God damn it," Nivaline wheezed.

She tried to move her hand, tried to come up with a spell to free them or extinguish the flames but the smoke was getting to her, slowing down her thoughts and reflexes.

"Heng?" she coughed out.

The man merely groaned in response.


Nivaline and Heng both blinked in surprise as the kitchen door suddenly exploded inwards.

Sandra flew across the room and slammed into the kitchen bench before crashing to the ground.

"Had enough?" Xiaolang demanded strolling through the door, energy dancing between his fingers.

Sandra merely groaned and tried to move limbs but the movements were slowed and laboured.

"XIAOLANG!" Nivaline bellowed.

Shocked, the man turned towards the woman and gaped as the situation she and Heng was in and in that split second of distraction, Sandra reared up and attacked.

"ATTACK!" she screamed pointing at the raging fire.

The flames instantly leapt at Xiaolang like a living beast, spitting sparks and belching smoke. The amber-eyed mage leapt backwards as the inferno clawed at him, sending streaks of flames at his body.

Sandra smirked as Xiaolang was forced to do an awkward little side shuffle to avoid being incinerated to the spot.

"So Nivaline," Sandra asked the pinned down woman, "How long do you think he'll last? Two minutes? One? Wanna put some money on it? I'll give you good odds."

Nivaline glared at her.

"Go to hell you sadistic bitch!" she shot back.

Sandra rolled her eyes.

"That's the best you got?" she muttered, "Because… ouch. Not."

She snapped her fingers at the fire and it instantly reacted pulling together into a long painfully bright coil of crackling flame.

"Attack my pretty attack!" she cackled pointing at Xiaolang.

The coil of fire swayed through the air like a deadly cobra, moving with slow cold purpose as Xiaolang held up his hands, energy collecting in his palms.

"ANTOSTILLAMATO!" he bellowed.

Sandra's smile fell as he launched the spell not at her fiery creation but at Nivaline and Heng. She whirled around and held up her hands to block the enchantment but could only watch in horror as the blue energy washed over the helplessly trapped duo.

"NO!" she screamed.

Garrett's spell immediately vanished, the invisible force holding Nivaline and Heng to the ceiling melting away into nothingness. With a cry, the two of them fell to the ground, crashing into the tiles with painful force. But both of them instantly leapt back up to their feet, ready to do battle.

Sandra instantly whirled around looking for an exit but Xiaolang smirked at her, cutting her off, even as her fire spell inched closer towards him.

She whipped back towards Nivaline and Heng and swore as she realised she was cornered.

"Heng. Xiaolang," Nivaline pointed at her dangerously, "Let's show Sandra what real magic feels like."

"NOW!" Heng bellowed.

Sandra let out a scream as three jets of crackling energy lanced out from the three mages. The triple attack ripped through her, sending her slim figure into wild convulsions as the magical maelstrom coursed through her body.

The massive amount of magic hit critical force with devastating results.


In a huge explosion of white light, Sandra was blasted backwards, crashing straight through the kitchen wall leaving a giant hole behind.

Her fire spell instantly vanished, turning in on itself and disappearing in a puff of smoke. In the silence that followed, Xiaolang cautiously approached the gaping hole in the wall. He poked his head through.

Sandra was lying on the ground surrounded by broken bits of plaster and wood, out cold as her body continued to twitch with the aftershocks of being hit with three different spells. Blood oozed lazily from a deep cut on her forehead.

She was definitely out for the count.

"Sandra's knocked out from the industrial sized ass whooping we just gave her," Xiaolang reported as he retracted his head from the hole.

"Good," Nivaline smiled, "Now… let's get Garrett and that tablet."

Nodding, Xiaolang darted out of the kitchen as Nivaline and Heng hurried to catch up.


Anthony was not a fighting man. He maybe arrogant but he wasn't deluded and that's why he was doing all he could to stay out of the Angels' way. He cursed as he spotted Meiling punching her way through the chaos, looking for him.

He hurriedly darted off in a different direction slicing anything that got in his way. As a golem stumbled backwards, armless from his latest attack, Anthony came to a halt and stared.

"No. No. NO!" Anthony screamed, his voice lost in the battle all around him.

He stumbled forwards, his dark eyes disbelieving.

Verona was dead, lying in a pool of her own blood as sunlight glinted off the metal staff impaled through her body.

"Those bitches!" Anthony seethed.

Screaming in rage, he whipped around and stabbed his sword into a nearby Darkling slaying it instantly. For a few seconds, he was lost in a tide of overwhelming fury lashing out without thought, killing anything that approached. Slowly his wrath subsided as his sword dipped and fatigue screamed up his arm.

"I'll get them back for this," he swore looking at Verona's body, "Don't you worry. You'll get your revenge in hell."

Turning away from the downed Venom Squad assassin, Anthony's eyes darted around the battlefield looking for his fellow assassins. He knew Sandra was in the house having witnessed her being blasted by magic into the building.

He prayed the dark-haired woman was all right. He couldn't avoid to lose another person in this battle.

A shock of light blue hair caught his eyes as Anthony paled. Fighting his way through the ranks of monsters tearing at each other and monks fighting for their lives, Anthony's eyes widened as he noticed a trio of Darklings bent over Uri's prone body, their claws inches from her skin.

"BACK OFF YOU BASTARDS!!" he screamed, "BACK OFF!"

He lunged forwards slashing wildly with his sword. A Darkling went down, a gaping wound in its throat as Anthony whirled on the other two. The dark lizards slashed out at him but Anthony was quicker. He sidestepped the attack and chopped out, instantly slicing off one of the Darkling's arm. The demon screamed and jerked backwards, blood jetting out from its handless stump. It convulsed wildly sending blood flying everywhere.

The other Darkling cried out as blood sprayed into its eyes blinding it. Anthony instantly darted forwards hacking at its face dispatching it in a frenzied attack. The injured Darkling instantly turned tail and ran for its life as Anthony spat at the ground.

"You better not be dead," he warned the unconscious Uri, "Because I did not risk my life to save a dead woman."

He knelt down and pressed a finger against her neck. A weak pulse thrummed against his fingertips as Anthony let out a long sigh of relief.

He turned back to the fight just in time to see Tomoyo fight off three Darklings and finish them off with dagger thrusts to the gut.

"Damn it," Anthony cursed.

He turned to Uri.

"Any fool can see this battle's over," Anthony carefully draped Uri's arm across his shoulder, "No point in fighting on."

He slowly stood up supporting Uri against him as the blue-haired woman groaned, blood still dripping from her wounds.

"Come on," Anthony gripped his sword tightly, "Let's the get the hell out of here."

Moving as fast as he could, Anthony dragged his fellow assassin from the battle.


Garrett sprinted through the house, throwing glances behind him as he ran.

"OPEN!" he bellowed snapping out his finger.

The back door blew open as Garrett stumbled through the doorway. He leapt down the stairs leading to the dried up lawn outside, instantly heading for the metal link fences on the far side.

As he ran, he closed his eyes and concentrated trying to pool his magic, trying one last desperate spell.

He instantly fell to the ground, let out a great wheezing cough.

"Damn it," he gasped hoarsely.

"Not enough energy to do a teleport spell eh?" Xiaolang appeared at the back door, "Too bad."

Garrett slowly crawled to his feet, his eyes darting back towards the fence. But before he could move, a wall of shimmering green fire sent over the metal links turning the fence into an impenetrable barrier of burning flames.

"Don't think so," Nivaline wagged her fingers at him.

"So three on one? And I thought you were the honourable guys," Garrett spat.

"You preaching about honour?" Heng raised an eyebrow, "I find that slightly ironic."

Garrett growled at him and punched the air with his fist. The slim Asian man was instantly knocked onto his back as an invisible force slammed into his stomach.

Nivaline and Xiaolang instantly lashed out sending out a wave of rainbow-coloured light.

Garrett stomped his feet and the earth instantly responded, a dark crevasse splitting across the grass as a huge boulder leapt up from deep underground. The magical spell slammed into the rock and promptly exploded hurling smoking debris everywhere but Garrett stood unharmed.

"This should be fun," Nivaline said dryly.

She raised her hands and pulled one of them back as though she was clutching a bow and arrow. With a cry, she pointed it up at the sky and released her fingers. A shimmering arrow of pale light shot up into the bright morning sun. As it arced through the top of its trajectory and aimed back down at the earth, the arrow flashed and instantly multiplied itself until a veritable rain of arrows lanced down towards Garrett.

The dark mage screamed and clapped his hands together.

The arrows turned into huge dark crows that whirled around and descended onto Xiaolang, Nivaline and Heng who was slowly get up off the ground.

"LIGHTNING!" Xiaolang cried.

Tendrils of electricity shot out from his hand instantly enveloping a dozen crows. The lighting jumped and arced from crow to crow until every single was one was caught up in a giant net of crackling energy.

With a thundering roar, the lightning exploded turning each crow into a pile of ash.

"UMBRATANA!" Garrett commanded in a booming voice.

Dark light exploded from his chest as Garrett stumbled backwards, coughing wildly. The light twisted and morphed, flattening and elongating. The light seemed to condense and thicken until it resembled dark thick ink. Garrett laughed and held out his hands and the black liquid instantly leapt to his arm, merging his with skin.

"What the…"

"Say hello to pain," Garrett pointed his darkness infected hand at them.

Instantly the darkness exploded forwards sending out massive tentacles of the same dark substance out. The tentacles whipped through the air as Nivaline, Xiaolang and Heng leapt away from the door.

The darkness crashed into the house and ripped the brick and plaster to shreds as though it was cardboard. The tentacles quickly reversed their direction and shot off towards the three mages as Garrett smiled.

"You cannot escape from this attack," he taunted, "Soon you will be overwhelmed by the power of my spell!"

Nivaline sent a burst of green fire at the tentacles heading towards her but they easily ploughed through the attack. The tentacles convulsed and exploded sending out more tendrils of darkness as Nivaline cried out in shock.

The tentacles slammed into her, entangling her limbs as Nivaline struggled wildly. She opened her mouth to scream but the tentacles were like snake moving quickly and viciously.

Xiaolang and Heng both let out cries of horror as one of the tentacles darted forwards and plunged deep into Nivaline's mouth. The blonde-haired woman struggled wildly as Garrett laughed victoriously.

Darkness seemed to leak out like blood from every pore in Nivaline's body. Thick dark inky liquid spurted from his nose and ears, oozing from her corner of her eyes. Xiaolang and Heng cried out Nivaline's name and rushed to help her but had to hurriedly back off as the tentacles swayed towards them, ready to attack.

With a final choked scream, Nivaline's body went limp. The tentacles dropped her prone body to the ground as they swivelled towards the two remaining mages.

The green fiery wall conjured up by Nivaline vanished from existence as Garrett smiled.

"Good," he smirked.

His eyes drifted to the darkness gripping his hand.

"Kill them," he commanded.

The tentacles shot forwards with incredible speed, rocketing through the air at Heng and Xiaolang.

Heng took a few steps backwards, his face pale but Xiaolang was unafraid.

"You're not the only person who can conjure up the forces of nature," Xiaolang smirked.

"So?" Garrett shot back, "Darkness is the greatest power nature possesses, devouring all that comes in its path. Surely even a pathetic amateur like you knows that."

"No, there is one thing darkness fears," Xiaolang raised his fingers, "Fire."

Red flames instantly exploded from his fingertips and whipped around Xiaolang in raging inferno. Heng gaped at the mage as Xiaolang stood amongst the fire, a fierce look of focus on his face.

"Kami of the fire, I call upon you!" he commanded, "Bring forth your strongest creation and burn the darkness before me. FIRE!"

The flames whipped forwards colliding in the shadowy tentacles. Garrett bared his teeth and opened his hands sending out more of the dark tarry liquid out but the fire raged even brighter.

Xiaolang smiled coldly at Garrett.

"My name in Chinese means little wolf," he said in a low deadly voice, "Time to show you why."

His eyes flicked back to the fire.

"Reveal your true form! Lang!"

An ear splitting howl pierced the air as the flames took form. Four burning paws dug deep into the earth incinerating grass and turning sand into glass. A long tail of rippling, crackling flames wagged lazily sending waves of superheated air into its surroundings. Burning red eyes looked over a long snout lined with teeth of fire.

The giant fire wolf howled and plunged fearlessly into the shadows as Xiaolang laughed.

Garrett screamed as the fire-wolf lunged forwards clamping down on the tarry tentacles with its fiery teeth. The tentacles writhed in pain, splattering dark ink everywhere. The wolf howled and the tentacles withered, boiling away into nothing as Garrett took one hesitating step backwards.

The fire-wolf leapt forwards and slammed straight into the dark mage. The shadow clinging to the mage's hands instantly rippled and melted, steam pour of its inky formless body.

Gripping Garrett's shirt in its burning teeth, the wolf reared backwards and with a mighty heave of its head sent the dark mage flying.

Garrett slammed into the fence, his flesh burning before crumpling to the ground. The shadowy substance on his fingers trembled and instantly disintegrated until only blistered skin was left.

The mage tried to pull himself up but his arms trembled and failed as Garrett collapsed onto the ground and into darkness.

Xiaolang smiled.

"Good job,' he nodded at the fire-wolf.

The beast howled and vanished in a burst of light.

Across the yard, Nivaline let out a low painful moan.

"Elder!" Heng dashed towards her as Xiaolang spat at the dark mage.

"Is she alright?" Xiaolang asked turning back to Heng who was helping Nivaline up.

"She's peachy," Nivaline groaned out.

Her green-blue eyes fell onto Garrett's prone body.

"He's finished?"
"He's finished," Xiaolang confirmed.

"Good," Nivaline let out a low cough, "Now let's get that Clow Reed tablet back."

Helping the woman along, the three mages went back into the house.


Sakura slowly opened her eyes and moaned.

"You're awake good," Anthony nodded.

"What happened?" Sakura slowly pulled herself up, her body screaming in pain.

She blinked seeing the destruction all around her.

"We lost," Anthony said bluntly, "The Darkling things just faded a second ago so I'm guessing Garrett lost. We need to get out of here now."

Anthony and Sakura froze as the sound of footsteps came towards them. Anthony dove behind a couch as Sakura slumped back to the ground, pretending to be out cold.

Xiaolang and Heng moved passed the doorway, supporting Nivaline between them. As they disappeared Sakura got back up as Anthony reappeared from behind the couch.

"Find Garrett and drag him towards the secret garage," Anthony told her, "Uri's already inside the car."


"Dead," Anthony spat.

Sakura gaped at him.

"Wha… how?" she whispered frantically.

"Let's worry about that later. Now go!"

Anthony darted off into the house as Sakura slowly climbed to her feet, her limbs shaking. Taking a long deep breath, Sakura steadied herself and moved quickly towards the back of the house.


"Damn," Tomoyo cursed as she carefully closed the dead monk's eyes.

"What's the causality so far?" Meiling asked grimly.

"Four," Tomoyo said sadly slowly standing up.

The golems were gone reduced back to unformed piles of sand and soil as the remnants of a huge battle littered the yard and concrete around them.

Michelle ran up to them.

"Uri!" she said frantically, "I can't find her! She's gone!"

Tomoyo and Meiling stared at her.


The three Angels whirled around. Suddenly from the side of the house, one of the walls exploded outwards as something heavy burst straight through the plaster and wood. A dark van hit the road with a thundering crash as its engines roared.

Before they could take another step, the van sped off, wheels bouncing across the uneven ground.

They could only watch in horror as the van fishtailed around a corner and disappear from sight leaving only a trail of noxious smoke and tyre tracks behind.

"Oh come on!" Meiling yelled in disgust, "You've got to be…"

Xiaolang appeared in the ruined doorway of the former safehouse.

"Sandra! Garrett! They're gone!" he shouted angrily.

"Yeah," Tomoyo threw up her hands in frustration, "We know!"

"Well," Michelle sighed, "At least it wasn't a complete waste."

She pointed at Verona's body.

"That's one down."

"And this," Nivaline appeared beside Xiaolang, still supported by Heng.

"Is that?" Michelle's voice trailed off.

"The stone tablet!" Meiling's eyes widened recognising the artefact Garrett had seized back in China.

Nivaline smiled weakly and clutched it to her chest. A silence fell over the group as they surveyed the devastation all around them.

"Sooo…" Michelle's voice trailed off, "Anyone up for a movie?"


Anthony drove wildly, darting from lane to lane as Sakura swore her slight body being banged from side to side.

"Drive properly you idiot!" she screamed.

Anthony glared at her but slowed down immediately. Sakura turned back to Uri carefully peeled her eyelids back.

"She's unconscious, probably got a concussion but I think that's it," Sakura sighed, "We need to get to a hospital."

She pointed at Garrett's prone body who was also sprawled out in back of the van.

"And he's got some nasty burns that need looking after."

"We can't," Anthony gritted his teeth.

"Well of course not a public hospital. Too many questions but how bout one of the hospital Cobra Mark controls?" Sakura asked, "Can't we…"

"We can't," Anthony repeated.

"Why not?" Sakura demanded.

"Let's just say the higher ups at Cobra Mark aren't happy bout the fact we've been following Garrett around of late," Anthony snarled, "They've been on my ass asking me to do some proper work."

"We've got a new target?" Sakura demanded.

"No," Anthony slowed the van at a red light, "I think they want to remind us who's boss. They want to see me tomorrow."

"See you?" Sakura paled.

She knew a little about how Cobra Mark worked. There were several different cells spread out throughout the world, each operating independently of each other only peripherally aware of the other cells' existence.

However every organization had a boss and the Cobra Mark's was a mysterious group known only as the Controllers.

"The Controllers? They want to see you?" Sakura questioned.

She had heard stories about members of Cobra Mark being dragged up to see the Controllers when they were displeased… the stories never ended well.

"Yeah, tomorrow," Anthony disengaged the brakes and the van started moving forwards again, "So cross your fingers."

He stared grimly out the window.

"Cos I might be dead by tomorrow."



The young nurse in training turned around.

"Yes?" Beth fought the urge to bow at the senior nurse who had a serious look on her face.

"Didn't I tell you to check the monitors in room 242?" Danielle asked.

Beth cleared her throat nervously.

"Well… I was going to but Mr. Jensen needed a…" the excuses died away at the looking the nurse shot her.


Danielle looked like she was ready to kill her.

"Mam," Beth swallowed heavily.

"Do it. Now."

"Right away!"

Beth darted off, glad to be away from the disapproving look the senior nurse was sending in her direction. Taking a deep steadying breath, Beth walked down the hallway towards room 242.

She knocked at the closed door then froze, embarrassed.

"Jeez smooth Beth," she muttered, "Of course the comatose patient can hear you."

Shaking her head at her own stupidity, Beth opened the door and stepped inside. As usual, the tall dark-haired man was lying on the hospital bed, his eyes still firmly closed.

Monitors beeped and pinged all around him, keeping track of his vital signs.

Fighting down her still jittery nerves, Beth stepped forwards and did a quick check of the monitors. Noting down the data in the patient file hanging off the end of the bed.

Dropping the chart on the man's lap, Beth carefully peeled back the blanket and pulled his shirt up checking the wound in his stomach.

Thankfully the bandage was clean meaning the bleeding had finally stopped. Beth couldn't help but wondered how this man had come to be in this position. He had appeared out of nowhere, dragged out of a rubbish heap with serious stabs wounds to his stomach.

He had been rushed to the hospital and even with a whole team of surgeons working on him. It had been touch and go for a while but the man was a fighter and he was slowly recovering.

Biting her lip, Beth moved to peel back to the bandages to see how the wounds were healing.

Suddenly a hand clamped around her wrist as Beth jumped in shock.

"Pl… please…"

Beth gaped at the man, noticing despite her shock his eyelids were slowly fluttering open.

"A phone…" the man managed to croak, " I need to…"

Beth continued to stare at him, trying to make sense of what was happ…"

"I need to call… Sakura is…"

Beth blinked and finally found her voice.


As the sound of footsteps pounded towards her, Beth stared at the man down in shock.

Jonathan Blackly finally opened his eyes and stared up at the woman staring down at him.

"Umm…" Beth cleared her throat, "Hi?"


Next chapter:

The truth comes out as Jonathan Blackly wakes up and contacts the CIA about Sakura. Chance and fate collide together bringing Sakura face to face with an old friend who just might end her days as a Cobra Mark Assassin. Find out how the lies finally come to light in... Fugitive