Disclaimer: Curse that evil writer! Keeping them all for herself! How selfish can u be!

Chapter 8: Confessions

"What do you mean?" Kagome asked her in a confused sort of voice, trying to play dumb. "A demon? There's no such thing, Ayumi."

"Don't you give me that crap Kagome! I know you well enough to know when your lying. And you're getting pretty good at it, aren't you!" Ayumi accused. Kagome was literally stunned. "Oh, you don't know? Okay, well how about your skipping school for months at a time? And the billions of diseases that you miraculously get each month? (Kagome; FINALLY! ONE OF MY FRIENDS HAS A BRAIN!) and your huge depression every time you decide to show your face in school? You are always acting like you have something to hide, and you never open up to me anymore! Then all of a sudden you show up in the mall with two demons, and you still don't tell me what's going on! I demand an answer!"

No one said anything Kagome was speechless. Now what? She had absolutely no idea what she was going to say. After a few seconds she decided that playing stupid wouldn't work…but it was the only thing she could think of that didn't involve sitting down and talking for days about all the stuff that was going on. So she decided to stick with stupid.

"Demons? Come on, Ayumi. Don't tell me you are listening to old lady Kimisa again! You know she just tells the children that to get them to behave!"

"Oh, ya! Then what are these!" Ayumi jumped up and grabbed Inuyasha's hat, throwing it across the room, revealing two fluffy white doggie ears.

"Oh…those…those are"

Ayumi watched her friend in disappointment. "You've changed." She looked at everyone else, who were remaining silent after Ayumi's accusation. "They've changed you. A year ago you would have never kept something from me." She watched Kagome sadly. "I don't know what's going on but I wish you would tell me."

Kagome was getting the full guilt trip, And it was working. She raised her eyes from her feet, where she had been staring for the last little while, and looked sceptically at Ayumi, "How did you know?" she asked softly.

"Oh, right, like watching him talk with the dog wasn't clue enough." She laughed dryly. Princess chose at that moment to appear at her master's side, tilting her head so that it would be easier for Ayumi to rub her ears. Ayumi laughed again and scratched her.

"Seriously, Ayumi! How did you find out?"

"Ah ah! I'm not telling you my story till you tell me yours!" Ayumi told her firmly.

Kagome sighed, beckoning to the couch down the hall. "You'd better sit down. This…this may take a while."


"AH! Inuyasha! I'm so sorry!" Kagome apologized quickly, trying to help him up from the hard tiled floors.

He merely glowered at her, raising his head off the ground. "Would you mind not doing that, wench! This ain't exactly a fun thing to do ya know!"

Kagome glared at him. "It was an accident!"

"Well ya should know by now not to use that danm word in casual conversation!" he snapped at her, "Its bad enough you do this to me whenever you're pissed, but you don't need ta 'accidentally' spit it out five times a day!"

"I said I was sorry! Just let it go!"

Ayumi coughed, interrupting their little argument, an utterly confused look in her eyes. "Is anyone going to fill me in on anything?"

Kagome sighed, sensing a large explanation coming soon. "I told you this would take a while."

"My parents won't be home for a bit. We got time!" Ayumi told her, leading them into her living room. Everyone sat down awkwardly, all except for Princess, who went over to each of them in turn for a pet, then laid herself down comfortably on the rug. Her brown eyes were also watching Inuyasha and Kagome with great curiousity.

Kagome wasn't sure where she should start. "Well, what do you want to know first?"

Ayumi looked at her funny. "Lets start with 'What is a demon doing here' and 'how did he get here' shall we?"

Here goes nothing. "Well…I don't really know how to put this…but you have to promise you will hear me out before you jump to any conclusions.

"I promise! Now tell me already."

"Fine. I may as well get straight to the point on this." She took a deep breath, "Inuyasha and the others are…from the past."

"From the past?" Ayumi repeated, confused.

"Yup." She told her, "That's where I always am…in the feudal era. The well at my family's shrine is somehow a time portal that leads to 500 years into the past."

"Really?" Ayumi asked in astonishment. "How does that work?"

"I'm not really sure" Kagome admitted. "It just does I guess. I never really gave it much thought. I think it has something to do with the jewel shards, but I'm not positive."

"JEWEL SHARDS?" Ayumi cried out in astonishment. Did I just here what I thought I heard?

"I knew this was going to take a while." Kagome sighed

"This is how it works. The Sacred Shikon Jewel is a powerful jewel that will increase the power of whichever demon or human possesses it. But a little under two years ago, Kagome broke it with her sacred arrow, shattering it into thousands of pieces. That's what she has been doing in our era…collecting the shards of the jewel with us." Miroku explained.

Ayumi nodded in awe "You are serious then? You really have shards of the Shikon Jewel…do you have them with you right now?" Kagome lifted the bottle up to show her, and Ayumi's eyes almost popped out of her head "Wow…I thought those were just a family legend."

"What do you mean?" Sango asked her curiously.

Realizing what she had said, Ayumi clamped a hand over her mouth. "Woops. I shouldn't have said that."

"Come on, Ayumi! We just told you our story, so you have to tell us yours. Like, how you knew about me!" Inuyasha said curtly.

Ayumi glared at him. "I'll tell you. But you cant panic or attack me!" She said sternly, wavering a finger at Inuyasha.

"Me, panic? Never. Panicking is a weak human emotion."


Inuyasha's Rosary glowed brightly, sending him hurtling to the floor "Whoa…" THUMP

Ayumi watched all this in aw. "The famous rosary. And I thought that was just a legend too!" she said, giggling. "But I thought only a priestess could use it…"

"Yup." Kagome told her gleefully. "That's come in hand so many times. Now spill, Ayumi. How did you know about him?"

"Make him swear it."

Inuyasha glared. "Fine I swear."

Ayumi looked at them all uneasily. "Why would we attack you? You are my best friend. I would never hate you, no matter what you tell us." Kagome assured her.

Ayumi smiled at her gratefully. "Thanks, Kagome." She took a deep breath. "Ok, well this is the story. I come from a very long line of demon slayers. They are all gone now, but my grandfather has taken up the practice, and he's been teaching me. So I guess I could tell Inuyasha was a demon because of my training."

"Demon slayers?" Sango asked her with great interest. "You are a demon exterminator! How is that possible? I was the only survivor!"

"What do you mean?"

"Sango is a demon slayer too, Ayumi." Shippo told her. "Sango lived with the demon slayers, but their village was attacked a long time ago. She was the only one who still lives."

Ayumi's eyes widened. "You are a demon exterminator? A real one…from 500 years ago…but that means…" her eyes widened in shock. She leapt off the couch and ran to the desk where her computer was, shuffling through the drawers. Her friends watched her with great curiosity. Finally, she seemed to find what she was looking for, and lifted an ancient book.

"What's that?" Kagome asked her curiously.

Ayumi continued to flip through the book until she stopped at a page, and held it out for them to see. It was a sketch…a very skilled and detailed sketch of a woman in her forties, who very much resembled…

"Me?" Sango asked in astonishment. Ayumi nodded.

"This is my great great great great great grandmother. She was a demon exterminator. This sketch is sort of what you call a family heirloom. It was said that she was involved in the search for the Shikon jewel, and that was why I was so shocked when you mentioned it."

"So…if that's me…then that makes you my…what is it called…"

"Great great great great great granddaughter?" Ayumi implied.

"I guess."

"Hold up a second here!" Kagome said, throwing her hands up in the air. "This is just too much! So you are saying that Ayumi, my best friend…is the granddaughter of Sango, my other best friend! I mean…am I the only one who finds this even a bit weird?" she asked them.

"Oh, don't get me wrong. This is very weird." Sango assured her. "But…then again, so is everything else in your era."

"Compared to what you are used to, it probably is." Ayumi agreed, chuckling. "But I do have to agree with Kagome, this is pretty freaky. I mean, how many people do you know who have met their ancestor, only to find that she is practically the same age as you?"

Everyone laughed at this. "You do have a point."

"Ok, so now I can understand how you figured out about our Hanyou friend over here." Miroku said calmly, earning himself a glare from Inuyasha. "But there is still one thing that I don't understand." They all looked at him. "What was your reason for making us promise not to attack you?"

Ayumi shifted in her seat uncomfortably, "I said that to Inuyasha, not you." She glanced anxiously in his direction, only to find that Inuyasha was watching her intently. She hastily lowered her gaze.

"Yes, but why?"

"Well…its just that…well I am a demon slayer. And Inuyasha is a demon. I figured that…well…given the circumstances…learning this would make Inuyasha attack. I mean, if I'm a slayer, then I am his enemy…aren't I?" she asked them unsurely.

Kagome, for once in her life, regarded her friend with a small trace of fear. "You don't really think that way…do you Ayumi?" she asked her nervously. A friend considering another friend an enemy was not what she needed right then.

Ayumi thought for a moment. "No…I don't think so. But…what does he think?" she looked at him apprehensively.

He chuckled dryly. "I spent the last few years with a slayer, haven't I? I don't got an issue with it."

Kagome smiled at him gratefully. "That's his way of saying everything's cool."

Ayumi beamed at them. "Good. I didn't want things to go sour because of this."

"So what do we do now?" Shippo asked them with big eyes.

Everyone went silent. Everyone in the feudal era was watching them expectantly, since they had no idea what else this new world had in store for them. And Kagome & Ayumi had no clue what to say.

"I dunno. What is there to do, Ayumi?" Kagome asked.

"Uhhh…" Ayumi thought for a moment. "I guess we could watch a movie for a bit. Or we could go back outside. Hmmm, we could go out." She suggested.

"Do you have any place in mind?" Kagome inquired curiously.

"Not really."

Then Kagome got an idea. "Oh, I know the perfect place! Souta and I go there every year! I think its today…what day is it again?"

Ayumi looked at the calendar. "it's the 19th, why?"

Kagome's joyful expression wavered slightly. "Aw…that means it doesn't start until tomorrow. Oh, well. Ayumi, we should probably head home now. But I want you to come to my house tomorrow around ten. Can you do that?" she asked her eagerly.

"Sure…" Ayumi agreed, still confused. "Where are we going?"

Kagome just smiled at her. "You'll see tomorrow. Who knows…maybe you've even been there before!"

Real short, but I swear then next chap will be out real soon. I've already got half of it done! Sry for not updating in a while, but this new story I'm writing is taking up a lot of time.

Bibi till then!