A/N: No the turtles didn't stuff Splinter and no they weren't going to keep him around to decompose in the lair. (Rolls her eyes)

Also, this part will not be anywhere close to the book or the movie, because this is TMNT.


With eyes still shut tight, Raphael practically bolted right off the couch where he was laying on. His blanket was twisted all around his body and he let out a scream so loud, it startled everyone in the room.

Donatello, who was asleep on the back of the couch, rolled off. "Whoa!"

Leonardo accidentally shot himself out of the recliner he was in. "Yikes!"

Michelangelo jumped straight out of his beach chair. "I didn't do it!"

Master Splinter almost ensnared himself in his blanket as he tried to leave his chair.

"Help me Spirit!" Raphael cried. "I don't want ta die."

"My son." Master Splinter called in a calming voice. "My son, you are alright." The elder rat tenderly grasped the panicked turtle's face with both his hands. "Wake up." He lightly rubbed his thumbs on the cheeks.

Raphael's eyelids twitched. "Master, is dat you?" He asked uneasily, afraid to open his eyes. "Yer alive and well?"

"Yes my son." Master Splinter answered. "I am fine and quite alive."

Raphael breathed a deep sigh of relief as he opened one eye slowly. "W…what day is it?"

Donatello used the back of the couch to pull himself up off the floor. "Christmas Day." He replied while leaning on the backside of the couch.

"Christmas Day?" Raphael started snicker as he closed his open eye. "Dey did it all in one night." The snickering turned into feverish laughter. "But of course dey did, der spirits and spirits can do anythin'."

At first the other turtles looked at Raph with confusion, but soon it turned into wonderment as to what he was talking about.

Master Splinter was the first to speak. "Easy Raphael." He said in a soothing voice. "You've had a rough night last night."

"You were really sick from food poisoning." Leonardo added as he came over to the couch. "That dip you were eating had been bad for about a couple days." He had a seat on the edge of the coffee table.

"You were all hot and sweaty when we came home." Michelangelo said as he came over to where all his family was. "You should thank Casey." He commented while sitting on the armrest of the couch. "If it weren't for him, we would have found you on the floor really into the night."

"Wait a minute." Raphael slowly opened one eye again. "Did ya say Casey?" He peeked at his orange clad brother with that open eye.

"I did." Michelangelo answered with a confused look on his face.

"So he's not been dead fer a year?" Raphael asked embarrassingly. "He's not dead at all?" He opened the other eye.

"Of course not." Leonardo answered in a shocked tone. "Why would you ask such thing?"

"I…I don't remember much of last night." Raphael answered meekly. "At least not after I went ta bed. What was Casey doin' here?"

"He came to get you." Donatello answered.

"Yeah, see, Casey showed up at April's after Master Splinter came with the decorations he promised to bring." Michelangelo explained. "He wondered where you were and we told him what a stick in the mud you were being about Christmas."

Donatello butted in. "So Casey being Casey, decided that he was going to make you come help decorate." This earned a glare from his youngest brother for cutting him from telling the story. "And we figure that since there was no way to talk him out of not bugging you, we asked that he pick up the party trays we had brought so they could be store at April's."

"Unfortunately, Casey got into a bit of a tangle." Leonardo eyed his youngest brother. "Seems someone thought is would be a good idea to chain our mini fridge shut and seal the lock with glue."

"It wasn't a joke." Michelangelo snapped. "I wanted to make sure that nobody was going to eat all that food."

"You mean, you?" Donatello questioned with a smirk, cause him to receive a raspberry from the orange clad turtle.

"Well Casey managed to get the chain off and wrapped around him." Leonardo went on with the story. "While trying to get the chain off him, he knocked into the large fridge and a sack of flour fell on him. Figuring it would be easier to have you help him out, he went up stair to get you."

"When he got there, he said you shot right past him to look for something." Michelangelo jumped in. "And when he got your attention, you passed out. After getting you down to the couch and making you comfortable as possible, Casey gave us a call. Told us that you were super hot, all sweaty, and babbling some kind of nonsense."

"Said you were asking how he died." Donatello piped in.

"Well, I remember comin' out to figure out what was all da racket was." Raphael replied. "When I saw Case and asked why he was makin' noise, he said he was dead."

"That must have been when you became delirious from your fever." Master Splinter told Raph.

"And that wasn't the first time." Donatello added. "At one in the morning, your fever not yet broken, you were up and about looking for something."

Raphael pointed at his purple clad brother. "You were a spirit, all dressed in white."

"It was cold last night. I had a white blanket wrapped around me when I brought you back to the couch." Donatello gave his brother a curious look. "But what do you mean I was a spirit?"

Raphael bit his lower lip; he felt a little embarrassed. "I guess…I had a…sort of a…Christmas Carol dream." He finally admitted.

"Really?" Michelangelo pushed his formally sick brother over so he could get comfy on the couch.

Raphael nodded his head slowly. "Except it was a little different. Donnie was Christmas Past. He showed me all da stuff dat happen ta me in past Christmases. Why I think dis time of year is so bad." The young turtle looked at Splinter. "I should have told ya about Johnny and dat we were friends. Den maybe I coulda seen him off before he left." He looked around at everyone else. "And I should told ya all about Nisha."

"Yes you should have." Leonardo scolded. "We would have loved to meet her." A soft expression came onto his face. "And we could have really been there when you lost her."

"Which was totally my fault." Raphael stated. "I drove her away with my constant negativity."

"So who was Christmas Present?" Michelangelo inquired excitedly.

"You were." Raphael answered with a small chuckle. "You were so big, you practically filled up da whole lair. And ya had all dis food around ya."

"He still had food around him?" Donatello questioned with a chuckle. "I mean, we are talking about Mikey here. I would think that it would be all gone by the time you saw him"

"Ha ha." Michelangelo laughed dryly while shooting Don a dirty look. "You think you're so funny." He turned back to Raph. "So what did I, I mean, Christmas Present showed ya?"

"He showed me how bad Christmas was goin' be dis year if I didn't get my act tagether." Raphael turned to his rat master. "Sensei suddenly you looked so old. Ya were so old from being so sad I wasn't der ta open up ta ya dat year like I've done every year. And I just wanna tell ya dat I appreciate yer spendin' time with just me on dis day."

A grin grew onto the elder rat's face. "I'm glad that you enjoy our time." Master Splinter said. "But know that we can make time whenever you want or need."

Raphael nodded happily before continuing on. "And den der was Christmas Future."

"Who was he?" Michelangelo gasped.

"Da Shredder." Raphael told his youngest brother in a spooky voice. "He showed me dat if I didn't clean up my act, Master Splinter would die. I died not soon after, but didn't know I was dead. And when Splinter passed, Mikey got all hotheaded angry while Donnie became all quiet. Leo worried dat he would be alone, cause Mikey would go get himself killed and Donnie would die from a broken heart."

"Whoa…" Michelangelo breathed. "I couldn't imagine that ever happening."

Raphael shook he head. "Yeah, it was all really intense." He looked at everyone that was around him. "So you guys camped out here with me all night?"

"Sure." Leonardo answered cheerfully.

"We wanted to make sure your fever broke." Donatello added.

"And dis being Christmas Day, Mikey ain't rippin' inta his presents yet?" Raphael questioned as he looked at his youngest brother with admiration.

"The presents can wait." Michelangelo told his brother. "After all their just objects compared to family." Then the young turtle looked over at all the gifts in shiny paper. "Course, one can only wait so long before it becomes tortuous."

"He's got a point." Donatello admitted. "I still kinda find it hard to resist the impulse to tear into my stocking."

"Go ahead my sons." Master Splinter said as smiled with amusement. "This is the time of year where it is alright to act half your age."

Michelangelo was the first to bolt for their Christmas tress. "Thank you Sensei." He said along the way. "I get to play Santa this year."

"Just don't make us wait for you to open all your gifts before giving us ours." Leonardo scolded as he and Don joined the youngest turtle.

Raphael worked his way out of the blanket that was around him. Instead of heading over to the tree, he head for his room.

"Where are you going?" Master Splinter inquired while he watched his other three sons.

"I have things I have ta do." Raphael answered. "Don't worry, I'll be back in time fer our time."

Master Splinter gave a nod of approval. "Alright my son."

Up in his room, Raphael ran his fingertips over one of his walls until he got to one spot. A grin grew onto his face as he pulled a few bricks away to reveal a hidden compartment. In side the hole was a shoebox and inside the shoebox was money he was saving for…well…stuff. Actually the young turtle couldn't remember what he was saving the money for, but for some reason he didn't care. After getting dressed into his human clothes and pocketed the money, Raph snuck out of the lair without anyone noticing.

Topside, Raphael went to a mall that was open for those few procrastinating shoppers. He went from toy stores, to clothing stores, to grocery stores. By the time he was done, the young turtle was hauling a rather large sack on his back.

His first stop was at the charity booth over at the Dickens Fair. The two men he ran into the day before were still there trying to get in some last minute contribution. When they saw him coming, they turned their nose up at him.

"Look, guys." Raphael puffed; he was little winded from what he carried. "I'm sorry fer da way I was yesterday. I wasn't quite myself." The young turtle set the bag down on the snowy ground and dug around his pocket. "I know it ain't much, but here." He handed over a bunch of bills with change. "And dat's not all." Raph reached into his large sack to pull out a bunch of smaller ones. "I've got clothes and toys and food ta give too. Is dat alright?"

The man in the tall hat practically dropped his moneybox. "Of…of course." He stammered.

"I told you that m'lord was a generous man." The man in the bolder hat said as he opened each sack so that he could jot down what was in them. "Many people will find good use for all that you have given."

"I hope so." Raphael said as he heaved the sack onto his back. "I don't suppose the name Santa is being used by anyone else, is it?"

"I'm afraid so." The man in the tall hat answered. "A lot of people are leaving stuff in his name."

"Perhaps m'lord would like to use Father Christmas?" The man in the bolder hat suggested. "After all, this is an English event."

"Father Christmas…I like it." Raphael chuckled. "Well, I have a few other rounds ta make." He gave a wave as he walked way.

"If I didn't know better, I do believe someone is pulling a Christmas Carol." The man in the tall hat commented.

"Don't matter any to me governor." The man in the bolder hat replied. "So as long as the poor is benefiting in the long run."

"Aye. I'll agree with you on that."

Feeling quite content with himself, Raphael made his way over to an elementary school. The young turtle had recognized the logos on the sweatshirts of the children he scared off the day before. When he got there, he felt both ashamed and admiration mix with in him.

There in the schoolyard were all these children helping the adults load up trucks full of donated stuff. These children, who had to be at least half his age, were giving up their present-opening time to come help those less fortunate. There wasn't a compliant from anyone, in fact they were singing carols joyously while working.

Feeling like an absolute heel, Raphael made his way into the yard. Instantly the children recognized him as the 'bad scary man' and dove behind their parents for protection. The young turtle felt so warm with embarrassment, he was sure the snow under his feet would melt. "Um…do ya got any room fer dis bag here?" Raphael asked meekly as he offered the sack that was on his back to the glaring adults before him.

One man stepped forward to take the sack, eyeing the young turtle carefully. He opened it up to inspect what given. Then with a nod approve, he softened his look. "I sure we can pack it in somewhere."

Raphael was giving a breath of relief when he felt his pant leg being tugged on. He looked down to see the little girl that talked to him before. "I knew you weren't such a bad man." The little girl said to him. "You must have had a bad day, right?"

"Yeah, dat's right." Raphael gave the young girl a pat on her head. "And I also needed a kick in da head to get my act on straight."

"We're going to make a lot of people happy, aren't we?" The little girl asked.

"You guys sure are." Raphael answered. "Oh yeah." He reached into his coat for his inside pocket. "I bumped inta old St. Nick and told him about all da hard work ya and yer friends were doin' fer others." The young turtle brought out a little sack. "He said dat he want ya ta have these."

The little girl took the bag that was offered to her and opened it up. "Oh wow." She gasped with her eyes wide open. "Golden bandage that say, 'S…San…ta's H…Help...ers."

All the children gathered around her to get a bandage. With the help of their parents, each child wore them with swelled up pride. A woman walked up to Raph. "Say stranger, we have some hot chocolate and cookies. You're welcome to have some."

"Thanks." Raphael put a hand up. "But I have an important appointment I got ta keep with my father." After giving a hearty wave, the red clad turtle made his way home.

Later that day…

Everyone was up in April's apartment, which was highly decorated. Different color lights circled the ceiling, reefs made of fresh holly leaves hung in the windows, and the table was decorated with all kinds of food. In a corner was a large, newly cut, pine tree with the decorations Splinter had brought.

There was a golden tinsel boa wrapped around it, bubble lights in every color litter all over, glass antique ornaments hung in different places, and a beautiful rainbow star topped the tree.

Due to Michelangelo's constant persisting, Raphael was talked into retell his dream in full detail. Nobody made a sound while he told it and they hung on is every word with near halting breath.

When the young turtle was done, there was a knocking on the door in the rhyme of 'Shave and Hair Cut'.

Leonardo jumped his feet. "I'll get it." He said as he quickly ran over to the door and opened it a crack. "About time you got here." The blue clad turtle scolded in a harsh whisper.

"Hey, don't get mad at me." Another harsh whisper snapped back. "Blame the traffic. It was practically murder getting here."

"Hey Leo, who's at the door?" April inquired.

"Anyone remember that famous line from 'The Shinning'?" Leonardo asked before stepping to the side. "No takers? Alright, I guess I'll have to do it." He opened the door wide. "Heeeerrrrreeesss Johnny!"

A teenage boy stood in the doorway with shoulder length black hair. He was dressed in a large red hooded sweatshirt and bellbottom black jeans. "What up people?" Johnny said in a cheerful near holler.

"Johnny!" Raphael roared as he ran over to his friend.

"You're going to break my spine." Johnny groaned when Raph yanked him into a bear hug.

"Sorry dude." Raphael chuckled when he let go. "Look at ya." He stated as he held his friend at arms length. "Ya look almost normal."

"Well Raphie my man, I have my girl to thank for the fashion change." Johnny told the red clad turtle. "If it weren't for her, I don't think I would have ever got away from my grandparent house." He leaned out the doorway. "Yo, Nishie, what goin' on with ya?"

"Will you relax?" A voice hollered from the stairs. "I'm coming."

Raphael's eyes opened wide with shock. "Nishie?" He gulped hard as he watched a young teenage girl with bounce auburn hair come jogging up the stairs wearing a blue jumpsuit. "Nisha…"

"Raphie-kun." Nisha gasped when she saw the red clad turtle. "It's so good to see you." The young girl ran over to the stun turtle and gave him a squeeze around the neck. "How are you?" She asked when she pulled away.

"You…and Johnny…are…tagether?" Raphael stammered.

"Uh…" A nervous look came onto Nisha's face.

"Er…" Beads of sweat started to come down Johnny's face.

Raphael turned to look at his eldest brother with a small glare

Leonardo put his hands up in defense. "I…I didn't know. I swear." He said in a panicked tone. "I bumped into Johnny on the street and thought you would be happy to see him. I didn't know that he was hooked up with her."

Raphael's clutched his fists. "So I'm findin' out dat my best friend and ex-girlfriend are tagether? Like dis?" He turned his back to everyone. For moment there was a tense and awkward silence. All breathing was practically held, because nobody wanted to dare make a sound.

But the silence was soon interrupted by Raphael's hearty laughter. "I couldn't think of a finer man ta have da best girl den Johnny." The young turtle said as he turned back around with a large grin on his face. "And I couldn't think of a finer girl fer my best friend den Nisha." He put a hand on each of their shoulders. "I'm happy fer da both of ya and dat's da turth."

Everyone in the room breathed a deep sigh of relief.

"Well I'm starvin'." Raphael stated as he clapped his hands together and rubbed them. "What say we get ta eattin'."

"Hear, hear!" Michelangelo cheered as he charged for the table.

After dinner, everyone gathered into the living room with mugs of hot chocolate. The major lights were turned off so that the lights from the tree, the ceiling, and a few choice scented candles were the only lights.

As he watched everyone talk, Raphael felt water rain down upon his head and slide down his body. The young turtle looked around for any leaks in the ceiling, but found none. When he looked back at everything before him, it all sudden fell into place. The lights, the laughter from family and friends, the warm feeling of love that engulfed his body; this was what Christmas, and Hanukah, and Kwanzaa meant to those out there that celebrated them.

And while Raphael came to this realization, an urge within him to do something grew until he couldn't resist it no longer. Without feeling nervous or ashamed, the red clad turtle rose to his feet, closed his eyes, and began to sing 'Do You Hear What I Hear?'

Everyone in the room to looked at Raph. Their eyes betrayed their wonderment as to what could possibly have gotten their hotheaded brother/son/friend to sing without any coaxing. But soon nobody cared, because they were amazed by the voice that was coming out of the young turtle. Raph sounded like a seasoned baritone instead of his usual frog-throat self. His voice was crystal clear, words well pronounced, tone in perfect pitch. He was mystically and magically incredible. All who were listening to him grew goose bumps and had shivers go throughout their body as they too felt invisible water shower down upon them.

"Dude." Michelangelo breathed when his brother was done. "I didn't know you could sing like that."

Raphael's cheeks turned a light shade of pink. "Neither did I." He gave a small chuckle.

"What ever made you want sing?" Leonardo questioned.

"I dunno." Raphael replied with a shrug of his shoulders. "One minute I'm just sittin' der watchin' everyone and da next I felt suddenly blessed. It was weird, yet kinda cool."

"You know something, I kinda felt something too." Donatello commented.

"Yeah, so did I." Leonardo shook his head in agreement with his purple clad brother.

"Same here." Michelangelo stated cheerfully.

"I believe that everyone in this room must have felt something." April pointed out.

"A visit, no doubt, from a kind spirit making his rounds." Master Splinter remarked in his usual tone of wisdom.

Raphael raised his mug up into the air. "Ta da Holidays! May dey always bring comfort and joy to all!"

"To the Holidays!" Everyone cheered as they joined their mug in the air with his. "Bless it be to those who seek it and welcome it!"

A/N2: And that is the end of my story. As you knew in the beginning of the story, this was all going to be a dream. So using that as a loop-hole, I didn't have to tell you how Casey died. :p

Anyway, I hope you liked my story and I thank you all for your reviews.

To whatever you celebrate, may it be a good one with family and friends.