I don't know what I was thinking. It's almost the day for Bill and Fleur's wedding. The Burrow is full of people, and all of them calling for me to fetch this or ordering me to get that. I can't stand it. I wish my brother and his soon-to-be wife all the happiness in the world. I wish my parents happy and my so-called friends true joy; and I've even found the way to achieve that a little sooner. I'm taking myself out of the picture.

Don't give me that. I know what I'm doing. I've thought about it. I can explain it all very clearly, and you can't fault my logic. We'll start where I began.

Mum and Dad will soon have a new daughter. They're getting a good, perfect daughter who loves unconditionally, and who's beautiful and talented and graceful, and extremely eager to learn all of those wife-ish spells that have no interest for me.

My brothers have never been all that interested in me. Soon they'll find people to fill any small void I may leave.

Hermione is in love with Ron, I'm sure he'll be able to comfort her.

Harry…he's the factor I can't reason away. He's lost a lot, and it may seem like I'm just after attention, but I'm not after attention. I want them all to get better. They'll be able to focus on what needs to be done. He said it himself! He can't be with me and worry about facing Tom.

That bastard. I'm crying again, just thinking of him. Damn him for this! He killed the Potters. He killed Cedric. He killed Sirius. He killed…me. I don't want to die! I didn't want to die when I was in first year, either. He made me do those things. That voice in my head. Always in my head. Telling me how worthless, how pathetic, how lowbred and truly dreary I was. I am.

I'll wait until the reception. They'll be too busy to notice me missing then, and when they do find…it…oh well. There's nothing I can do about it. I have to inflict a little hurt in order to save them a lifetime of living with me there to make life difficult.

It's all settled. I'm doing it. The tears are really rolling now. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I can't keep inflicting this sort of wretchedness on those I love more than anything. I hate myself so much I feel sick with it. I'm so stupid. I shouldn't even leave this behind…but I have to leave something. They have to know I've thought about this. When they're in shock, I want them to see that it's for the best. I have to end this, now…before it consumes us all.