She decided to invite him to Maqicues just for old time's sake. It was where Draco had proposed to her – where their relationship had started – so why not let it end there as well? Besides, there were plenty of witnesses around that would testify against him if he pulled anything. It was definitely a wise choice.

Suddenly, someone brushed past her and, soon enough, he was seated right in front of her.

He had arrived.

After giving him a nod of acknowledgement, Hermione leaned back and observed him. He hadn't changed a bit since she had met him here six years ago. Well, perhaps his eyes had gotten more wrinkled around the edges, the lines around his mouth a bit more prominent, his-

"Take a picture, why don't you?" Draco suddenly snapped. "It'll serve as a remembrance after you've gone and killed me. That is what you plan on doing, right?"

Was there a trace of bitterness in his voice? "Why ask when you already know the answer?" She answered coolly.

"Confirmation," he shrugged. "So, why call me here after your great escape this afternoon? Forget to say something back there? Like how you had cursed the house to self-destruct upon your departure?"

She shrugged nonchalantly. "You're still alive, aren't you? And not visibly injured either…Anyways, I just wanted so say that I want a divorce."

He leaned back too. "Done. Is that it then?"

"Well," she started, examining her nails instead of looking at him, "It would be awfully kind and generous of you to back out of your mission, whatever it is, and leave Longbottom to me."

"Ah, but you forget, sweetheart. I'm not the awfully kind and generous one; that's more you."

"Appearances can be deceiving." Now Hermione looked straight up at him. "Do what you want, but Longbottom will be mine."

"If you say so." He gave her one of his infuriating smirks, and then looked toward the full dance floor as a new song came on. "How about a last dance?"

Hermione looked at him suspiciously before taking his hand. Funnily enough, Draco looked at her suspiciously, too.

The dance was a fast waltz, something that both Draco and Hermione used to their advantage. Draco's left hand gripped Hermione's waist tightly while his right hand crushed her left hand. Meanwhile, Hermione slid her right hand up his chest until it finally rested on his shoulder. Nothing on his upper body.

They moved gracefully, stepping forward, stepping back. Gliding and twirling, and all the while touching with roaming hands, searching. He found a gun strapped to her thigh and spelled it away. Hermione knew that he would never carry a gun so she didn't bother looking for one. What she was looking for, his wand, she didn't find. He didn't find hers either.

"Any last words?" Hermione asked him.

"Why do you think our marriage didn't work out?"

"You mean, aside from the fact that we were enemies all along? Perhaps your tendency to ignore me soured it. Years of silence can never lead to anything good."

"They kept us alive."

She could not say anything to that.

"Personally, I think it was because you treated it more like an assignment. To manoeuvre through, and then execute."

"Of course it's entirely my fault. You had absolutely nothing to do with it, did you?"

"I tried to make it work."

"No, I tried."

Their gazes were locked, unblinking. They stopped and stood staring at each other while everyone danced around them until Hermione turned her head.

"Excuse me," she said and walked away.

However, Draco observed, she didn't walk towards the exit or the apparition point. She seemed to be walking to the back of the restaurant, where the kitchens were. Two seconds later, he understood why. Thick and heavy smoke started coming through the back, everyone rushing away from it. Amidst it all, he could have sworn he saw her bushy mane walk to the apparition point.

And then he felt it. His jacket was feeling very tight, very itchy, and very hot; very uncomfortable, like he was being suffocated. His breath got stuck in his chest and it was only by sheer willpower that was he able to use his inner magic to make the jacket disappear. Them he rushed over to the apparition point and was gone in the smoke.


It was quiet. Too quiet.

As soon as Draco was outside the manor, he put a camouflaging spell on himself and stealthily made his way into the manor. He wasn't about to take his chances with a witch like Hermione.

Inside the manor, Hermione was waiting for her soon-to-be-dead husband. Tonight was the night. It had to be it. Dumbledore and the rest of the team were all depending on her victory. If she didn't get him now, he would undoubtedly get her.

As both of them snuck around the house looking for each other, one thought entered both of their minds.

This had to be goodbye.


A/N: Oh, my God. It has been AGES since I was last on and they've changed the members' pages since then! Took me a while to find my way around them but I guess I deserved it for being gone so long. Well, I'm back now and its time for new beginnings.