Kakarott lay happily in the lap of his wife, her hands stroking playfully through his hair as they watched their child play together with the rest of his family. They often came on visits, not that they lived far away. Life had taken a long time to settle down properly all those years ago. His old home where his parents now live practically alone had taken a while to re build from the attacks and that had taken life a while to settle down. The war hadn't calmed down as fast as they had hoped and by the time it had most of their kingdom was in need of repair.
Kakarott and his family had all set out to help repair and rebuild their kingdom for their people. This had kept him and Chichi separate for a long time and when they did meet they were far too tired to do anything together. Months had passed by before life for their people was good enough for the humans to continue with the repairing. With their home and kingdom fixed life seemed good again, Radditz was sent away with a high ranked place in the Sayain army much to the pride and sorrow of his parents, seeing as he would be all the way back on Vegesaii. But still he came to visit quite often, with his own family.
Before anything else could really happen Takeshi and Bulma had been faced with their punishments. Even now Chichi missed and sorrowed for her friend. Takeshi had been condemned to death, a bit harsh some thought but when it came to Sayain traitor's and terrorism to the empire punishments were harsh and although Chichi still admitted it was a little unfair Kakarott couldn't have been happier. Bulma was let off from the severity, considered to be under a bad and deceitful influence but still had to face punishments. She was now a slave on Vegesaii, one in the royal palace where work was hardest and Chichi often received letters of anger and frustration Bulma had with the Prince there.
After the trials had been set in and pursued life was fixed back into the locked schedule it had been before everything, but still Radditz's absence was felt by all through out the house. Despite the persuasions from his family Kakarott still had not proposed to Chichi, his nerves surprisingly getting the better of him and his fighter's instinct. He felt they were happy for now as they were but that had all soon changed. When Chichi fell pregnant with their first child he was forced to make a marriage between them for not only her but his child.
They had been wed as soon as possible in a small service, Bulma being able to attend due to the King and his family's presence there. Chichi couldn't have been happier that day and the past traumas of her life seemed to have faded away. Their fist child was born and even though fears were alive because of the 'cross-breed' it was a wonderful healthy boy. A small brown tail proved his Sayain heritage and they had settled on the name Gohan, after many hours of arguing over a suitable name.
Kakarott's science was getting better and better, his footsteps pretty much identical to those of his fathers in his path of life. Tannupa and Bardock came over often to visit their now branched family, both their sons living away from home and their daughters soon to leave…at least they would have the quiet they had once asked for again. Tannupa was happy to have her grandchildren, Bardock was happy with everything and life was seemingly perfect.
Takeshi's war still left its scar though, physically and mentally. There were always memories of the past to haunt them and still stories to tell their children. When the word of Takeshi's death had come to them a huge weight had been lifted from their shoulders. It had seemed almost as if life could not have been lived until the man had been punished properly. Chichi never spoke of the incidents in the war, Kakarott wasn't sure if she was just trying to forget or if she just didn't want to talk about it but he never made her.
Although there were lessons to be learnt from the past, morals to be had and choices to make life now was everything he had ever wanted, everything he had ever driven for. He had his wife and mate, his child that would hopefully have siblings to play with in future times and a home all of his own.
It had taken so long to get here, so much pain and so much joy, failure and success and most of all love and hate. But in the end that one obsession, that one uncontrollable urge to make her his for eternity…it had started so much and ended so well. He had risked his own skin, his kingdom and life to get her in his life and out of his dreams. And yes it brought them pain and struggles: from her becoming Sayain to the battles he had fought for their love, and yes it had caused a lot of trouble and even been the spark of a war….
In the end, all that mattered was how it turned out. He could always look back and see the bad things that their love led to, the troubles caused but it was all worth it for the future it led to. Life is full of horror and suffering, but without that there would never be any joy to feel. Without his failures there never would have been any success and without his obsession there would have been no love with her.
The End!
OMG I could cry, I really could. I've finished it, after all this time and I don't know whether to be happy or not….OMG So long I have been writing this. A short prologue for you here. Please review and let me know. Thank you all so much for the support for this story, I love you all so much and I really, really appreciate it so much. I have no way of describing how thankful I am for all this. THANK YOU More kisses and hugs
Been writing this for a whole year now and over A YEAR. It gunna feel empty not updating this.
Lots of love and luck
Chemical Connection