Hello to you all! As you can see, I am back with another fanfic! Bah! I hate this stupid formal talking! I was not made for this!

I just got this idea yesterday night and here it is!

This story is dedicated to my cousins Mara and Irina. I love you guys!

Special thanks to Nevis the Tiger Godess and to CamillaMB who reviewed my first story! You're the best!

Note: The Power Puff Girls and the Rowdy Ruff Boys are 8 years old.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Power Puff Girls. If I did, Blossom won't be wearing that stupid hair bow.

O.K. I'm done with the talking. On with the story!

On the right side

Chapter 1:The dream

They all sat in bed. Their bodies still ached. Bubbles changed her position, to look at the Professor who had just walked into the room, and hit (by accident) Buttercup's arm.

"Ow! Bubbles watch it!" she snapped at her sister.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" the blonde said.

"Now Buttercup, I know that it hurts but you don't need to be mean to your sister." The Professor said.

Buttercup sighted and turned her head. Green eyes meet pink ones. She was expecting a look that said something like: "Will you ever stop?" or "Grow up!". But no, the look in Blossom's eyes said something more like: "I know what you're feeling." She smiled; at least she had an ally.

"Buttercup, are you listening?" The Professor's voice interrupted her thoughts. "Huh? What were you saying?" The Green Puff asked. The Professor gave her the look he usually gave her when she got a bad mark or did God knows what thing he didn't like. She immediately regretted her question.

"Professor, can we go to sleep? We're really tired." The Pink Puff said. Yes, Buttercup certainly had an ally.

"Of course dear." the Professor replied "You deserve it after such a battle".

"Yeah! Hell, those Rowdy Ruff Boys are getting stronger and stronger every time we fight them!" Buttercup said. Bubbles focused her attention on her sister and the Professor nodded.

Blossom just stared at the ceiling. "I wonder why...", everyone turned their eyes to her. "I mean, when HIM brought them back they put up a really good fight. After that they started to grow weaker. And now, suddenly, they became more powerful than ever." She paused and closed her eyes "If they had this kind of power they would've used it from the start" the red-head finished.

"But what if HIM only gave them the power now?" Bubbles said.

"Yeah! He probably found the spell recently" Buttercup said.

"I doubt." The girls turned to look at their father. He continued: "I'm no expert in HIM's way of thinking but I know that he wouldn't let anyone, not even his 'sons', have more power than he does. And he would definitely not help someone become stronger than him."

"You're right! He wants to destroy us but he wants to be (imitating HIMs feminine voice) 'the most powerful in the world' (back to her normal voice) too" the brunette said in what was supposed to be a convincing tone but she was too tired. She yawned.

The Professor saw this and smiled. "O.K. we'll think about this in the morning now you should sleep!"

He pulled the covers over the girls and kissed the three of them on the forehead. Then he walked out the room switching off the lights. The Blue and Green Puffs fell asleep very fast but the Pink Puff stood awake a little longer, thinking about the conversation they had just had. Two parts remained in her mind: "he wants to be the most powerful in the world" and "he wouldn't let anyone, not even his 'sons', have more power than him".

"Oh but he would" she thought "if he knew that he will still be the one who controls everything. And for that he needs 1. Control over their minds, if they have any…" she smiled at herself but pushed away the last words "or 2. Something to frighten or eliminate them with, if they found out the truth" She fell asleep with these thoughts, wondering "Why do I care?".

In another part of the city someone was watching the three girls. "Yes girls, yes... sleep tight…" said HIM's feminine voice "you won't get away from the boys. Not even (evil voice) in your dreams!" In that moment the Rowdy Ruff Boys entered the dark room.

"Ya' wanted to see us?" Boomer asked, not really interested in the answer.

"Why yes my boys! I have a little game for you" HIM said in his feminine voice.

"Wha' kind of game?" Butch said smiling at the idea.

"Well I'll get you in the Power Puff Girls' minds and you will be able to hunt them in their dreams" HIM explained.

"Score!" the three boys shouted.

"Step in" HIM said pointing at three weird looking portals. The three of them looked at the portals with an evil grin.

"Let the game begin" Brick whispered to himself. The boys zoomed through the portals: Boomer in the blue one, Butch in the green one and Brick in the pink one.

"Hurry up and destroy the Power Pests because you don't have to much time left boys" HIM said smirking. He turned his gaze from the portals in which the Ruffs disappeared moments ago to a circular crystal that had something black in it, which looked like it was growing. It had almost covered the whole crystal. "Not much time at all." He said and than he let out a maniac laugh.

Back at the Utonium household the girls aren't really enjoying their sleep...

She was in some kind of crystal forest. Everything was so big and the moon's light made every little thing shine like a million stars had fallen there. She was amazed by what she was seeing. She approached a little river that peacefully ran between the crystal trees. She saw her reflection in the clear water. She smiled at it. But her smile faded when she saw something else there. She gasped when she realized who it was. She turned around to find herself only inches away from him.

"Missed me?" he asked with a smirk on his face. She couldn't answer. She had a frightened look on her face and had trouble resisting the urge to bite her lip. She stared into eyes only a few shades darker than her own, but without a doubt a lot colder. The mischievous glint inside them didn't help her calm down either, though it did look cute on him. "Wait! Rewind! 'CUTE!?!' Where did that come from?!?!" She blinked realizing that there were only one or two inches between them now. She flew away so fast that he almost lost his balance. He looked up to see her twenty feet above him.

"What are you doing here?" she shouted. He flew towards her and stopped when they were in front of each other. "What? Aren't you happy to see me?" he said in a sweet voice, giving her a grin. She glared at him. "Too bad!" he said in the same voice, this time pretending he was hurt. Suddenly his grin disappeared and he kicked her hard in the stomach, sending her flying into tree. "Owww" she slowly opened her eyes to see him flying in her direction at top speed. She gasped and moved away as fast as she could. She escaped his punch in the last moment.

He kept throwing kicks and punches at her. She could hardly dodge or block half of them. She was getting tired and he hadn't even begun to sweat. She sighed. She couldn't beat him. He was stronger than ever and she couldn't get herself to reach even half of her potential. She was angry because of this but there was no sense in fighting him like that. It was fighting a lost battle. She gathered all the power she had left ant kicked him in the chest, hard. He was taken by surprise and was sent flying to the ground. She stared a few moments at the place where he fell and then flew away as fast as her wounded body could take her.

She knew that kick won't hold him down too long. In fact she doubted that he would stay there more than two minutes. But she didn't have any other choice. She couldn't win that kind of battle. She needed a better plan. She had to get out of there. But how? She didn't even know where she was. She cursed under her breath. Her body hurt so bad... She wanted to stop but she couldn't. If he found her he would...

She felt a strong hand grabbing her joint. She startled. It was him. She knew it was him. Fear ran through her body. He'd kill her. She didn't have even one shade of a chance to get out of there alive. She turned around very fast, she had to get this over with, to find out that he was closer to her than she had expected. Their lips met. And to their surprise neither of them did anything to break the kiss.

"This is wrong" they both thought but the sensation was so good. They felt like they were in Heaven. They didn't want to ever break apart. No such luck! The sky became blood red and the crystal forest became black. A terrible storm started. They could barely hear their own thoughts because of all the noise. Then an evil voice spoke so loud it matched the storm itself: "How dare you do this! With her among all? You have one last chance! Do not fail me!"

He looked in her eyes. She could see what was running across his face: fear, regret, sadness. She was afraid but not for herself... she was scared for him. She gazed at him. There was still sadness in his eyes but his face turned into a frown. He lifted hid hand and he hit her as hard as he could. She fell to the ground unconscious.

The Power Puff Girls woke up with a quiet "Ah". They gazed around the room and then at each other. They stood like this for a few minutes than they said in the same time: "I had the strangest and freakiest dream about that Rowdy Ruff!". They stared at each other some time and then they talked about their dreams that were, as they realized, almost identical. But all three of them kept the fact that they kissed their counterparts (and liked it) to themselves. It was their little secret, kept from each other. They continued to wonder why they actually liked the kiss.

The same question was in the Rowdy Ruff Boys' minds. They got out of the portals a bit dazed and very confused. Before they could think of anything HIM's feminine voice filled their ears: "Well boys since you didn't destroy the girls in their dreams..." the boys looked at each other a little worried about what he'll say next and they turned back to HIM "you'll fight them tomorrow and you'll give your best to win". They tried to protest because they were really tired from fighting the girls all most non stop for the past few days. However, HIM's evil voice filled their minds: "Dare do what you did back there and you'll really have problems!". They all heard this message but none of them knew that the others did too. They didn't say anything more. They just gave a nod and left thinking of the girls they had to kill... the ones in the dream.

That was chapter one! I hope you liked it!

Sorry again if I misspelled anything!

See you in the next chapter!