Do You Love Me?

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh GX. I'm just a romantic! Please don't sue!

A/N: I'll stick with the English dub names. If I were to try to use the Japanese names I'd slaughter them. This takes place after the episode "Courting Alexis". If I misspell something or make any grammatical errors that I or spell check miss (let's face it technology isn't perfect because we humans created it, therefore it's going to fail). Anyways, enough depressing reality of modern technology, and on with the fic!

Italics – thoughts

"Words with quotations" – speaking

Chapter One


"So, Alexis, I guess this means that I'm your fiancé! Whatever that means…"

end of flashback

Jaden Yuki's words still stung. He didn't mean to hurt Alexis. She was one hundred percent sure of that. What she wasn't sure about was why his words had hurt so much.

It had been a few days since Jaden's duel with Harrington Rosewood where the two guys were battling it out for her hand in marriage. Harrington had some nerve, Alexis thought's exclaimed as she stared out at the ocean, letting the water lap at her feet. She had thought that coming down here would help clear her mind of her thoughts and questions she had carried with her the past few days.

She sat quietly remembering every detail from Harrington's outburst when Alexis and Jaden were talking about Chazz down to the minute she had left the tennis court after the duel. Alexis's blood boiled at the memory of Harrington naming her hand in marriage the victor's prize! The guy had only known her for two minutes and he had the nerve to act like she was his! And Jaden….!

Well, Jaden's part in the duel had seemed to be a friend sticking up for her since Harrington hadn't even bothered to ask her opinion. Or at least that's what it had seemed like at first. Then he had casually walked up to her with that grin on his face has he casually stated, "Well, Alexis, I guess this means that I'm your fiancé!"

For a moment she had been mad at him, thinking that like Harrington Jaden wasn't even going to let her have a say in the matter. Not that either of the two guys could have forced her to go through with "engagement" in the first place. But then Jaden dropped the bomb… "Whatever that means…!"

This made Alexis angry and sad at the same time. She didn't know why, but she felt there had actually been a part of her that had wanted Jaden to mean that he had really, really wanted her to be his fiancé.

Why, though? Why should I care whether or not Jaden wanted me to be his wife?


The pretty blonde Obelisk blue turned to find Syrus Truesdale standing over her, one of Jaden's best friends and roommates. "Hey, Syrus," Alexis said as she blandly greeted her classmate.

"What are you doing out here, Alexis?"

"I just needed a place to think," she replied with sigh.

"Is everything alright?"

Alexis looked up to see Syrus's eyes filled with concern. "I've just got a lot to think about," she replied gently.

Syrus sat down quietly next to her as he inquired, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

His beautiful friend quietly contemplated his question for a moment. Syrus and Jaden were really close friends. Maybe Syrus could help her to know and understand Jaden's feelings towards her.

For the next hour or so Alexis revealed to Syrus how she had felt about Harrington and Jaden's duel. He listened very attentively, and when she had finished, Syrus couldn't help but ask, "Alexis, you like Jaden, don't you?"

Alexis's face turned red, "What makes you say that?"

Syrus smiled and shook his head, "Never mind."

He'd spare her this once. After all, she had just spilled her guts about her thoughts on the duel between Harrington and Jaden. Syrus knew that Alexis had been at least a little ticked off about it, but he never suspected she felt this way.

Alexis rose from her seat as she turned to her friend one final time, "I'm going to head back to the dorm, Syrus. Thank you for listening."

As she turned to go her blue-haired friend plotting how he could unearth Jaden's feelings about Alexis.

Back at the Slifer Red Dorm…

Jaden lay on his bed resting his eyes. He had just got through with a practice duel with Chumley. It had been a great duel! Jaden had won, of course, and now Chumley was off in the cafeteria to get some grilled cheese sandwiches. Jaden's stomach started to growl, letting him know he needed to go get some dinner. I had better go get Syrus. He skipped lunch today so that he could cram for that quiz in Dr. Crowler's class. So he must be starving!

Jaden rose from his bed and slipped on his shoes to go in search of his little friend. Just as Jaden was about to walk out the door, Syrus himself walked in. "Hey, Syrus! I was wondering where you were. I was about to see if you were going to the cafeteria," the taller boy said as he greeted the blue-haired boy.

Syrus smiled, "Well, yeah, that sounds good, Jay."


At the cafeteria, Jaden and Syrus found that Chumley had already finished his meal and was on his way back to the dorm so he could take a shower.

When Jaden and Syrus had their food, they found a place to sit down. For a while they didn't say anything. Then Jaden noticed that it seemed like Syrus wanted to talk about something, but that he was having a hard time finding the words to say.

"Hey, Sy, is everything okay?"

His blue-haired companion looked up at his friend as he responded, "Yeah, everything's alright. But I wanted to ask you something. But I'm not sure if I should."

Jaden was surprised, "Syrus, you can ask me anything. I'm your friend."

"Well, you see I was wondering, besides the fact that you never back down from a challenge, why did you duel Harrington the other day?"

Jaden contemplated this for a moment, "I not sure what you mean, Sy."

"Did you decide to duel him because you actually like Alexis?"


Syrus shook his head. Oh, man! This is going to take awhile.

"Jaden, do you like Alexis? As a girlfriend?"

Jaden was sat for a minute and thought carefully about his friend's question. I have always thought Alexis was beautiful, sweet,…a great duelist, but as a girlfriend?

"Sy, I'll be honest with you. I'm not really sure how I feel for Alexis. I wasn't sure what fiancé meant when Harrington challenged the other day. I still don't know what it means. Alexis said that for now it means 'friend'."

Syrus groaned, "Jaden, 'fiancé' means 'engaged to be married'!"

The brown-haired teen blushed, "I see why Alexis started to object to the duel."

Man, no wonder Alexis seemed ticked off after the duel. I knew that to be her fiancé at the time meant that I would be something special to her. Just not that special.


Jaden turned his thoughts to his companion as Syrus continued, "You need to talk to Alexis. She was really upset about the whole thing."


Syrus nodded.

"I didn't mean to hurt her."

"I know you didn't. She knows that too, but I think you need to talk to her."

Jaden sighed as he got to his feet, "Alright, Sy. I'll talk to her."

As his best friend walked away, Syrus hoped that Jaden and Alexis would work everything out. Alexis was an awesome girl, and Syrus knew that Jaden cared for her deeply. She needed to know that, and now, hopefully, Jaden would put her troubled heart at ease.

A/N: I'd like to thank a friend of mine who helped me write this. Thanks again! You were a major help with the trouble spots.