Warnings: None


By: Hime-dono (aka Terra Tenshi)

Precognition could be a very handy ability at times. Of course it could also be a horrible pain. Take for example Kakei, current owner of the Green Drug Store. In high school he had been a scrawny, rather effeminate looking boy whose lack of popularity was not helped by the fact that he was just coming into his powers.

He had given up daydreaming because the first time he saw someone's face in his minds eye he was bombarded with images of their future. For a long time he hadn't realized exactly what the images meant, not until a classmate (Hitomi) has mentioned that she was helping out at her grandmothers and in turn he grandmother had promised to buy her a horse that she dearly wanted. A fairly innocuous piece of news all things considered but Kakei had known, without knowing how or why he knew, that Hitomi's grandmother would not live long enough to buy her that horse.

He had been so shaken by this sudden knowledge that he had skipped his next three classes in favor of going to the library and trying to figure out what was wrong with him.

From there it had only gotten worse. Now even walking down the halls was a horror waiting to happen, every time he brushed against someone, or was brushed against he saw visions of their future. Joyful things, terrible things, mundane things. It had ceased to matter what he saw because so long as he saw anything his strength was sapped and he would spend the next hour wandering around in an exhausted daze.

It was in one of these dazes that he found his salvation. He had been so tired that he hadn't been paying attention to where he was going and had missed a step on the staircase. He would have gone tumbling head over heels down to the bottom were it not for the large, strong hand that had snagged the back of his shirt and pulled. Once freed of that hold he had turned to thank his rescuer, only to be met by eyes so dark they were almost black peering over the top of equally dark shades.

It was then that another facet of his powers had come to light, the ability to see into a persons future without any direct contact, and in those eyes he had seen a lifetime for them together. College, careers, a home and a business, and eventually two young teenagers that they would come to regard as their children. With those images still playing in his head he had granted this stranger a warm smile and reached out a hand to introduce himself, not fearing touch for the first time in what seemed like ages.

AN: Hime-chan is sick. ;; She promises to try and keep up with her writing anyway though. That being said this story is also unbated so any and all mistakes are mine. If you read please review, reviews are the best medicine in the world!

Disclaimer: If I owned Legal Drug I'd have enough money to pay germs to stay away from me.