Title: Westhaven

AU: After attending an all girls private school since she was in pre-school, Bulma is forced to go to a co-ed high school, Westhaven, by her parents. How will the rebellious teenager survive this predicament? VB


It was a nice and sunny day during the month of August. A postman walks up towards a big majestic mansion while looking at it in awe. He presses an intercom button located right beside the iron gates enclosing this house.

"Uh...Package for Bulma Briefs."

A robotic machine instructs him to slide the package between the gate slots which he does so reluctantly since it would've been a privilege to catch a glimpse of one of the infamous "Briefs". They were the richest and most successful family that lived in the city. After the postman left, a butler came out from the big white house and took the package from the front gates. He scanned the box with a radar, checking to see if it was safe for the mistress. Just as he was walking down the hallway, a beautiful woman with blond hair wearing an impeccable suit appears and greets him with a warm smile.

"Beautiful day isn't it Chester?"

"Yes Mrs. Briefs, it is certainly a beautiful day."

"Is that package for me? About time, I sent that order last week and I was beginning to wonder when it was arriving."

"I'm sorry Mrs.Briefs, this package is for the young mistress."

"Oh..." Glancing at the package she recognized who the manufacturer was. "Oh dear it's her new school uniform. Better let me deliver it to her Chester. You go on ahead and see to the gardens."

"Very well madam." With that he left the package in the hands of a fretful mother. She timidly walked up the stairs barely glancing at the various maids who were tidying up the upper floor. Stopping right outside her daughter's bedroom door, she lost her nerves and decided to leave the package upon the doormat.

"I can't wake her up now anyway, it's a Sunday and Bulma always sleeps in on Sundays. I better go make her favorite breakfast so it can cheer her up," she reasoned to herself. Two maids glanced anxiously at each other and the package and a look of recognition passed between them. They both attended their duties in a hurried manner so they could get away, fearing the young mistress's temper.

Inside the darken room, a young woman slept peacefully on a king size bed. Bright blue tresses marred the bed sheets and pillows as she turned on her side and dreamt of happy thoughts, not knowing her life was going to change drastically.

After an hour or so, she woke up with a smile on her face thinking of all the inventional ideas she dreamt of the night before. She walked over to her bathroom and proceeded to do her toiletry. Exiting with a robe on, she opened her bedroom door and was about to rush downstairs to tell her father the solution to the problem they had with the calibrator when she tripped over a brown package and cursed.

"Fuck! What the hell is this lying around here!" she glanced around angrily looking for the maids preparing to chastise them. Finding no one she kicked the box in her room and was about to slam her bedroom door when she saw the returning addressee on the package.

"Westhaven School...What the hell?"

Stepping back in her room, she ripped open the package and out dropped a girl's uniform. The skirt was gray and knee length. It was accompanied with a white long sleeved shirt and a vest that was embellished with a crest of a lion on the right breast. The vest itself was navy blue with an olive green stripe running diagonally across the right shoulder to the left hip.

"These aren't my school colors...What's going on! Mom!"

Downstairs her parents glanced worriedly at the ceiling. They nodded apprehensively at each other and proceeded to act like nothing was wrong. A few minutes later the young woman burst into the kitchen where her parents were.

"What's the meaning of this?" she demanded while holding up the vest.

"Oh why princess, that's your school uniform. You are starting 10th grade and you know that Beaumont only goes up the 9th grade," her mother replied.

"I know that...but the Academy's colors are blue and black not gray and blue!" she retorted.

"Well that's because you're not going to the Academy, we enrolled you in Westhaven...my alma mater," her father announced.


After what seemed to be two hours of shouting and tears amongst the family, the maids timidly walked back in the kitchen mentally preparing for the worse. Food and places littered the floor and the young mistress was sobbing on the kitchen table.

"Bulma honey, it isn't that bad. Westhaven is a wonderful school. You'll make new friends plus you're not going be the only new girl there," said Bunny Briefs trying to console her daughter.

The petite young teenager with bright blue locks lifted her tear-stained face and icily starred back at her mother.

"You don't understand! I don't want to make new friends and I don't care that I'm not gonna be the only new girl there. Why can't I just go to the Academy like everyone else !"

"I thought you hated the Academy. I distinctively remember that you said it was the most hideous smallest school in the world," Professor Briefs reasoned.

Bulma glared at her father in response. Intelligent as he is, she couldn't believe that he was incapable of understanding her feelings about this.

"As if my life isn't as horrible as it is already, first, you couldn't even give me normal hair or a normal name and now you're making me go to a freak school. Just because you went there doesn't mean I have to! I rather go to the Academy where I would have a life with all my friends. You just ruined my life I hate you!" she retorted.

With that announcement, the young teenager ran up to her room and slammed her door. Silence incased the household.

"Honey...Are you sure you want her to go to Westhaven?"

"Bunny, we've spoiled her enough besides I went to that school and look how I turned out. Absolutely normal."

Bunny Briefs glanced at her husband who was currently tinkering with a toaster, adding odds and ends to it, already obliviously to their daughter's anger and frustration. She turned around and saw the mess that surrounded her kitchen due to their daughter's infamous tantrums. She sighed.

"I guess everything will work out for the best. I'll just make her favorite lunch."

Meanwhile, upstairs an angry rebellious teenager walked around in her room trying to calm herself down in order to think of a solution to her problem.

"I can't believe they're doing this to me! As if I haven't the perfect daughter to them! I'm not going there if it's the last thing I do," Bulma vowed quietly to herself.

She stopped midway and glanced across her room. Instead of makeup and other feminine stuff that are usually located on a 15-year-old girl's dresser, trophies and science awards lined hers. She walked slowly towards her dresser and starred dejectedly at the mirror. Since she was a baby, she had bright blue locks that couldn't be subdued with any hair dye or bleach. She tried of course but that usually ended up disastrous because there were always streaks of blue no matter how many times she dyed them. Her bright blue hair of course matched her azure eyes. They were a mixture of all the different shades of blue possible to the naked eye. Fringed with eyelashes and currently filled with tears, some would say her eyes were naturally her best features. Bulma stood closer to the mirror and starred at her anguished reflection. Her eyes narrowed and she wiped her angry tears away.

"I'll show them. No one forces Bulma Briefs to do something she doesn't want to do." With that said, she pulled back a fist and punched the mirror, cracking her reflection in the process.

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