The Big Question

I do not own or partly own any Harry Potter charactors


Ginny sat down at the table infront of Harry. There were a few moments of silence then,

"So um Ginny you know what your mum is making for lunch or..." Harry said quickly.

"No I'm...I'm not sure."


Ginny getting tired of the awkwardness and started to get up.

"No Ginny wait I um..I have a quetion." Harry exclaimed.

Ginny sat back down "Yes?"

Harry felt a lump in his throat but swallowed it down.

"I was wondering would..would you like to um.."

Ginny waited. Harry sighed then asked,

"Ginny will you got out to dinner with me tonight..I know a nice little muggle restaurant we can go to."

"Oh, um sure that would be great" Ginny replied happily.

The lump in Harry's troat shrunk a little but was still there. He realized he had just prolonged the true question but it would give

him time to make it more romantic for her, but how?

"Better ask Hermione." Harry thought. He sighed.

"Here we go again."