Disclaimer: Gundam and ALL names associated with it are NOT mine, and I doubt that I will ever own them. I know that Sunrise owns a copyright for all Gundams, so I'll just leave it at that. This is my first Gundam fic, so I hope it won't be flamed THAT badly. Reviews are GREAT, and should be given freely! So if you want to, send them to [email protected] or otherwise leave a word or two! Note: Many people have only watched Gundam Wing, and don't even know there are different Gundams. Well, I'm not only going to limit myself to only Gundam Wing, so if you don't know some things and ideas that I talk about, please look it up on the internet.

I just realized that FF.net screwed this chapter over, so I'm taking this chance to revise the whole thing while I'm at it.

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Operation Meteor is an operation created by the colonies to fight back against the oppression of the United Earth Sphere Alliance (EUSA). Five mobile suits made from the strongest substance known to man, Gundanium, and with the base blueprints of the legendary Mobile Suit known as Gundams, bring hope to the colonies for a brighter future promised by their dead leader, Heero Yuy.

Unfortunately, this plan was discovered by the UESA, and a race against time begins as Oz, the secret police force behind WF, also steps up its timetable to take advantage of Operation Meteor. Hiding behind the mask of honor and peace, the OZ leader Treize Khushrenada decides that this is a perfect opportunity to reveal OZ's true identity to the world and beyond, and establishing themselves as leader of the known universe.

Unknown to either faction, a third force has slowly begun their agenda of peace and destruction with it's own Gundam made from technology of the past. Built by a hidden power, its goals are shadowy at best, and even more obscure than those of OZ.

It is After Colony 195, and powers that seek peace in their own image are about to create a turning point in human history as their forces clash and wars flare all across the known universe. A time of chaos and beginnings, to bring an end of the past.

Gundam Wing: Psychosis

Chapter 1: And the Chaos Begins!

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"Slight gravity shift was observed between Lagrange Point A-X and G-Y. The object will reach Earth's atmosphere in 600 seconds." A voice intoned.

"Not just one, huh?" Another voice asked.

"Right. The radar reports five objects approaching Earth." The first voice replied.

"Report this to Lt Zechs, just in case." The second said. "I'm sure they're just pieces of an old satellite or something, though."


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"Lt. Zechs, a report just came in regarding some falling meteors."

Zechs reached over his communication officer and took the readout sent by the UESA observation centers. "The crews on the observation satellites must all be blind!" He exclaimed softly. "If they were meteors, how could they all be on the Earth re-entry level?!"

"So, it's just as headquarters warned us..." The pilot put in.

"Yes. This must be the colonies' Operation M." Zechs finished. "How many of those can our radar locate?"

"Just one. The one which will be falling somewhere in the Eastern Eurasia."

"Well, one should be enough for now." Zechs said. "There is no reason for mercenaries in the front like us to be overworked for meaningless honor."

"That's a very blunt statement, Sir." The communication officer stated.

"As I always say... I'm just a soldier. And what's a soldier except a mercenary being paid in a large group?" Zechs asked, smiling.

As they reached the area, the radar officer reported the object approaching.

"Right on schedule. Seven minutes to re-entry."

Zechs looked out and saw something other than the object approaching. "An industrial Garuda class spaceship...?" Turning to the officer nearest him, he asked, "Can you identify it?"

"It's identified as the Ultimatum Sir! I don't think they've spotted the object yet!"

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"We'll be re-entering the atmosphere momentarily, Sir." The pilot reported.

"Good. Keep us posted. We'll be running simulations in the hanger." The man said as he turned off the intercom.

"So, we're returning to Earth?" A distorted voice asked.

"What's wrong? You don't want to go back to Earth?" the man asked.

"Not yet. I don't feel I'm ready."

The man sighed. "I can't help it. I still got a job to run, you know. Although space is a good place to hid you and your toy."

The distorted voice sounded indignant. "Don't mock Alpha like that. I won't talk to you again if you do."

The man held up his hands in a mock warding motion. "Alright, alright... I..."

Suddenly, a siren rang through out the ship and red lights blinked on. A voice blared through the intercom "Warning! Warning! Unidentified object behind us in attack vector! OZ mobile carrier identified in front of us!"

"Damn. I forgot about their Operation Meteor!" the man swore.

"Oh?" The distorted voice asked. "Should I go out and meet whatever it is?"

"Not yet. Let OZ deal with it for now. If we get attacked, I guess we'll just have to shoot down the OZ carrier too."

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"The target's relative speed: 01590. Auto Lock: On. Analyzes say that the Garuda class spaceship is an obstacle to re-entry and must be shot down." The pilot of the aircraft said.

His radar suddenly beeped a second time. "A patrol craft?" he checked, and confirmed his readings.

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"We've got it. I'll put it on the monitor." The radar officer stated.

The monitor flashed alive and a picture of fighter incased in re-entry armor appeared with the Garuda class spaceship as a small sized dot in front of the plane. "This is the so-called 'egg of war', which might cause a lot of trouble in the future." Zechs stated.

"You mean, Operation M?" someone on the deck asked.

Zechs looked at the monitor and said, "There's a industrial spaceship in front of it. I guess we'll let the fighter go for now."

The pilot asked, "Do you think it'll shoot down the spaceship?"

"That fighter must know we're on to him. There's no way it'll attack the spaceship while ignoring us." Zechs guessed. "This is, after all, a secret mission for them." He then turned to his left and pressed some buttons. "I'm going to try to do a scan on the fighter."

"Lieutenant! You shouldn't be doing this sort of thing!" One of the officers said as he stood up and started walking towards Zechs.

"Nonsense. I won't tell others to do something I'm not willing to do myself." Zechs replied as he motioned the officer to sit back down. Looking at the readings, he tried to get an energy signature scan...

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"Damn, the Federation's here..." the pilot swore as he adjusted his instruments for a different re-entry. "There's no choice then..."

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"At least Counter Meteor is operational..." the man muttered.

Before the owner of the distorted voice could ask what he was talking about, the pilot's voice flared through the intercom. "We're re-entering Earth's atmosphere."

"Has the pilot opened fire on us yet?" the man asked through the intercom.

"No... I think it's because of the OZ carrier in front... Wait... He's making a break for it!" the pilot shouted.

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"This is it. This is the Earth." The pilot said as he accelerated to use the industrial spaceship as cover.

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The radar operator turned around to face Zechs. "The fighter has changed its course!" he exclaimed.

"I'm following it!" Zechs said as he modulated the scanners to follow the fighter.

"That's suicidal!" The pilot yelled.

The monitor shows that the fighter has gone behind the spaceship and disappeared for a moment.

"Trying to burn itself up so they can conceal their secret," Zech mused, "could that be it?"

"But the object is accelerating its speed!" The officer reported. "I think it's trying to get away from us!"

"Impossible!" The pilot exclaimed. "No spacecraft could endure the heat of re-entry at that speed."

"No, it could." Zechs calmly stated, as the fighter appeared on the monitor again. "It looks like our enemy possesses some advanced technology."

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"The object is also re-entering the atmosphere." The pilot reported through the intercom.

"So... the unit made it." The distorted voice said, looking through monitors inside Alpha.

"It would seem that I underestimated Operation Meteor." The man said as he pressed a few buttons and said through the intercom, "Track it, and record it. Don't forget to take scans of it too."

"Ay." Came the reply.

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As the fighter entered the Earth's atmosphere, its outer armor blasted off into space and revealed a slick bird-like fighter plane with blue, red, and white color scheme. It's wings extended and thrusters flared to life.

"Lt. Zechs, is this...?!" One of the officers on the bridge asked as the breath-taking sight of the fighter unfolded.

"So this is the secret weapon of the colonies..." Zechs breathed out as his scans continued, and a small red light started flashing on the corner of a screen besides him.

"It looks like a bird." One of the officers said.

"We're reaching aero-dynamic cruising altitude. We can attack the fighter again now." The pilot reported.

"Ok." Zechs said as he stood up and walked towards the weapons officer.

"Let's fire a warning shot." He suggested.

"No, it won't listen to any warnings. Just shoot it down!" Zech ordered.

"Lt. Zechs?!" Asked the startled officer.

"At first, I thought it was smuggling a weapon onto Earth..." Zechs said as he pointed to the fighter. "But it looks like it turned out to be the secret weapon itself."

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"I can run away..." the pilot of the fighter murmured, summarizing his options as he adjusted his instruments for atmospheric flying. Quickly scanning the OZ carrier, he checked his findings. "Is that an OZ carrier? It must be carrying at least three Mobile Suits..."

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"It's changing its speed to intercept!" the pilot exclaimed.

"As I said. It won't wait for warnings." Zechs calmly said as he calculated what's their chance are against such an agile fighter. "Shoot it down."

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"Sir! The carrier is opening fire on the fighter!" a voice from the intercom flared.

"Evasive maneuvers! Decrease our altitude, and don't get hit in the crossfire!" the man shouted into the mike.

"Ay sir!" the voice responded.

"Father?" The distorted voice asked. "Patch Alpha into the sensors and cameras, will you?"

"Already on it." The father responded as he tapped a few buttons.

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"Evasive maneuvers initiated." The pilot intoned as he pulled his fighter to a higher altitude to evade the blast heading his way. "Firing machine cannons, now."

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"Sustained minor hit to the armor."

"Is the Leo repaired?" Zechs asked.

"Yes, but are you going to destroy that fighter with a Mobile Suit?"

"Yes." Was the reply.

"Then, isn't Aries more suitable than Leo? Aries is much faster and it is made for air battle."

"My Leo is fast enough." Zechs stated as he moved towards the hanger. "Besides, I should pay some respect to our brave enemy."

"Lt. Zechs," one of the officers said as he followed him towards the hanger, "as soon as the Aries' are ready, we'll dispatch them to join you."

"Roger." Zechs said as he entered the cockpit of his Leo.

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"OZ is letting out a MS." Reported the distorted voice.

"Oh? Only one?" the man asked, curious.

"Seems like the pilot knows what he's doing... He's getting shots on the faster fighter." The distorted voice commented.

"And how do you know that the pilot is a he, and not a she?" the man asked.

"Simple. Because OZ is sexist, and the good female pilots in OZ are all in places where we could track them down easily." The distorted voice said with a straight face, not that the man would have seen it through the Mobile Suit's armor.

The man laughed heartedly as they each watched their own monitors at the battle happening.

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"What? Above me?" the pilot asked himself, startled, as the Leo's weak engines pushed it above the fighter and managed to shoot off a few rounds, hitting the left engine. "Problem in the left engine? Damn it!"

He tried to balance himself out as he used his spare hand to reach up and push a lever.

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"That was great, Lt. Zechs." A voice from an Aries that just got sent out after him.

"Is that it? Is he finished?" A rookie asked from the Aries that just finished attaching the parachute on Zechs' Leo.

"Sir, should we take you in, or should we chase that fighter in our Aries?" The first pilot asked.

"Let it go down." Zechs suggested as his Leo was jerked upwards with the releasing of the parachute. "We'll investigate on the ground. It'll be a great opportunity for us to find out what this Operation M is all about."

"Don't you think it'll self-destruct, though?" the second pilot asked.

Zechs poetically replied "No one wants to die up here, without seeing the beauty of Earth."

The pilot was about to respond when the fighter suddenly started moving in fluid motions that transformed the unit into a Mobile Suit.

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"Ya... You said it..." the man deadpanned as he watched the fighter turn into a MS of familiar design.

"So THERE'S where the Gundanium alloy you sent them gone to." The distorted voice stated.

"Sure, but we still don't know the pilot is." The man said.

"True... but I've been getting some mental feedback from Alpha ever since the first pilot appeared..." the distorted voice said, a bit uncertainly.

"Really? Interesting. Maybe I could explain that, IF I knew whom the pilots were..." the man muttered, back facing Alpha.

"FATHER..." the distorted voice said warningly. "Tell me you don't know anything about the pilots..."

"Ehhh..." the father said meekly. "I don't know anything about who the pilots are?"

"How come I don't believe you then?" came the retort. "Now spill it. What do you know about those Gundam pilots?"

"Uh uh... A man's got to have some secret!" he declared, heading towards one of the doors to the compartments.

"DAD! That's A WOMAN'S got to have some secrets!" the distorted voice yelled.

"whatever." Came the distant reply as the bay door closed and left Alpha alone.


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"It transformed into a Mobile Suit?" Zechs asked himself as he watched the spectacle.

"Lt Zechs," the officer asked over the comm. asked, "do you know what type of Mobile Suit that is?"

"No..." Zechs replied, trying to get a better look at the MS.

"I can't believe anyone besides the Federation and OZ have the technology to build such an advanced Mobile Suit." One of the pilot remarked, pointing to the freefalling MS.

"Sir, let us take care of it." The other Aries pilot asked.

"Do it." Zechs ordered.

The two Aries flew down and opened fire with its 150mm chainrifle, striking the Gundam in many points at it's back. Some mild explosions on its back pushed it closer to the ground. They were about to remark how easy to fight it when it suddenly engaged its thrusters and turned around.

"It's turning around!" one of the pilots remarked.

"Never mind that! Keep firing!" the other reprimanded

They were about to fire when the MS raised its arm that held a large cannon type weapon and fired it at them.

It is a very spectacular sight, seeing the blaster rifle fire. Pints of energy could be seen filling the barrow of the rifle until it became full, and pulsed outwards. The orange glow of a beam weapon shot through the skies and straight through the two Aries, completely annihilating the both of them.

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"Shit. That thing packs a punch..." thought the voice in Alpha, looking at the fading orange streak of energy. "But I could probably beat that." The voice finished, confidently. Not that you'd want to be in a position to beat it, of course.

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"One more to go." The pilot of the MS intoned to himself, feeling just a bit smug. He realigned his aim to fire at the slowly floating Leo in the air...

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"Two Aries' with one shot! Very interesting!" Zechs mused as he commanded his Leo to unclasp the parachute on the Leo's back.

Seconds later, a beam rifle shot ripped through the air where the Leo was a just a moment ago. Zechs used the little maneuvering thrusters the Leo has to set a direct crash course into the MS, shields first.

Before the MS could react, the extra thrust from behind the Leo kicked in and the pair of MS crashed together, and Zechs took that chance to open up his cockpit and jump out.

Clearing the pair of MS, Zechs pulled the cord to his parachute. He watched as the two MS crashed through the surface of the sea, and sink down into its depths.

"Lt. Zechs, are you alright?"

"Yeah." Zechs replied through the miniature radio on him. "Don't worry. I did what I had to."

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"There's nothing left to see. Are we leaving NOW?" the distorted voice asked through the intercom.

"Yup. We'll be heading home soon, X." a voice replied. "So remember to lock up Alpha."

"Do I ever forget?" X asked, smiling, knowing it's ironic to ask that question.

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"We have analyzed the data from the combat," one of the technicians reported, "and considering the strength of the outer armor, it has to be made of Gundanium alloy."

"So..., that's a Gundam..." Zechs muttered as he looked through the scans he made. "Even if the Mobile Suit survives the impact of hitting the water, anyone inside could not."

"Sir!" An officer on the side saluted. "An aircraft carrier from the Federation Marine down there is asking us if it should go ahead and start searching for the downed Mobile Suit."

"Let them go ahead." Zechs replied. "Tell them the treasure sunk around point J-A-P in East Asia."

"Yes, sir." The officer replied as he exited.

"... 'if it should go ahead and start searching for it'...?" Zechs thought, as he absently read the readings he partially got from the Gundam. "I don't think there's any bright future left for the Federation Armed Forces anymore..."

"What the...?" Zechs muttered as he read one of the readings that scanned the spaceship instead. "Energy ratings are off the scale for that class of spaceship... and there's something strange with the scan of the cargo bay..."

Picking out of the officer near the comm., Zechs asked, "Do you know who owns the Ultimatum?"

"Umm... Sir, it says here that the Ultimatum is owned by a subsidiary of the Darlian family." The officer reported.

"The Darlian family..." Zechs rolled the name on the tip of his tongue, "as in the Alliance's foreign minister?"

"Yes sir!" the officer replied. "Will that be all, sir?"

"Yes, yes... good work, solder." Zechs replied, distract. Inside, he was wondering, "Is Relena mixed up in this? Nah... she couldn't be."

Shrugging off the thought, he concentrated on the task at hand.