The story takes place after book five. This is New, Chapter One.
Review in the end. WheezlyGirl
Harry Potter sat gloomily by his window staring out at the mysterious fog filled streets of Private Drive. Tonight was much like the night when Harry saw Sirius for the first time in his animagus form. It was much like the summer of Harry's third year. Except, this year, Harry was grieving over the loss of his friend, companion, and only father-like figure he'd ever had in his life. Sirius was dead. It was so hard to believe. He didn't want to believe it, yet he knew it was true. His mind kept repeating the words Luna had said to him before they left school. Oh, come on. You heard them, just behind the veil, didn't you? In that room with the archway. They were just lurking out of sight, that's all. You heard them.
'He's dead. He's gone.' Harry said, his voice cracking slightly because he had yelled at Vernon Dursley until he went hoarse. They had been arguing about Sirius being dead. Harry refused to believe it as his uncle taunted him about not being able to threaten them with that 'bloody mass murderer around anymore.' To Uncle Vernon, he was just one more freak gone in the world. Harry's blood boiled knowing that what he said was true; Sirius was gone. And there was nothing, and no one to help him.
Suddenly, Harry saw a snowy white owl flying back. Harry quickly opened the window, ignoring the rush of papers that landed on the ground because of mid-summer's light breeze. Hedwig came in and cooed softly.
'Hey, girl. What do you have for me?' Harry asked her in a hoarsewhisper, hoping to not wake his volatile relatives.
The beautiful owl stuck out her left leg. On it, was a few small packages, all containing unique letters from the sender. Harry almost forgot that today was his birthday. The fight with Uncle Vernon, the tears, and the guilt made him foget.
Harry silently undid the brown bow ties on the first square shaped gift. He pulled out the letter first.
He could see the untidy scrawl of Hogwart's gamekeeper's handwriting.
Happy Birthday! I think you will enjoy this. I know it's not the usual type of gift you would get, but enjoy it. I received itespecially for what you might need.Use this right. Stay safe.
Harry opened the remaining paper to see, surprisingly, a book. Harry rubbed his hand over the glossy cover to feel the bumpy letters on top. The title was 'The Mysteries, and Their Secrets'. Harry was surprised that Hagrid would get him a book. It was more Hermione-ish. His heart clenched as he read the back cover. It was all about the Department of Mysteries and their secrets. He threw the book under his pillow, having the feeling he would never read the it.
He grabbed the next gift. It was from Hermione.
Hi Harry!
I'm wishing you a happy birthday. I plan on going to the Weasleys next weekend, so maybe you could come too! How come you aren't answering my letters? I'm getting a little concerned. All I've gotten from you is that you arrived at the Dursley's. I hope you are okay. Can't wait to see you. Love from, Hermione.
Hermione's gift was an intricate wand holder. It was deep red with gold sparkles in it. There was a carving on the outside of it. It looked like something written in latin.
The next one was from Ron. He could see his sloppy handwriting on the outside.
You have to come over next weekend... Hermione is coming too! Mate, I hope you are doing okay. Mum and Dad are slightly worried that we haven't gotten much reply from you. Is Dobby intercepting the letters again? If so, Dobby give this to Harry! Anyways, We can't wait to see you soon, send a message back for your answer. Oh, and Happy Birthday!
Your Friend, Ron.
Ron got Harry a Chudley Cannons hat, quite like the one he had gotten for Christmas from Harry two years ago. Harry set it aside by the wand holder.
Harry was surprised to see that Hedwig had one more letter tied onto her leg. She was patiently waiting for him to take it, and hooted softly to get his attention.
'Sorry girl.' Harry said and he grabbed the letter. Hedwig immediately went up to her perch, and retrieved an owl treat from the cage.
The letter read,
Dear Harry,
First of all, you probably are wondering why I am sending you a letter, seeing as this is the first time I've done it. I am not going to write a bunch of concerned letters asking how you are and what you are doing, and how you are doing it... because I would feel the same way if I were you... annoyed. I know you aer hurting, and I know you are probably moping in your room right now, but I won't say I understand your pain, because there is no way I do. All I want to do is talk. I am going to be straight forward and tell you why I want to do this, I want you to open up and stop penting up all that stored energy. You can tell people what is going on, and not keep it just to yourself. Think of this as a... quill pal... I guess. And, just try and stay openminded. I don't want long emotional letters... but a few short ones, I wouldn't mind. If you don't want to try it, I won't push you, but think of how it might help you. I hope you say yes. Happy Birthday Harry. -Ginny Weasley-
This by far, was Harry's best letter he got for his birthday. He hated when Ron and Hermione sent questioning letters about if he was feeling okay. Of course he wasn't. He missed Sirius. He missed his godfather. Ginny seemed understanding. He decided to write her back.
I am open to what you suggested. Tell Ron thanks for the gift and that I will see you guys next weekend. Thank you. Harry.
Harry tied the letter to Hedwig's leg, and she took off in the night. It was short and sweet. Nothing special.
When Ginny saw the snowy owl come to her bedroom window that morning, she was relatively surprised Harry had answered to her letter. Maybe he wasn't doing so bad after all. She ripped it open excitedly.
After she read the small, cramped writing, she thought of something to write back. She scribbled it down quickly and then went down for breakfast to inform Ron that Harry would stay with them in a week.
Their letters continued for the next six days. Harry's were becoming increasingly longer, and more deep. Ron was beginning to wonder why Harry's owl kept appearing each morning, but no letters were coming for him.
'Ahem...' Harry cleared his throat in the living room of the Dursley's. Petunia turned her head towards him with a disgusted look on her face. She grunted. Vernon made no move to even acknowledge Harry in the room.
'Can I use your fireplace?' He asked awkwardly.
'Why? So you burn down our house?' Aunt Petunia snapped wickedly.
'No, I need to leave... I need to go to my friend's house. They set up your fireplace to the floo network, and I've got the powder, all I need is your permission.' Harry said in an irritated way, but trying to be somewhat polite all the same.
'Well, let me close the drapes... as long as you don't come back for the rest of the year.' Aunt Petunia snarled in a bad mood. Vernon looked at her, in awe that she was actually letting him. She looked him right in the eyes, 'What? He'll be leaving four weeks earlier than he was supposed to!' She told him snappishly.
'See you.' Harry mumbled quietly. He got into the the fireplace. 'THE BURROW!' He shouted, then throwing th powder the the floor, he was gone.
When Harry arrived at the time he was scheduled to, he was bombarded with hugs and slaps on the backs from the Weasley's. Ginny shyly stepped forward and murmured a hello. She couldn't believe what Harry looked like. He looked starved and tired.
Harry, not wanting anything to be awkward, but felt, weirdly,compelled to do so, hugged Ginny tightly. He was soon attacked by Hermione's run and jump hugs and had to let go of Ginny, as to not kill her. He let go blushing.
'Harry! Mate, mum is going to fatten you up the for the next month!' Fred called out with a chuckle.
'Harry, what do you say for a game of Quidditch?' Ron called out to him next. Harry, George, Fred, and Charlie, who was staying for the summer, all decided to play together.
Ginny backed away, knowing that this was a boy thing, but before she did anything else, she felt a hand on her shoulder. 'Come on Ginny.' Harry called out, smiling. Ginny smiled back to him, and she ran out with them, dragging Hermione along with her.
'Harry, Mate, why did you convince Ginny to tag along at Quidditch. Now, she won't leave us alone all summer!' Ron said to him, looking at his friend as if he were crazy to suggest it.
'Ginny's cool... we just got to give her a chance.' Harry stood up for his newfound friendship. They got along great while they were playing Quidditch.
That is chapter one, I hope you liked it. Make sure to review