Chapter 6
The conversation they were supposed to have that afternoon had been postponed due to the fact Lucius had fallen asleep before it even began. The potions master didn't mind. He knew how tiring fighting to recover your physical strength as well as mental strength must be.
It was one Saturday morning nearly a month later as they sat playing chess that Lucius had recalled they were even going to talk about whether or not Severus was a loyal follower or not. "Severus," The blond started while trying to decide where to move. "Are we ever going to finish our conversation?"
"Of course we are. Whenever you want to just let me know." Snape said as he sat back and watched the other vex over his move.
"I want to now." He stated as he pushed the chess board away and joined his friend on the couch. "Thing is, I want to know you are being completely truthful with me not just telling me what you think I want to hear."
"I'm always as honest as I can possibly be with you, Lucius."
"No, I want a guarantee that you are being truthful."
"I see." Severus said as he felt a wave of uneasiness glide over his body. "You want me to take truth serum." It wasn't that Snape minded this. He wanted to keep Lucius' trust any way possible. He just feared how far the questioning might go or what it might entail. There were secrets he had to keep even from his closest friend.
"I know you're wondering the same about me after the comments I've made. I want both of us to take it. I ask a question then you ask one. If you don't want to answer any of them just say so." Malfoy said hoping to sway the other.
"You've really thought about this, haven't you?"
"What? You think I was actually trying to figure out where to move just now?" He asked with a bemused look on his face.
"Alright." The potions master said as he rose from the couch and walked over to the cabinet he had kept locked since Lucius arrived. He muttered the password and withdrew one of the small vials filled with a shiny silver liquid. "I have your word that no matter what you find out you will continue to trust me?"
"My word." Lucius said as he watched Severus drink half of what was in the vial then took what was left for himself.
"Alright then." Severus said as he waited to start feeling the effects of the serum. "You ask first."
"Do you really care if I get better?"
Snape felt slightly offended by the question, but played it off. "Of course. I wouldn't have brought you here if I didn't." He paused in order to think of a decent question that wouldn't upset his friend too much. "Do you enjoy staying here with me?"
The blond was completely quiet for a few minutes and the potions master began to think he had gone into another of his staring trances again. "Yes. I mean, there are times I wish I could go outside for just an hour or so……" His sentence trailed off. "Are you loyal to the Dark Lord, Severus?"
"No. Are you?"
"My heart and head aren't. My body only would be because I'm not ready to die yet." He avoided looking at his old friend while answering the question. He knew the moment Snape said he was no longer loyal that he was safe, but still felt uneasy revealing verbally that he was not. "You remember when we were in school and Black made up that rumor about you having a crush on male student?"
"Yes, but that doesn't seem like a question worthy of this opportunity."
"No, that wasn't my question." Lucius said as he shook his head. "My question is: Was is true?"
"Who was it?" The question had been on the blond man's lips even before h knew the answer to his previous question.
"Lucius, it's my turn to ask."
"Who was it?" He repeated disregarding his friend last statement.
"If you aren't going to abide by the rules we can stop." This brought about a pout from Malfoy and he leaned back crossing his arms over his chest as he did. "I thought as much. Do you really love your wife?"
"My wedding Narcissa was out of convenience. It was convenient for me to marry an attractive woman to produce an attractive heir."
"That didn't answer my question."
"Not in the traditional sense. I cared for her, but I don't think it went as far as love." Lucius paused for a moment. "Who was it?"
"I don't want to answer that." He said as he leaned back against the arm of the couch. "Ask me something else."
The blond stared at his old friend for a few minutes trying to think of something else to ask. he knew any question about that subject were probably not going to be answered so he had to think of a way to get the answer without making it seem he was trying. "Hmmmm." He said out loud as he leaned closer towards the other. "Would you kiss me if I asked you to?"
This question got Snapes attention. He quickly sat up straight which put him hardly an inch from the others face. The potions master opened his mouth to answer but simply leaned forward and pressed them gently against the others instead. It was, after all, a completely truthful answer and it would avoid making him ask a question next.
"Yes." Severus stated when he finally leaned back. "I have work I need to get done." The dark haired man said as he removed himself from the couch and headed into the other room. He closed the door, leaving it open only a crack so Lucius wouldn't get worried about him not being in sight. A few hours later when Snape finally returned to his bedchambers Lucius was curled up on the couch sleeping. He was covered up with one of the potions masters cloaks and seemed to be quite content.