My first Harry Potter fic and first drabble all in one! Wow! Well, review if you liked please.

Severus Snape was an untouchable man. Not that anyone would want to really reach out and hold him; somehow, he didn't seem to be the huggable type. Snape carried himself with a sort of loftiness that was either immensely respected or immediately disliked. You couldn't sit down with him and have a casual conversation with him over tea and biscuits. He was simply untouchable.

It was this aura that drew Hermione to Snape. Her maternal sense had fully kicked in by her fifth year and having nurtured Ron and Harry to the point of sheer annoyance, she set her eyes upon a much...loftier goal. As much as Hermione despised Snape and vice-versa, some small part of her was crying out to see that iron-willed man allow someone to touch him.

And while daydreams of pulling him into a big, billowing bear hug were quickly dismissed by her analytical mind as preposterous, she found herself finding more and more excuses to stay behind after Potions class and show her interest in the subject, hoping to touch some small part of his blackened heart with her devotion to his subject.

A failure. Snape did not take to her any more than he did any other Gryffindor student.

Nighttime fantasies held a different kind of touch, the soft, gentle caress only lovers can share. Some small part of Hermione felt guilty at her indulgence of these thoughts, but before sleep each night, her mind would wander...

The silky brush of a long black cloak as he flew into class, past her desk...

The firm press of lips, strong hands on her waist, his need transmitting through his pale hands...

The soft touch of his gaze over her when he thought she wasn't looking...

And so this scene was repeated every day. Snape would billow past her, not even so much as glancing in her general direction while Hermione longed for his touch.

Today, she thought to sneak her hand into the aisle, just to feel his cloak slide across her fingertips, but under Ron's confused gaze, she quickly smiled and returned her hand to her desk.

He didn't understand...he couldn't.

All she wanted was a touch.