Pairing: Cid/Vincent

Warnings: contains cussing, fluff, humor and um I guess this could be considered AU, perverted but edited kinky scenes. Vincent in a bathtub.

Comments: Be wary of the chocobo love.

Author's comments: And here's the Epilogue edited version. ::blinks:: I guess it'll be a lot shorter since like…probably five pages had been about the sex anyway. But I hope you enjoy it anyway. I'll link to the full version at the bottom of the page. But you won't be able to read it unless you're 18 and have an account there. Guess this story may or may not seem a little off considering this is my first time having to edit anything out before. Soooo I hope it doesn't have that much of a sudden jump to it. ::didn't want to change it too much from the original. I think you'll get the general idea of where the edits come in at.

To babysit a chocobo Epilogue





"…It's green."

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Cid…" Vincent frowned looking up from bowl to stare at the pilot, definitely not trusting the food in front of him that the man standing by the stove had prepared. "It's chili. It's not supposed to be green."

"Well I added a few extra things," Cid said frowning in return as he folded his arms over his chest. "It's not like it taste bad! Heck, I had some myself before you came downstairs from doing your girly ass grooming!"



"Shut up! No one's talking to you to damn bird!"


"Keep talking and I'll put you outside ya stupid yellow turdball!"

"Wark wark wark kweeh warkwarkhehwarkwark!"

"…Shit the little guy's got a foul mouth." Cid grinned, rubbing under his nose with a finger. "He's finally growing up and not being a wuss. I'm proud. But you're still going in the fuckin dumpster for calling me a-"

"Cid, I'm not eating this," Vincent interrupted staring up at him and breaking the other out of his concentration.

"Why the hell not?! You didn't even give it a try, Vinny!"

"…It's green."

"Yeah and what's wrong with that? Lots of food are green."

"…So are some kinds of poison."

"Ok fine, whatever," Cid said picking up the bowl and grumbling as he walked over to the sink. "Don't eat it then. It's not like your skinny ass eats anything else anyway."

"There is nothing wrong with being thin," Vincent replied sending him a glare as he reached up covering his mouth with his cape. "In fact, it makes it easier to escape if the situation calls for it."

"Yeah yeah, anyway…." Cid placed the bowl in the sink before he turned around staring across the room towards Vincent, that special intense stare of his causing Vincent to freeze up for a moment before he looked away. This can't be good. Normally the word 'anyway' tended to draw out a comment from Cid. And it was never just any comment, it was something that Cid had been thinking about for a while which also meant that it was probably going to be an embarrassing question.

Just like the time he called me gay.

"Anyway," Cid said again as he leaned back against the counter folding his arms over his chest that was, thankfully, covered by a shirt today. Despite the fact that they been dating for the past week, they didn't really do what would be considered dating. Everything was pretty much normal, though occasionally Cid did sneak a kiss in on him or surprised him with a very enduring comment…well for him anyway. But sometimes….sometimes Cid's wild side seemed to try to get lose…something that sort of freaked Vincent out. Luckily, Chip was always there to help interrupt the mood when Vincent wasn't able to get away himself. He felt like he was pushing Cid away and yet….

…Why am I running from him? Is it because just being near him makes me feel like my chest is going to explode?

It was true. His heart always beat so fast when he was close to Cid…or when Cid did little things like licking his fingers clean or tending to the garden out front while walking around shirtless, sweat sliding down his hot sexy bo-

S-Stop thinking!

"Hey are you listening to me?"

"Hm?" Vincent looked up again and almost jumped at the suddenness of finding said sexy body standing right beside him…with his eyes at crotch level no less.

"I said since we've started dating and stuff and we're supposed to be like a couple now, wouldn't it be normal if we shared a room?"

…I didn't just hear that.

"…Share….a room….?"

"Yeah." Cid broke out into a grin. "I mean despite the fact that we're supposed to be dating, I only really get to see you and be around you when you're like you know….outside your fuckin dark corner. And that stupid bird takes up the rest of your attention so…"

…So that's what this is about.


"Yes, you are a stupid bird you fuckin chicken!"


"You are too a chicken! You're yellow, got feather, and a small ass bird brain making you a dumb fuck!"


"What'd you say about my hair?!"

...Well this will never change.

Still, he didn't think he was ready to give an answer to that question. In fact, he didn't think he was ready to room with Cid yet. He still remembered the type of things that always started to happen when he was in his room with Cid…or in the kitchen with Cid…or the living room with Cid…and even outside in the garden…in full view of people…with Cid.

…The most embarrassing day of my life.

Yes Cid had a think for wanting to be…very intimate with Vincent. And it wasn't just kissing and hugging either. When he had the chance, Cid would things like sliding his hands underneath the ex-Turk's shirt or pressing his body up against him. It was…breathtaking of course but also very unfamiliar to Vincent. He couldn't deny that it didn't feel good feeling that tongue brushing up against his neck or feeling Cid's hot breath against his lips as his fingers explored his body. And maybe that was why Vincent was scared by the actions. He felt like he would lose control if Cid kept doing it. He knew it was only a matter of time before he wouldn't be able to fight it. And he had a feeling that Cid knew that as well.

I just need to avoid him.

Vincent glanced up at Cid noticing that he was still preoccupied with arguing with Chip then slowly slipped from the chair starting to leave the kitchen.

"Hey Vinny boy, where ya going?"

"I'm just going to go take a bath and relax," Vincent said as he kept walking feeling those intense blue eyes on his back.

"…Want me to join you?"

"NO!" Vincent turned quickly when he said the word, his eyes wide in panic before he had to force himself to calm down. "No…I'm fine. I won't be long. Just…stay here and watch Chip."

"Still shy I see," Cid said chuckling, though the sparkle in his eyes didn't disappear. "Well don't take all fucking day. We still got some things we need to talk about."


Giving out a sigh, Vincent sunk down into the water closing his eyes as he leaned back against the tub. It wasn't often that he had the time to just soak but this time he felt like he deserved it. He needed time to calm his nerves despite that he normally never had to worry about that. At least he didn't have to worry too much about privacy here. Normally Cid didn't bother him when he went to take a bath. Still, he did lock the door just in case Cid felt obligated to just walk on in and use his famous "it was unlock so it must have been in invitation," line.

He really didn't know what he'd do if Cid decided to just walk in on him. Though knowing Cid, he'd probably pick on him and call him girly for wanting to soak. Then again, he might actually try to do some of those other things.

I…shouldn't think about that.

But his mind didn't stop thinking about it, remembering the first time Cid had touched him like that. It had surprised him when the other had moved up behind him sliding his hands underneath his shirt. Even more of a surprise was when Cid had touched Vincent's nipples causing the taller male to moan out despite himself. He had…heard himself moan. And when Cid had finally managed to kiss him….


He could feel his heart starting to pound already as he slid both his hands over his wet chest, his lips opening slightly as his fingers brushed over the nipples he could feel growing harder from the chilled air. That was definitely not the only thing growing hard, though.

I…feel like I'm burning up….

The water gave him a dizzy effect from all the steam and the heat. Maybe he'd made it a little too hot. But it really did feel good in several ways. He tried to relax, but it was getting harder to do…for obvious reasons.

"What the fuck's taking you so long in there, Vinny?!" The banging on the door jolted Vincent away from his blissful end as he jumped, panting heavily, his drunken eyes flickering over to the door in surprise. His chest was rising and falling quickly but he stopped what he was doing and swallowed, already starting to lose that high he just had. "You didn't fall in didja?"

"C-Cid…" Vincent said hoarsely then cleared his throat as he spoke up again. "I'm fine…I…was just getting ready to get out."

At first there was no reply on the other side of the door and Vincent thought that maybe he had left before he heard the voice again. "Well hurry the fuck up."

"I'm coming," Vincent said before his cheeks reddened and he quickly stuttered out, "I-I mean I'll be there in a second!"

"Alright. I'll see you downstairs."


"Yeah I'll fuckin feed yas so shut up!"

Vincent gave a sigh of relief as he heard the loudmouth pilot walking away from the door. He glanced down at the water, noticing that the tightness in his groin hadn't died down. There was no way he'd get to finish it now…

Might as well use the cold shower then….


" I said I'd feed you quit rushing me you damn animal!"


"I'll kick you if I want to!"

Vincent stopped at the bottom of the stairs, hearing the voices from the kitchen before he kept walking heading into the living room. At least if he had to escape, the front door would be right there. But what could Cid need to talk about to the point he was banging on the bathroom door to rush Vincent out? It wasn't like he'd been there that long.

I think….

"Stupid yellow rug from-oh there you are," Cid grumbled as he came out of the kitchen happening to see Vincent almost to the living room. "Bout fuckin time you got your ass out of there. I thought you mighta killed over and died you were in there so long. What the heck were you doing anyway? Grooming again?"

Vincent felt his cheeks redden slightly as he continued heading towards the living room, tugging the cloak up over his lips as he mumbled, "that's none of your business." He looked at the couch then frowned thinking it was better if he stood up…he wouldn't be trapped that way.

"Either way, you were gone a pretty fuckin long time," Cid said from behind him causing the other to turn quickly at the sudden closeness. Of course Vincent also turned redder when he saw Cid standing there with no shirt on, his lips open at a lost for words. "What the hell's wrong with ya?" Cid asked, the cig hanging out the side of his mouth as he stared up at Vincent, folding his arms over his chest. "You're actin like you saw a ghost or somethin."

Well actually….

Vincent frowned looking towards the kitchen just in time to see a floating pumpkin disappear. "…."

That can't be good….


"I need to check on Chip," Vincent said as he pushed past Cid heading towards the kitchen. Stepping inside he looked around then calmed down as he saw the baby little chocobo lifts its head up and kweh cutely in confusion, a piece of green hanging from his beak. Thank goodness he was ok. Vincent had been afraid that the ghost pumpkins had tried to eat him or something. He still didn't trust leaving Chip by himself, not until he was better able to defend himself anyway.

It may be time to train him….

"Oh I see," Cid said stopping beside Vincent and glaring down as the chocobo went over to Vincent and started pecking at his cloak. "Sure, give all your attention to the stupid walking snot ball but when I want a moment you just leave."


"Shut up! I'll call you whatever the fuck I want to call you!" Cid said almost just almost biting through his cig. Vincent glanced over at him, frowning slightly as he stared at him. Cid seemed to get more and more jealous lately. Every time he showed just a little attention to Chip, Cid was right there complaining that he never got any of that. Maybe that was true…maybe Vincent really wasn't spending enough time with Cid. Maybe he should let Chip stay with Aerith for the week and then-

"You smell nice."

Vincent jumped, stepping back quickly, his eyes wide and his cheeks red as he stared at Cid, not having even noticed that the other had moved closer to him. Quickly he tried to fix his composure, looking down as he held a hand against his covered lips. "Of course…I just got out of the shower."

"No," Cid said frowning slightly as he stepped closer trapping Vincent up against the doorframe. "I mean….you smell really good…and I don't think it's the fuckin soap or the shampoo you're using either."

Vincent blushed looking to the side avoiding the gaze set on him from those burning blue eyes. He also tried to ignore the feeling of Cid's hands on his shoulders. Automatically his mind went back to the image of Cid's hands rubbing across his skin and he felt his cheeks heat up. No this wasn't right. He couldn't let Cid take advantage of him. He had to beat it!


"Vincent…." The name was whispered softly, another type of glow shining in Cid's eyes. Even though he hadn't been running or doing anything, Vincent felt his heart pounding, the red cloak slipping down enough to reveal his lips to the boyfriend he'd barely kissed. He felt petrified by the gaze on him, especially when he felt warm soft lips press up against his. Normally, Cid was a little more forceful in his kissing but this time…it was strangely soft…like Cid was trying not to scare him. But his body screamed for more. He felt he need more and he couldn't stop himself as he pressed forward strengthening the kiss with a growl causing the pilot to pull back in surprise.

"Whoa," Cid said hoarsely, panting slightly as he stared at Vincent. "You'd normally be freaking out by now….you ok?"

"I'm fine," Vincent said panting softly and looking to the side. So much for that cold shower. It wasn't doing anything to help him now. "I-I think I'll just go take a nap." He started to slip away but Cid's hands moved down to his hips causing him to go still. Cid didn't look like he was planning on letting go, the cig long gone from his lips, Vincent realized. Chip chirped at one point tugging hard on Cid's pants leg. But this time, Cid didn't pay him any attention as he used his hands to pull Vincent closer.

Why is he-

Vincent's eyes closed as he moaned out, the hardness in his pants brushing up against Cid before he had a chance to even register what was going on. He felt wet lips against the skin of his neck, his eyes opening in a panic when he started to realize what was happening. He reached down pressing his hands against Cid's chest to push him away but paused, blushing brightly when he heard a sound of approval. This was officially the second…no third time he'd been pinned like this. And this was the second time that he'd touched any part of Cid's skin besides his lips and hands.

"Vincent," Cid said again, his hand leaving Vincent's hip to slide down gripping his crotch and giving it a light squeeze.

"Ah-mm!!" Vincent covered his mouth quickly, trying to hide the pleasurable sound. This was…a step further than Vincent had ever allowed Cid to go. He had told himself he'd never go this far with Cid. He told himself he wasn't ready for it but….

But it feels…so good….

How much more of this could he really handle?

"Cid…"Vincent said as he slowly sat up in Cid's lap, staring down at him after their intense love making. "Do you…really like me?"

"What do you mean like?" Cid replied frowning slightly. "I love you like…well fuck. I just love you. There's no comparing that!"

"I…I feel the same way," Vincent said closing his eyes as he rested his head on Cid's chest as he sat comfortably in his lap in all his naked glory. He never knew just resting like this with Cid could be so…comfortable. "And…maybe…sharing a room isn't such a bad idea."

"So you don't mind bunking with me?"

Vincent blushed. "I believe that I've already shared my life with you. Sharing a room now would seem like a little thing to worry about compared to what we just did."

"…Do you regret what we just did?" Cid asked, his hand coming up gently resting on Vincent's head petting his hair.

"…I don't." Vincent gave a little sigh, feeling himself being claimed by sleep. This…sex thing was obviously going to be wearing him out a lot if they did it again. And knowing Cid, that wouldn't be far off. "I think…you and Chip are the best things to have happened to me in my second life."


"We ain't talking to you, you dumb mutt!"

"Khew!" Chip peeked out from under the red cloak before chirping and squawking at Cid. "Wark khew wark wark wark!"

"I know you fuckin are but what am I, you bitch!"


Maybe I don't miss this.

But a smile lifted to Vincent's face as he relaxed starting to fall asleep to the sounds of his lover and his pet bird arguing together. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. He peeked open an eye seeing that the monsters were gone before he turned his head getting comfortable in Cid's lap. "Cid….I greatly appreciate you."

"Eh…" Cid blinked at the words before he smiled relaxing back on the couch. "I love you too, Vinny…but I still think you should try my chil-"

"Tomorrow…we'll talk about that tomorrow."

So I can have enough time to toss it out.


Alright I finished! And as promised, here's the link to the full version of this story. Since I don't know how the link crap works and stuff. I Guess I'll just break it up like I've seen many people do in the a past.

yaoi. y-gallery. net /view/300116/

Take out the spaces and it should work just fine. And if you dun see anything you'll probably have to sign in unless you don't have an account here. ::blinks:: But I guess I could always just send it via email or something. Mmmm….::not used to so many restrictions.: Ah I hope that works anyway.