Chapter 5

Sorry about the long wait. I wonder if anybody even reads this anymore. Ah, well. On with the (horribly late) new chapter!

-the Author

Sly was just falling asleep in the cold, hard cell, when the door burst open. Sly looked up in horror as Col. Mantis stood over him, holding two gleaming blades. The Col. raised his blades and plunged them down, straight into Sly's chest. He coughed up some blood, then went limp. Carmelita was still in the library, she would be caught unawares! Mantis bent down, and moved his fangs towards Sly's neck. At that point, he got whacked in the head. Very hard. And his blood spurted everywhere. Alex tossed away the steel pipe he was holding, and picked up Sly's limp body. He walked out of the room and locked the door behind him.

Meanwhile, Lena was running along the beach, dodging, rolling, jumping, doing whatever she had to in order to avoid the spotlights and mines. She flattened herself against the wall of the fortress, speaking into her headset as she did so. "Zippy, how're things going on your end?" she asked. "If you were paying attention to your communicator, you would notice a code red distress signal indicating that I'm pinned down and under heavy fire" a sarcastic voice answered. "You dumbass, I have been paying attention. You have a code green signal emitting from your tracer". Lena growled. "Then why'd you ask?" "I missed your voice". Lena then shut off her headset and began to scale the wall.

Jack was sneaking through the halls when suddenly, an alarm went off. "Dumbass" Zippy's voice came through his headset. "Shut the hell up. Guards are about to come charging down this hall, and then I will be running for my life, so I don't need you slowing me down" Jack growled into his headset. "You're the second person who's growled at me today. I'm insulted" Zippy answered. At that moment, laser blasts started sparking all around Jack, who immediately started running for his life, turning off his headset as he went.

"How wude" Zippy commented in an imitation of Jar Jar. "He didn't even say goodbye". He then returned to his now meaningless task of shutting off the security systems, not noticing the guard sneaking up behind him. The guard whacked him over the head with the butt of his rifle, and watched satisfied as Zippy slumped to the floor. He made to pick up the body, but then got solidly whacked in the groin. "That hurt, dickhead" Zippy said, as he stood up, wiping the back of his head clean of blood. After several more blows, the guard was rendered unconscious. "I better finish up before some more guards come" he muttered to himself, and turned to the console.

Evan was having a bit more than a tough time. Guards were everywhere, and he'd taken a lot of hits. How much longer could he keep this up? Suddenly, a guard came barreling down the hallway, gun blaring. Evan started an elaborate show of dodging the lasers, finally bringing Sly's cane down on the guard's head. He then ran off down a different hallway, and slammed straight into a jackal in Ancient Egypt-style clothes. He swore under his breath as the jackal drew a sword from his belt.

Carmelita was calmly reading, when suddenly, the alarms started blaring. She jumped up, toppling her chair in the process. A guard burst in, pointed his gun at her, and fell over dead. Alex walked in behind the corpse, holding Sly's body and a wicked looking spear. He gestured for her to follow, and walked out. She followed, and was almost immediately forced to start fighting for her life, as guards swarmed into the hall. Alex was ruthless, cutting through the guards like the trained killer he was. Zippy burst into the hall, closely followed by a gorilla brandishing a large laser weapon. He took aim, fired, and missed completely. Zippy took advantage of this, and gunned him (and all the guards that hadn't been killed) down with a laser gun he had picked up from a dead body. Several guards ran into the hall screaming, and came to a screeching halt as Zippy, Carmelita, and Alex looked up at them, bloodlust in their eyes. After a short pause, the guards were ripped apart by Jack, who had been chasing them. He looked up, his claws and fangs dripping blood (this kind of stuff is why this is rated T). "Hey guys" he said. "Dude, you're freakin' me out" Zippy said, drawing back from the killer wolf. "I can't help it. Turns out I have werewolf blood." Jack answered. "Great. One more pet to take care of" Zippy said, smirking. At that point, Alex lept at him, yelling.

Evan was lying on the floor, bleeding like mad, and wondering how long this guy was going to take to finish toying with his blade and kill him.Then, Lena dropped from an air vent and started beating the crap out of the jackal. When he was finally taken down, she grabbed his sword and drove it into his chest. After that, she walked over to Evan and started binding his wounds with a med-kit she was carrying. "Don't scare me like that, bro" Lena said. "You scared me, sis. Mind if I request you never use such raw strength on me?" Evan said, grinning (despite the blood dribbling from his mouth). "Sure, you big sissy" she said, and smiled back, tears in her eyes. She helped him stand up, and they started walking towards the exit.

When they got to the beach, everyone else was already there, waiting for them. "Hey, how're the healthy people doing?" Evan said. "Healthy" said Carmelita, then, she glanced at Sly's body (yes, I am burning this into your minds because I'm so sick and twisted) "Well, except for Sly". The twins gaped in horror at their dad's corpse. They walked over, shocked. Lena suddenly burst into tears, and fell to her knees, sobbing. Evan touched his dad's face, then slumped to the ground, his mind in turmoil. "There they are! KILL THEM ALL!" a familiar voice yelled.Robo-Neyla stood in the gigantic gateway, guards streaming out around her. Lena took a closer look, and saw Col. Mantis standing beside her. Evan noticed this too, and quickly stood up. "Pick one" he muttered to Lena. "I get the Robo-freak" she growled. "Alright". With that final comment, the two charged, cutting down everyone in their path...

How's that for a freaking chapter ending, huh? I know I'm gonna hear from more than one angry Sly fan regarding his death. I am so cruel, ain't I? Anyway, hurry up and review, the next chapter comes out after I get 2 more reviews. Thanks for reading! -the Author