Hidey ho! Alrighty folks, this is it. The end. Period. You noticed the 'complete' thingy on the description, right? That means it's D-U-N… DONE! However, I have left plenty of room for a sequel, and I'll get around to that some time. Anyhoo, as usual, muchos gracias, danka, merci, gratzi and thank you in a whole slew of other languages I don't know to every one of my reviewers, faithful or only one timers, THANK YOU ALL!

Disclaimer: See previous chapters :oP

Riddick stood beside the newly repaired Gash, leaning against the cold metal hull and waiting patiently for Jack to hurry the hell up. He had hoped to be able to stay longer than two weeks, but when Jonas had told him that Soli received a hail from a merc ship requesting permission to dock in only a day, he decided they'd better go. Jonas opted to stay behind and help his hometown rebuild their government (yet again) … the right way. He denied the offer from the powers that be in Ramistad to replace Tobias as High Lord, reasoning that the job was entirely too big for only one man, and recommended that instead a council be reinstated. However he did accept the office of political liaison between the Capitol and the Lazarus Council. Jonas and Jack had been talking for nearly ten minutes in hushed tones that even Riddick's ears couldn't quite pick up.

Riddick couldn't help but smile when he looked at her. She was different now, the way she spoke, the way she walked. Even her stance was different; her back was straighter and she leaned back ever so slightly with her weight mostly on one leg. His Jack was back.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us Jonas?"

"Naw, they need me here. The more I think about it the more I think Sariah might have been right, I did run away eight years ago. I can't do it again. Besides, you and Riddick need your time to sort… uh, things… out." His last comment made Jack glance at the convict in question and Jonas saw a familiar doubt flit across her face. "You're not Kyra anymore, just talk to him. What could it hurt?"

"Jonas, it could hurt a lot," he looked at her sternly, "Alright, maybe. Anyway, best of luck, and if you need us…"

"Likewise." Jack held out her hand and Jonas clasped it, wincing a little at her grip. 'Some things don't change, I guess,' he thought to himself.

"Are you two done yet? We need to go Jack!" Riddick bellowed from the gangway of the skiff. Jonas and Jack both grinned and ambled over to the skiff. Jack climbed aboard and Jonas and Riddick nodded a mutual respect. An understanding. They closed the doors and Riddick and Jack took their proper seats and soon after were cleared to take off.

"Good luck, stay in touch huh?" Jonas piped over the horn. A mechanized voice gave them the go ahead and they were off. Jack glanced out the window after they cleared the atmosphere, knowing deep down she was leaving something behind, and that was okay.

"So where are we going?" she asked softly after a moment, still staring out the window.

"I don't know, maybe we'll hit the Alderon system or something, find and nice place to… sit, for a while." His thoughts were leaning toward 'settle down', but he wouldn't come out and say it.

A while went by where nothing was said between the two of them. Each was lost in their own thoughts, mostly thoughts of the other. Suddenly Riddick broke the silence.

"You're my light, ya know." Jack almost didn't catch it. She turned and looked quizzically at the man in the seat next to her, who stared straight out the front window, eyes fixed to something far out in the dark.

"What?" It took him a moment, but he continued.

"My life has been kinda like deep space, so far. A void, mostly black and empty. Most people couldn't handle deep space for very long, definitely not for thirty plus years. But there are these little tiny lights out there that make it bearable. In space there are billions of them," he chuckled a little, "Space is lucky, I've only got one." He looked over at her with those steely diamond eyes and her jaw dropped a little. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Was he saying what she thought he was saying? It almost sounded like the very thing she'd been waiting six years for.

"Say something, Jack." She snapped back from her momentary stupor.

"I… uh, I mean. Shit. Riddick… I… GODDAMMIT I LOVE YOU!" tears began to spring into her eyes, and Riddick went to interrupt but she cut him off, "Just shut up and listen! I've always loved you, even in that cave when Imam didn't know if you would come back or not, I knew! I knew because I loved you and I knew somehow I'd melted you a little. Only love could do that!" She was heaving for breath by the time she was done but she had managed to put him in the same sort of stupor that she'd experienced. He was awestruck by her honesty. There was nothing to say.

Instead he stood and pulled her up out of her seat by her shoulders, then moving one hand to either side of her face he staried into her limpid green eyes. Once again emerald clashed with mercury. He searched them and saw no defiance, no anger. Only daring… and love. She did love him. She slid her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a deliciously gentle kiss. He expected his mind to once again scream for him to pull away, but instead it screamed for him to absorb her, to soak her up and never be without her again. Jack. His Jack. He wrapped both powerful arms around her and crushed her to him. Their tongues slid together like silk on silk, dancing, tasting, and savoring the deep flavor of each. She moaned into his mouth, eliciting a deep growl from the powerful man. Heaving and reluctant they broke apart.

"Oh, god Riddick, I want you. I… I want you more than I think I've ever wanted anything ever in my whole life. I-" He shushed her gently, sweeping her up into his arms and carrying her to the back of the skiff. Their eyes met as he laid her on the cot. All she saw within the mercurial pools was love. There was love there. For the first time ever in all her years of knowing him she saw love in Richard B. Riddick's eyes, and that's what brought back Jack.

Sorry if I got your hopes up about the smut, it just didn't seem to fit. Not horney enough I guess. Anyway, there's the epi, fret not, there will be a sequel and many more stories from me, but for now I think I need a hiatus. Later taters!