Disclaimer: I don't own, but I do fantasize.
AN: Okay all here's the next story. It's all Dean and Sam with mentions of Dorian, though she's not actually in the story. There are SPOILERS through Asylum. I hope you enjoy.
Chapter 1
Anna kneeled beside his grave, tears slowly dripping from her face. The wind blew, adding to the chill that was already passing through her body. The night was beautiful. The moon was bright and full and stars shown across the cloudless sky. Yet none of it's beauty comforted her.
Anna laid the dozen roses over the fresh dirt. The funeral had been earlier that day, but she wouldn't disgrace his memory by showing up when his family was grieving. She had no place at his funeral, no justification for being there. It would only have added to the family's grief and heartache. Anna had already caused them enough of that.
Now it was dark and no one else was around. She was alone in the graveyard with him. It was Anna and the man she had killed. It hadn't been on purpose, but she had killed him just the same. He was dead, and the weight of that burden would forever be on her shoulders. Fresh guilt flooded inside of her as she stared at the words on the tombstone.
Beloved Son
Justin Prescott
He had only been twenty years old. Anna hadn't known that. He was just a boy, a boy who's life she had ended prematurely. She brought a hand to the bandage on her head, reliving the accident in her memory.
It had been a couple of days ago. It was storming on her way home from work. The traffic lights had been struck so they were flashing red. Anna knew to treat it as a four way stop sign, so she pulled up to the light. Stopped, looked both ways, and pulled out, right into Justin Prescott.
Anna hadn't seen him coming. He was making a turn that crossed in front of her. She tried to slam on her breaks, but it was too late. Justin hadn't been wearing his seatbelt and the poor boy flew out of the windshield, dying on impact with the pavement.
"I'm sorry," She whispered, quietly sobbing. "I never saw you coming."
Anna knew that no amount of apologies or penance would make up for taking his life. They had said it was an accident, a tragic mishap in the middle of a raging storm, but Anna knew that it was her fault that Justin was dead. She should have looked more carefully, taken off more slowly. There were a million things that flashed through her mind that she could have done differently, but only one thing she had done had cost this young man his life.
Her flashlight began to flicker. "Oh come on," She snapped angrily. With everything else she was dealing with right now, she didn't need for the flashlight to go bad on her. Frustrated, she wiped away the tears and began shaking the malfunctioning item. It spurted a small amount of light, but quickly went out again.
A moan sounded behind her. Her heart skipped a beat and she jumped to her feet, dropping the flashlight. "Who's there?" She looked out into the endless void of night, trying to seek out the owner of the voice. Her pulse was quick and her breath even quicker. Fear rose and she hung onto her purse as though it were a life line.
Anna blinked her eyes trying to better her night vision. Her fear amounted as another moan escaped from the night. Still not able to see anyone, Anna decided it was time to get out out of there. She turned on her heel, but before she could take her first step someone grabbed her arm. She screamed and whirled around.
Horror filled her as she saw a decaying corpse in rotted clothing standing before her. She screamed again and pulled away from the horrifying site. She turned to run, only to crash into another one, a female corpse this time. Still it was no less grotesque than the other. Two more came out of the shadows and there were four of them surrounding her.
Anna kept turning in a circle, looking for anyway to escape the horrors that stood all around her. They were closing in and she knew she couldn't just stand there. Anna swallowed the fear that crept through her and ran directly towards the woman. She was easy enough to push over, but two more jumped on her back, knocking her to the ground.
Anna screamed, arms flailing, body pushing, trying to get away from them, but they had hold of her. Pain seared through her arm as one of the corpses sliced it open. It was only then that she looked down and saw that they had clawed hands. She opened her mouth to scream again, but before a sound came out, a clawed hand came across her face.
Sam stared across the table at Dean. His brothers gaze was off somewhere in the distance. Sam knew it wasn't the old bate shop across the street or any of the old crap cars in the parking lot. He knew Dean was in his own little world, thinking about the things that had happened in the last several months.
Between leaving Dorian behind and Sam putting a gun to Dean's head, well Sam couldn't blame him. He had a lot on his mind as well and he wasn't the one who had almost been killed by his own brother. No, he was the one who had almost killed his own brother.
It had been horrible. Sam was stuck in his body with no way to control it. He kept telling himself not to say the hateful and hurtful things was screaming at Dean, but his brain and his mouth didn't seem to have the correct messages flowing back and forth. All that came out was the hatred and the rage Sam had felt for so many months.
Sam didn't hate his brother. Yes, he had issues with Dean, but he could never hate him. He had meant it when he told Dean that he would die for him, but never in a million years did Sam think he would try to kill him.
Every night in his dreams, Sam saw Dean lying on the dilapidated floor of the old asylum and he stood above him, gun in hand, ready to pull the trigger. His brain and hand messages hadn't worked to well that night either and he was grateful Dean had unloaded the gun in real life, because in his dreams, Sam always woke right after Dean's blood started pooling around Sam's feet.
Dean hadn't wanted to talk then and Sam knew he didn't want to talk about it now. Yet Sam felt there was something that needed to be said. Something that was hanging in between them putting stress on their already dysfunctional relationship. Sam only had a few people left in his life and of all of them his brother was the most important.
"Dean?" His brothers head turned to look at him. Eyes blank as usual. "What are we going to do about dad?" He wasn't going to try and make Dean talk about the asylum, especially not in a diner full of people that would over hear, but he knew another thing on Dean's mind was their father. "That one phone call is all we got from him and he still won't tell us where he is."
"Dad will contact us when he's ready," Dean said, shifting in his booth. The truth was he was worried about his dad. They had received that phone call from him, or rather Sam had. Dean had been in such a deep sleep that he hadn't heard the phone ring. All their father had told Sam was that he was fine and they'd be together again soon.
It put the search for their dad on hold, but that didn't mean they got to sit around, watch TV, and drink beer all day. There were still bad things out there. Bad, evil things that were hurting innocent people and Dean was damned if he'd stand by and just let it happen. "Until then, we just do what we do best." He grinned. "Kill or rekill nastified, evil things."
Sam rolled his eyes and a waitress came over and placed a plate of food in front of Dean and Sam. Sam watched as she batted her eyelashes at his brother, and asked, mainly Dean, if he needed anything else. Dean claimed he was fine and the waitress walked over to some of her friends, giggling and sparing glances their way.
Sam knew another thing that was wrong with his brother. He missed Dorian. It had been two months since they left her with Missouri and Sam missed her too, but Dean hadn't so much as flirted with another woman since they had left her behind. That was very un-Dean like. Sam picked at his eggs and sighed. "Makes you miss Dorian's food doesn't it?"
Dean smirked. He missed a lot more than just her food. He missed her body next to his at night, and the way she always found a way to make him smile. Usually it was because she was a klutz, but on purpose or not she made him smile.
In their line of work there was so much darkness and loneliness. Dean had accepted that as part of his life. He knew in the long run it would be him and Sammy, until Dorian fell into his lap. At first he was skeptical, but the more he came to know her, the more he had learned to care for her.
That was part of the reason he had left her at Missouri's. Dean knew he couldn't afford to care about anyone that much. His brother and his father were the only exceptions. He couldn't allow himself to care for anyone else, because everyone else always died.
Dean thought that putting miles between them would kill the feelings he felt, but it didn't seem to be working. Dean shook his head. "This isn't so bad. We've been living off it for years."
Sam raised an eyebrow. "That doesn't make it good." He pushed his bacon with his fork. "I'm pretty sure that my bacon just oinked."
Dean laughed. "So have you talked to Dorian?" He wasn't avoiding her, in fact it was just the opposite. Every time they called Dorian was quick to get off the phone. They usually wound up talking to Missouri more than Dorian.
Sam shook his head. "No, not since we last talked to Missouri. When I do talk to her, she just..." He paused figuring how to describe it. "She doesn't sound like her normal self."
"Well at least she talks to you," Dean snapped. "I haven't talked to her in almost a month." He couldn't understand it. When they had parted things seemed a little tense, but for the most part, okay between them. Now on the off chance that Sam got to talk to Dorian, he would try to hand the phone off to Dean, but Dorian would quickly make an excuse and hang up.
Sam sighed. "I think she's still hurt that we left her behind. We both know it was the right thing to do, but Dorian..." He shrugged. "I don't think she believes we're coming back for her."
"Yeah well she doesn't have much reason to believe in people," He sighed. After her childhood he couldn't blame her for the way she was feeling, but he thought he'd made it clear to her that they'd be back. Apparently he'd been wrong.
One of the waitresses turned up the volume on the TV, causing Dean and Sam to turn around and look at the broadcast.
"The body of Anna Monroe was found this morning in Lakemont Cemetery," A petite female news anchor began saying. "Her body was found mauled and mutilated, by what authorities say can only be some kind of large animal. There is still speculation as to what kind of animal could have caused such extensive damage. There are no animals large enough in or around the Marsten area that could have done this. Authorities are investigating." She shuffled her papers. "More at eleven."
Dean turned to Sam, grateful for the news anchor and her story. From the sounds of it her story could be right up their alley. "What do you think?"
Sam shrugged. "It could be something. It's worth checking out at least." He looked at his watch. "Marsten is only about a days drive."
Dean nodded and they called for the check. Neither of them had really touched their food, but then again they weren't sure it was food at all. They paid their tab, and the waitresses were sad to see them go, but they had a job to do.
Dean was grateful for the distraction. Once they were on a job he could keep his mind off Dorian. He could keep his mind off everything, and that included his father. They hadn't found him. Dean needed to find him. He needed to talk to his father, to see his father.
There were just so many things on Dean's mind right now and he couldn't stand it. His brother was the braniac who always worried over things and was thinking about things. Dean normally just sat back and went with the flow. He was getting really annoyed with himself and he planned on returning to his old self. Starting now.
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