I Love You, But I Can't Trust You

First OTH fic

NathanHaley, eventually BrookeLucas, PeytonMouth!

Starts off after episode 3.08……

"Brooke?" Lucas asked, eyes filled with tears.

"Lucas, um, this isn't what it looks like!" Brooke defended quickly.

"Really? Cause it looks like you're sleeping with the man who kissed my MARRIED best friend!" Lucas snapped back.

"Please, Lucas, listen to me….." Brooke started.

"You know what? I'm not going to even try. I'm going back to Rachel's….Oh, by the way, nice bulletin board." He said, pointing the "How I Spent My Summer Vacation" board, with pictures of her kissing other guys in California.

Then he left, leaving Brooke speechless.


As they were on the rooftop, Nathan embraced Haley tight. He missed this, holding her, hearing her heart beat on his chest.

"Nathan, we have to get back." Haley whispered quietly.

After they walked back, talking and laughing, Nathan couldn't take it anymore. He kissed Haley. Before he could realize he was doing, he whispered, "I love you Haley, I never wanna let you go again."

Haley realized he would regret this tomorrow, just like the Halloween party.

"Nathan, you don't want this." She told him.

Nathan was surprised by this. "Yes, I do, Haley, what are talking about?"

"Oh yeah, like you wanted that kiss at the Halloween party?" Haley snapped back.

"What? We didn't kiss at the Halloween party! What are you talking about?" he said, confused.

"Oh, so now you're denying it!" she said semi-sarcastically.

"Haley! Honestly, I did not kiss you at the Halloween party!" he said.

"Omigosh." She said finally realizing the truth

"What?" Nathan asked

"Chris was the one that kissed me at the Halloween party."

A/N- what didya think? I know- my first one, its bad! LOL! Please R&R! Thank you! PeytonMouth- coming soon!

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