Disclaimer: Everthing belongs to J.K. Rowling.
Playing House
Chapter 1: A chance and an advice
"And twenty two!" exclaimed Ron wrathfully as he tossed another wrinkled piece of paper into the rubbish bin.
It was half past three in the afternoon, he was in the Ministry, in the office, alone and distressed, trying to prepare his report which he was supposed to finish two day earlier. Being the laziest git of the century, he hadn't bothered to finish it at the weekend therefore now he was dealing with it since the morning and what's more he hadn't had a lunch break.
He sighed audibly. It was impossible to finish it until the meeting so he decided to take a break, at least to avoid the terrible noise coming from his stomach, and he intended to find a proper excuse in the meantime.
There was no excuse indeed. For the last two days he had hung out with Harry thoughtlessly, and hadn't even thought about of his report. Because Harry had an important quidditch match, being the captain, he needed support. Ron didn't miss the opportunityand joined him eagerly.
Sometimes, he asked the question himself 'what are you doing here?' All dressed up, dealing with bureaucracy and papers, like he was created for the job. And at that very moment a similar idea crossed his mind.
After having a big sandwich, reluctantly he returned back to the office. Some of his colleagues were started to come back from the lunch break that he had to skip.
"Hello Weasley, any progress?" asked George abruptly, as Ron seated in his chair, waiting for a negative answer as if the most important matter of him.
"Do you really mind that, Scott?" replied Ron with an obvious loathing in his voice. He couldn't help but narrowed his eyes as he saw a knowing smirk appeared on his face.
He was the most hatred person, his number one rival in the office who always disgracing and teasing him. While the others were kind and friendly to him, he always approched him in a hostile manner, ever since he found out that he was the best friend of Harry Potter. Ron made a fist and leaned back the chair, trying to concentrate on his report again.
At four o'clock, after scribbling something hastily, he started to get ready for the meeting. He glanced at Scott nervously who had written down six-page length report. If Kingsley would disgrace him in front of that git, Ron wasn't sure if he could handle it. For a moment he thought to flee but he couldn't dare. He was an Auror after all.
Sighing loudly, he followed the other men andthey headed to the Kingsley's office, which was the downstairs of the department.
"Come inside," Kingsley, his boss for two years, greeted them flatly. Ron immediately studied his face; he didn't seem angry anyway. He gave a sigh of relief.
"Put your reports on the table and have a seat, I have something to tell you," Kingsley demanded quickly.
After safely putting his report beneath the files, Ron sat on a chair around the big, round table, next to the Client. He gestured at him as if he knew about this talk. Client merely shrugged.
Kingsley cleared his throat loudly and he began to his speak.
"Well, initially, I would like to congratulate all of you for the great job in London. There was no injury at all which was really pleasing," he stated with an approving smile. Everybody in the room looked satisfied.
"However," he continued, suddenly his expression turning serious, "the transfer of the eventsis only possible if you pay the same attention to the reports, despite some of you find them unnecassaire," he announced, giving Ron a reproachful glance. Ron shifted in his seat restlessly, his cheeks turning bright red. Turning his gazes to the ceiling, he started to drumm his fingers on the table.
"Anyway, as I said earlier, I have important news to tell you!" Kingsley changed the topic, getting up to his feet. Everybody in the room looked up at him eagerly, except Ron who was still thinking about the report that he hadn't completed.
"Yesterday," Kingsley started, "The president of the Department visited me in my office," he stated and waited for a moment for the reactions.
"Gregory Hewlitt?" asked Cedric who was sitting at the end of the table, his eyes big in awe.
Ron could swear that he heard the name for the first time. Of course, he didn't mention about that for the sake of his job.
"What does he want? I mean he never showed up before,"enquired Julie who was sitting exactly opposite of Ron.
"Well, right!" Kingsley smiled weakly. "He proposed me a job."
Everybody in the room held his breath and waited for Kingsley to continue.
"He wants one of you to join his reinforced team. I am sure you've heard about it, it's DRM " he declared, putting a great deal of emphasis on the word.
Ron's eyes widened quickly. Of course, he had heard about it. That was the most popular Auror team in England.
"They're so cool," Richard blurted out.
"Yes, and after hearing our last victory he informed me that he would like the see one of my collegues in his team!"
Everybody in the room oohed and aaahed.
"But," interjected Scott matter of factly. "Who is this lucky man?"
"Well," said Kingsley, raising an eyebrow. "That's the question!"
"Guys, it's not something I would decide." Kingsley said rasing his voice, as a humming noise arouse in the room. "Hewlitt wanted to do the choice in personal. He wanted some information about you and I told him that you're all precious one by one. I mentioned him about your quailites."
"So?" Ron prompted.
"So he listened me carefully and said he would like to meet you," said Kingsley turning his gaze at Ron. "Actually, I have no idea who will be this lucky man but I gathered you here, because I want give you some information. I have a general idea."
Everybody went silent and waited for Kingsley what he had to say.
"Well, the quailites that Hewitt looking for are; first of all you should have some reputation, I daresay. He would be searching your past, your achievements and your efforts."
Ron couldn't help but grinned. That was the day his sidekick role coming handy. He shot a glance at Scott, who had never an impressive glory in his life. His face was bright red and Ron could tell he didn't like this option.
"Is that all?" asked Scott, after he sent a murderous glare at Ron.
"Well, it's not finished yet," continued Kingsley. "Apart from that, your private life in fact would be matter," he said looking serious. Ron was surprised at these words, he saw Scott loosen up slowly in his seat.
"Would you please open it chief?" they heard Robert asking, looking rather confused. Ron looked up at Kingsley as well, in anticipation.
"That means Robert," Kingsley said as he settled back down in his chair. "A tidy life. You should have an organised life, no night life, no women, no alcohol."
Everybody was shocked.
"Is he looking for a troll?" asked Ron in a sarcastic manner. Everybody chuckled slightly at these words.
"Weasley!" Kingsley roared.
"Yes, chief," said Ron apologetically.
"What I am saying is who has a domestic life has more chance, apparently."
Scott straightened in his seat, trying to show everybody his wedding ring, a smug look in his face. Ron smirked slightly at him, they exchanged a fatal look.
"In addition, your age would be matter. He looks for some fresh blood after all," added Kingsley.
"That's good," Ron thought mentallly. He was only twenty-one years old and he was the youngest man in the office. He felt suddenly relaxed.
"Well, details in the following week. I will inform you when Hewitt tells me the details. You may dismiss now," Kingsley ended his speech getting to his feet and started to collect the reports pile on the table.
Ron swiftly headed to the door, trying to sneak out however he heard Kingsley calling him.
He cursed under his breath and turned on his heel to face him.
"Yes sir," he answered, putting a sympathic smile on his face.
"You understand how important that job, don't you?" Kingsley asked in a whisper tone, looking rather stern, once the others out of earshot.
"I do chief!" Ron nodded in comprehension. He gave out a sigh of relief. He wasn't talking about the reports.
"Ronald, I would like to see you to take this positon, because I know you deserve it most."
"Thank you chief, " grinned Ron, suddenly feeling flattered.
"But under these circumstances," Kingsley stated unexpectedly, "you're the less likely person who can get the job!"
Ron's smile quickly disappeared.
"But chief, what can I do in such a short time?" he asked helplessly.
Kingsley raised his eyebrows and patted him on the shoulder sympathetically before hewalked out of the room and left Ron behind with a perplexed look on his face.
"Sounds so cool," bellowed Harry.
"Yeah, I know!" Ron beamed.
He and Harry were in the small café next to the Ministry building, they were waiting for Hermione. After the meeting, Ron had owled Harry and Hermione straight away and invited them for dinner. Harry was very happy with the news.
"But there is a lot of problem," stated Ron, sinking down into his chair.
"Why? You are the perfect candidate for the job. And I am not saying that because you're my best mate," winked Harry.
"Thank you, mate!" Ron grinned. "Kingsley thinks so," he added.
"Really, that's great," Harry smiled and patted him on the arm encouragingly. "But why don't you look happy about it?" he asked as he saw Ron's face went blank.
"You shoud have heard the qualities that man are looking for," Ron pointed out unenthusiastically.
"What can be that impossible?" asked Harry, looking confused as he munched on his food eagerly in front of him.
"A tidy life," Ron hissed, narrowing his eyes. "Hewlitt looks for a tidy life. Have you ever heard something such stupid? I mean, what about being an Auror and having a tidy life?"
Harry frowned slightly. "Dunno. But there must be something about it. You know, that team is simply the best!"
"Yeah, I guess so," Ron agreed, grimacing.
"Do you think it would be matter? I mean my bachelor life, do I look like a tramp?" asked Ron after a while.
"Well, maybe a little." Harry wrinkled.
"Argh… You should have seen that jerk Scott's face. He showed me his ring on purpose as if he has already gotten the job!"
"Don't be so pessimistic about it," consoled Harry. "Let's think. Okay, you love alcohol, well; a couple of girlfriends for the last six months, and you rarely drop by home but-"
"Harry," Ron cut. "Are you making fun with me?"
"No, not exactly." Harry said, shaking his head in rejection. "Aside from these, you are a succesful Auror, nobody can deny it," he explained in a supportive manner.
"I wish I had listened to mum, you know, her advices about having an ordinary life."
"Yeah," Harry nodded knowingly. "How is he going to make the choice, anyway?" he asked before he sipped his butterbeer. Ron rolled his eyes.
"Dunno! Kingsley said he would meet each of us. I expect a huge search!" he explained wryly.
"Step by step," stated Harry, knowingly.
"Yeah," nodded Ron.
At that moment, the door of the café opened slowly and they looked up to see Hermione entering, in her formal black costume, looking rather attractive and confident. Her hair was pulled into a tidy knot; her cheeks were pink from the cold. Ron waved excitedly as he saw her eyes searching for them.
"Hello," she greeted them sweetly as she reached at the table.
"Hello,"Ron and Harry greeted back in unison.
"It's freezing outside," she said rubbing her hands together. They smiled at her.
"Sorry we couldn't wait for you Hermione, we were starving," Harry said apologetically, indicating his empty plate on the table.
"Why I am not surprised, I wonder?" Hermione scolded playfully as she settled on her chair.
"But Hermione, I didn't have a proper lunch," complained Ron.
"Why is that?" asked Hemione looking up at him. "But let me guess," she interjected quickly as she saw Ron opened his mouth to respond. "Because of the report you were supposed to finish last weekend?" she said knowingly. Ron grunted guilty.
"Why were you late?" asked Harry as she started look at the food list.
"Oh, well," Hermione started after she ordered something to eat. Ron rolled his eyes as he saw a plate of salade appeared on the table. However, Hermione didn't miss that and send him a reproachful look.
"Today, I was very busy. There was a lot of pages.I had to scan all before sending them publishing. Files, papers, and the rest…" she told, rolling her eyes dramatically.
"Yes, it's not easy being the youngest editor of the Daily Prophet!" said Ron. Hermione blushed faintly.
"And there was a big headline and some editorials about that famous Arour team 'DRM' and their last job. You know, last night they found a place full of death eaters."
"DRM!" Ron and Harry, they both exclaimed at the same time.
"What's so exciting about them?" Hermione looked stunned.
"You won't believe that Hermione," Ron started excitedly, remembering why he had called her in the first place. Hermione widened her eyes, stopped eating and turned to Ron expectantly.
"The president of the DRM wants to transfer one of us for his team!"
"Oh," Hermione seemed impressed. "That's a good opportunity for you Ron," she smiled, patting him on the arm.
"Yeah," murmured Ron smiling back at her.
"But," Harry cut in. "It's not easy to take the job. There are obstacles," he said matter of factly. Ron's smile disappeared and nodded at Hermione in confirmation.
Hermione frowned sightly, "Really, what are those?" she asked.
"The boss looks for some qualities!"
"Are you going to tell me?" Hermione asked impatiently. Harry looked at Ron for him continue.
"Well, Hewlitt looks for someone who has a tidy life!"
"Ahh," Hermione grimaced, getting the point right away. "When it comes to the tidy life, you're not a good example, do not offence Ron!" she said smugly.
"I know," Ron snapped.
"Come on Ron, don't lose your hopes," Harry consoled him as he saw Ron's face went blank. "How can be sure that you are not okay for the job?"
"Harry," Ron waved a hand in front of his face mockingly. "We're talking about a big search here!"
"Then you pretend like you have a tidy life," Harry suggested abruptly raising his eyebrows.
Ron's head snapped in surprise, he straightened in his seat. His face lit up suddenly.
"Well, why not?" he hesitated for a split minute.
"Wait, wait, wait!" Hermione interjected quickly. "Do you consider cheating?" she asked unbelievingly, casting him a disapproving look.
"Hermione don't be silly," protested Ron. "Don't you always tell me to pull together myself? Here is the opportunity."
"Yes," Harry supported him.
"But," Hermione protested once more. "You can stop drinking alcohol, but what about having a domestic life? Are you going to you pretend like you're married or something?" Hermione smirked sarcastically. However at these words Harry and Ron looked at each other and their eyes widened at the same time.
"What?" Hermione was surprised at their reaction.
"Harry!" said Ron, grinnning.
"Ron!" said Harry grinning.
"Do you think the same thing like me?" Ron asked hesitantly.
"I guess so," murmured Harry.
"Isn't it risky?"
"Hey," Hermione cut in. They ignored her.
"I think it worths trying for that job, doesn't it?"
"Yeah, but how?" asked Ron excitedly.
"What are you talking about?" Hermione bellowed.
"Hermione you're a genious!" Ron hugged her abruptly. Hermione was shocked. Harry chuckled at her expression.
"But who Harry? Who would agreee with such a things, I mean…"
"I know someone." Harry said arching an eyebrow. "Don't you think Lavender-"
At this name, Hermione understood what was going on, she got to his feet abruptly.
"Great! Go and throw yourself in trouble Ron, I won't even bother warning you," she exclaimed and with that she stormed up from the chair and quickly get out of the café.