Friendships Lost, Hearts Broken

A Danny Phantom Fanfic

By: Hawk-Pichu

Summary: It's Valentines Day and Sam sees Danny and Valerie kiss! Sam gets kidnapped by a mysterious figure and Danny might be too late to save her!

Genre: mystery/drama/romance

Disclaimer: ok well I don't own Danny Phantom. If I did Paullina would have been out of the picture by now!

Hi! I'm new around here, use to go by just Pichu but now I'm registered, yeah! If you've heard of me before it's because I post Yu-Gi-Oh stories with Hawk-EVB. OMG the casts in Kindergarten and 102 Teas are the ones we posted so check 'em out later! If you like the Winx Club than check out my other friend Hawk-MAD and her story Collide! Ok why don't I just end here so you can read the fic already!

This is my first story so please be nice

Chapter one: Kiss of Fate

"Ok you can do it Sam…Concentrate." Sam said as she looked at her reflection in her bathroom mirror. "Must try wearing fluffy pink dress without utterly destroying it" Sam was twitching and trying very very hard not to rip the adorable dress. "Come on, you can do it. It's Valentines Day! Do it for Danny. "Sam started blushing when she looked at a picture of Danny in her scrap book. "Today's the day you're gonna tell Danny how you really feel girl." Sam recited this multiple times, to herself. "Argh! What am I thinking! I can't wear pink! And Danny probably doesn't have feelings for me anyway." She let out a disappointed sigh and ripped the pink dress in half. She put on her normal outfit and looked back into the mirror. "But maybe…….maybe he does like me….well it wouldn't hurt to tell him would it? But, if I tell him he might hate me and never talk to me again…and I just couldn't bare that happening. Oh well…hey! Maybe if I write him a note it would be easier. All id have to do is hand him the note and if he doesn't like me I'll tell him it was a joke. Yeah that's perfect! Sam jumped into the air, still holding a picture of Danny, and landed on the ground, once again. (a/n: ok she apparently likes talking to her reflection.)

She ran to her desk, grabbed a piece of paper, a pen, and just started writing. Her feelings and thoughts started pouring out of her heart and onto the paper. She wrote in her beautiful gothic cursive:


Dear Danny,

I know this is kind of awkward but I have feelings for you. I was wondering if you felt the same way. Well what I mean is its Valentines Day and all so well you know. What I'm trying to say is that I…that I…I love you Danny. I've loved you since the first time my eyes met your sky blue eyes. I've been keeping all of my feelings bottled up inside for so long. This is really hard for me and I haven't told anyone my feelings before. I can't say this in person… I'm just too nervous, that's why I wrote this note. I really hope you feel the same way.




She folded the piece of paper neatly and tied a little black string around it. Quickly she shoved the note in her pocket and ran to the car.

Casper High

Valerie slammed her locker shut. "Today I'll tell Danny I like him before Sam gets to him" Valerie thought to herself. "It's soooo obvious she likes him. But there's no way that she can beat me to him…I have something special planned, muhahaha…"she secretly schemed.

"Hi Danny! …Hi Tucker!" Valerie shouted across the hall.

"Hey Val!" they replied in unison.

Sam was, at the time, dashing down the hall with the note in her hand.

"So what's up Val?" Danny asked, because Val was staring at him in a strange way.

Sam's boots screeched and made skip marks as she, barely, came to a stop. She was now at the hall that intersected with the one where Danny was. All of the sudden her jaw dropped and her eyes filled with tears. She had to rub her eyes to make sure they weren't deceiving her. The small note, with Danny written on the front, fell to the ground.


Well that's pretty much it. Sorry, but it came out so much longer when I wrote it on paper. Don't worry I wrote the other 4 chaps. in advance. I have plenty of time considering the fact that I write during Spanish and Music classes, 45mins. each! FYI- a/n means author's note. Promise I'll update soon! Please R&R!