This is the first time EVER I try to write something like this, so please be gentle. I'm not all too happy with it, in my own opinion Bryan talks too much and Lei is a wuss, but I'll have to wait and see what y'all think. Also, I have put this as complete, but I'm not sure if it is. I'll see if I add something more to it.

Enjoy it. Curse my name silently. Make up a chapter two. E-mail me and tell me Bryan and Lei's full backstory, please.Read and review?

Disclaimer: Namco owns these guys. Therefore, I do not. I wish I did, but I don't.

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Lei leant against the doorway, staring out into the kitchen through half-closed eyes. The bright light stung him, he turned his face away with an uncomfortable grunt. He slowly raised his hand to his mouth and stroked his lips gently. He looked down on his bloody fingertips, stared intensively at them as if they were new to him. He slowly tucked his lower lip into his mouth and poked it with his tongue. As he had expected, it was the now familiar taste of iron and salt. He was bleeding again.

He sighed deeply and slowly walked over to the kitchen table. He collapsed on a chair and leaned against the table. He was breathing heavily, as if he had just made a huge effort. He coughed quietly and closed his eyes again. After a while, he tucked his lower lip into his mouth. He hated the taste of blood. He heard something move behind him and felt his inside turn into ice. It felt like a huge hand gently crushed him to death. He exhaled slowly and let his head drop to the table, letting it rest there. Someone else came out from the other room, stopping in the doorway as Lei had done before. Lei clenched his hands, breathing too quickly. He could almost feel the man's smile burning into the skin of his back. He moved around the table and sat down in front of him. Lei looked up. Bryan wasn't smiling. Lei didn't have the energy to wonder what it meant. He tucked his arms under his head, hiding his face behind them. His insides were still cold as ice. He heard Bryan get up again, moving to the sink behind him. Glasses moved. Lei licked his lips, wondering why he hadn't stopped bleeding yet. Bryan came back, putting a glass down on the table. He sat down heavily and sighed. Lei looked up at him again. Bryan was slowly massaging his temples. He opened his eyes again and noticed that Lei was looking at him.

"I have a headache." He muttered quietly and took a mouthful out of the dirty glass. Lei looked over his shoulder at the bottle of whisky on the sink. There wasn't much left. He smiled joylessly and turned back, meeting Bryan's eyes again.

"You look worn out."

Lei closed his eyes with a pained grimace and leaned his head against his hand. He wanted to snap back at him, he wanted to scream just to hear him scream back. He didn't have the energy to make that effort. He nodded slowly.

"I… have some days off." He mumbled with an unusually raspy voice. Bryan nodded without any real interest and drank some more whisky. Lei remembered he used to try to teach him how to do it right. He didn't want to say anything.

"I'll be fine." He added so quietly he barely heard it himself. He felt like laughing. He felt like doing something. They sat quietly together there for a while, Bryan staring out the window and Lei staring down on the table. Every now and then he raised his hand to his mouth and gently stroked his lips, not looking at the fingertips afterwards anymore. Every time he put his hand down, he left a few bloody fingerprints on the table's surface. Bryan glanced at him every now and then. He finally slammed his glass down on the table.

"Knock that off!" he snarled at Lei. Lei met his gaze, his hand still covering his mouth. He then looked down and lowered his hand, sighing slightly. Bryan looked like he wanted to say something else, but just gave a frustrated sigh and drank some more whisky. Lei glanced at him. Bryan didn't look back.

"You went too far." Lei finally stated quietly, with an almost surprised tone of voice. Bryan didn't show any sign that he had heard him. He got up from the table and went back to the sink. He put the glass down and stood still there. Lei stared at the wall for a moment before he turned towards him again.

"You went too far." He said louder this time. Bryan gave him a warning look over his shoulder while he reached for the bottle of whisky again. He unscrewed the top and poured himself a new glass. Lei got up from his chair. His hands were shaking. He took a deep breath.

"Bryan…" he began, but Bryan silenced him by simply raising his hand. He didn't even bother to look over his shoulder this time.

"Shut up, Lei. Just shut your fucking mouth." He said irritably. Lei looked down on the floor and hated himself for obeying him. He soon looked up again, but kept quiet. Bryan put the bottle aside. Lei took just a second to prepare himself, then quickly took a few steps forward, grabbed Bryan's glass and gulped the drink down. He forced himself to swallow it and slammed the glass back on the sink. He glared angrily at Bryan for a while, before he suddenly winced in pain and covered his mouth with his hands. Bryan grinned at him.

"Didn't see that coming, huh?" he asked and laughed quietly at him. Lei gave him another dark glare, backed to the table and sat down. He tried to wipe his mouth clean, but it just caused him more burning pain. He gave up trying to make it better and just waited for the worst to pass. Bryan was still grinning at him. Lei looked up at him.

"Why does it…" he began, but paused. He looked down on the floor again. Bryan's grin slowly faded as he realized what was about to happen.

"Lei." He began, not continuing until Lei was looking at him. "What the hell were you expecting?"

Lei made a strange noise, a mix of a snort and a sob.

"More games." He replied, almost ashamed. Bryan nodded slowly.

"And what was it I did that didn't fulfil your nice little daydreams?"

Lei stared at the floor, shaking his head slowly with an empty look on his face.

"Nothing…" he whispered. "You… you just went too far."

Bryan rolled his eyes, sighing in an almost theatrical way.

"'Too far'?"

Lei slammed his fist into the table, not raising his head to look at Bryan.

"You toyed with me…!" he hissed. "Like I was just…"

He didn't find words. He closed his eyes and took a quick, gasping breath.

"You toyed with me!"

Bryan leaned back against the sink and crossed his arms, sighing slightly.

"I think you don't know what you want. I know that is how you want it to be."

Lei looked up at him, his teeth clenched together.


"You can deny it all you like, but I know it!" Bryan interrupted him, almost yelling now. "I've thought about it myself, about why you keep opening the door. You love what I do to you. You hate me for doing it, but you love the feeling."

He paused slightly, meeting Lei's almost defiant stare. Bryan tilted his head slightly to the side with a nearly surprised smile.

"You love the feeling of having to control yourself, don't you?" he said with a low, dangerously soft voice. He stood up, now looking down at Lei.

"You love being constricted and having to fight the anger and fear that rise up inside you every time. You're right, it's always been games, and you think you want me to play by your rules. We play by my rules now. You're just telling yourself that you didn't like it."

Lei shook his head slowly and stood up. His hands were still shaking slightly.

"'Telling myself…'!" he whispered, smiling in an unsettling hysterical way. His face was so close to Bryan's now he could smell the whiskey on his breath. Bryan stood calmly, watching him without a trace of emotion on his face. Lei cleared his throat.

"Telling myself…" he muttered, nodding slowly as he took a few steps back. He raised his hands in a small shrug. "Of course…"

Within just a split second, Lei quickly gave Bryan a hard punch, making him stagger to the side. Bryan stood up straight again right afterwards as if nothing had happened, running his tongue over his upper row of teeth before clenching them together hard. He looked down at Lei again.

"Losing it already, Lei?" he asked with a grin. Lei turned his head away from him.

"Losing it… is that what you think?"

Bryan laughed shortly and quietly, walking slowly towards him. Lei barely noticed that he backed away as he came closer.

"You have no idea how fucking good it feels to see you like this. I know that all you want deep inside is to tear me to pieces and you don't know how to handle that. You don't know what to say or to do…"

Lei backed right into the wall. His eyes widened in a sudden surge of fear as Bryan took a firm grip of his shoulders and pressed him hard against it, his arms almost completely stretched out.

"…to uphold your image of complete fucking righteousness."

Lei struggled against his grip.

"Let go of me!" he hissed, trying to squirm out of it. Bryan pressed him against the wall even harder. Lei growled at him almost beastly. Bryan smirked at him.

"I should have broken you a long time ago." He told him, still with the gleeful smirk on his face. Lei's angry grimace faded away as he stared in almost chocked way at Bryan.

"I'm not broken." He protested quietly. "You can't break me."

Bryan nodded slowly.

"Of course not." He said. Lei clenched his teeth together.

"Let me go." He warned. "Now."

Bryan released one of his shoulders quickly, as if it was just an experiment. Lei raised his hand again.

"You'd regret that." Bryan growled lowly, burrowing his fingers into Lei's other shoulder, making him squirm slightly in pain.

"Let go!" he gasped.

"Why should I?" Bryan quickly replied. "My rules, remember?"

Lei stopped fighting him. He let Bryan hold most of his bodyweight up while he gave him an exhausted look.

"You're going to kill me if this continues, aren't you?" he asked quietly, almost afraid to meet Bryan's eyes. Bryan looked away from Lei's face for a short while, as if he had to get a moment to think. He stood like that for a while, staring intensively at the wall. When he finally looked back at Lei, Lei didn't want to hear the answer anymore. Bryan took a short breath as if he wanted to say something, but sighed instead, looking down. Lei tilted his head slightly to the side, still looking at Bryan.

"Aren't you?" he repeated, almost amazed by Bryan's reaction. Bryan raised his head again, meeting Lei's eyes. Lei saw something in them, some spark of emotion he had never even dared to hope to see in his eyes. He felt a flutter of joy and couldn't help but smile. It made his lips slightly tear up again. Bryan looked down on his lips, raised his free hand and brushed some of the small drops of blood away.

"Does that hurt…?" he asked quietly with a strange smile. Lei's smile died away.

"Answer my question." He said, only glancing now and then with an increasing feeling of unease at Bryan's bloody fingers. Bryan looked down on his own fingers with a slowly growing smile. He glanced at Lei. Without any warning, he took a firm grip of Lei's neck and pressed his face against his own, kissing him surprisingly gently. Lei closed his eyes and hoped for the best. Bryan kept it gentle at first, before he suddenly bit down hard on Lei's lower lip. Lei tore himself loose, screaming out it pain. Bryan laughed dryly and let him go.

"How about now!" he asked him loudly and laughed again. Lei turned towards him with eyes burning with rage, wiping blood from his mouth.

"Get out!" he snarled at him and pointed with a shaky hand at the door. Bryan shrugged and walked towards it.

"See you around." He called to him and opened the door. Lei ignored it, but looked up at him.

"Don't bother coming back." He hissed at him. Bryan froze immediately, waited for a moment and closed the door again. He looked back at Lei.

"I'll come back, Lei." He said lowly, not smiling any more. He glared darkly at him while speaking. "And you'll open the door, because just as I said earlier, you are so wrapped up in your own damn lie that you are 'good' that you look for ways to prove it in everything! And who would be better for comparison than me?"

"Shut up." Lei muttered, turning his back at him.

"Face it!" Bryan continued, ignoring Lei. "Beneath that nice, hard shell that your badge creates for you, you are just as rotten as me. What makes you any different, when the things about us that really matter are put up against each other?"

"Get the hell out." Lei said quietly, still with his back turned. "I won't open the door next time."

Bryan took a few steps forward and put his hand on Lei's shoulder. The muscles in Lei's shoulder tensed, as if he expected to be hit. Bryan leaned closer to him.

"If only I could have a buck for every time you've said that…" he mumbled to Lei with a smile and walked away from him again. He opened the front door again, stopped in the doorway and turned towards him again.

"Bye…" he paused shortly and smiled to himself again. "…detective Wulong."

He closed the door. Lei stood still in the now quiet apartment, concentrating on his breathing. He looked over his shoulder on the door, almost as if checking he was really gone. After a short while, he sighed deeply and slowly walked over to the sink. He moistened the wash cloth and wiped the table clean. He then squeezed the water out of it, carelessly tossed it to the side and washed his own face. His lower lip had already stopped bleeding again, now it was just an annoying, pounding ache. He didn't dry his face. He stood up, staring blankly at the white stones on the wall above the sink, not caring about the water dripping down on his shirt. He soon looked down again, turned the water on again and washed his face one more time. He didn't turn the water off, he leant against the sink, breathing quickly. He looked down on the water running, grabbed a small sponge from the side of the sink and began to wash his hands frantically. After what felt like the longest minutes of his life, he finally turned the water off again.

He stood still there, slowly raised his quiveringhands in front of his face and stared at the now red skin. He made a desperate, whining sound and clenched his fists. He looked down, took a deep breath and hissed it out, his shoulders shaking almost spastically. He closed his eyes and reached out for something. He found the whisky bottle just a bit away. He straightened up and stared at it, almost amazed by it. He unscrewed the top and slowly put it down on the side of the sink. He lifted it to his mouth and smelled it. He took a few steps away, closer to the front door. He looked up at it. He suddenly cried out in anger and frustration and threw the bottle towards the door. It smashed against it and coated the floor in front of the door with small glass pieces. The little whisky that had still been in the bottle had made a dark stain on the door. Lei sank to his knees with an almost devastated sob.

"Some super cop I am…" he mumbled to himself, looking at the stain on the door. His lip had been torn open again when he screamed out. One single drop of his blood ran down from his lip and dripped off his chin. He sighed deeply and wiped the rest of the blood off his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Super cop…" he repeated to himself and closed his eyes, listening to the silence.