The Start of a Dream

Disclaimer: Naruto is owned by Kishimoto-sensei and not by this one.

Glor: A gen fic. Amazing, I never write those, but this one just demanded to be written. This takes place when Naruto is young, let's say 4 or 5. This also assumes that Rin did not die after the Kakashi Gaiden.

Rin left at the end of her long shift from the Konoha Hospital and started down the path home. On the way, she passed the ninja academy to see a boy getting knocked off a swing by some boys his age. Once the boys saw Rin, they fled. Rin ignored the boys made her way over to the blond-haired boy they had knocked off the swing.

She knelt down by him, "Are you all right?" She asked and the boy nodded slowly, holding his leg, "Did you hurt you knee? Let me take a look at it. I'm a trained medic nin, so I can help."

The boy shook his head furiously, "No, it'll heal real soon." He answered.

Rin tilted her head in confusion as she moved the boy's hands away to see the wound mostly healed. She blinked a few times, "Well, I guess you must have a bloodline with very good healing abilities." Rin commented as she helped the boy up, "What's you're name anyway?"

"Naruto..." He answered as he stood up and Rin got a good look of his face and gaped, "What's that look for? Do you hate me too?"

"Oh no!" Rin exclaimed quickly, "You just reminded me of my sensei. He had unruly blond hair and striking blue eyes like yours."

"Really?" Naruto asked excitedly, the earlier incident forgotten, and a smile plastered on his face.

"Yeah... And you smile like him too." She said which made Naruto's grin grow.

"Cool! Who was your sensei, uh..." Naruto trailed off and Rin smiled.

"My name is Rin and my sensei was Yondaime Hokage-sama." At that, Naruto gasped.

"I look like Yondaime!" He exclaimed happily.

"Yup and maybe someday you'll grow up to be like him." She said with a smile.

Naruto paused for a moment, a thought entering his mind, "I wanna be Hokage! Just like Yondaime!" He proclaimed proudly.

"Naruto-chan, you may want to think about that a little more... Becoming Hokage is difficult."

"It is? What do you have to do to become Hokage?" Naruto asked.

Rin thought for a moment, "Well... First, you have to become a great ninja. Someone the Hokage before you would recognize." Naruto nodded and Rin continued, "Second, you'd have to be able to protect all of Konoha from war and keep the people safe. After all that's done and the previous Hokage acknowledges you to be the next Hokage, the people will come to respect you as the next Hokage."

"Respect me...?" Naruto whispered to himself, "It's decided! I will become Hokage! Everyone will finally respect and never pick on me again!"

Rin chuckled and ruffled Naruto's hair, "Naruto-chan, that's one big dream you have there..."

"I know! But I can do it! Believe it!" Naruto exclaimed and was about to bound off but paused, looking at Rin.


"Can you tell me more about Yondaime, Rin-san?" Naruto asked shyly.

Rin laughed, "Oh, please don't call me -san it makes me sound old. But all right, I'll tell you about my sensei. He was war hero, you know. They called him Konoha's Yellow Flash..."

Glor: Since there's virtually no info on Yondaime, I'm going to end it there. So now you know where Naruto got the 'I will be Hokage' dream from. Blame Rin. (smile) Tell me what you think.