Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ blah blah...

Hey here it is FINALLY! I lost the chapter you see, and it didn't turn up for months.... but it's here now so we'll get on with this shall we!

Chapter Three: Secrets Revealed

"Missing Briefs child? What do you mean?" Android 18 smiled ruefully.

"If we'd only known- but hindsight is 20/20. It's strange that you should find your way here, one of only two places that still remember your kind."

"My kind? What do you mean?" Thyla looked utterly bewildered. 16 steered her to a chair and placed a bowl of soup in front of her.

"You eat and listen. We'll tell you everything." He smiled reassuringly. 18 started talking.

"You are part of what is left of a spectacular and powerful race called Saiyans. They have he ability to transform, either to Oozaru in full moonlight, or to Super Saiyan.

"Your great grandfather was Trunks Briefs, one of the last great Saiyans, and president of the Capsule Corporation. Presidents became weaker as the Saiyan blood became diluted in human blood, until the last one, your father, didn't have any power at all. 11 years ago, there was a rebellion. Your father was killed and your mother only just escaped with you. She was a sweet little thing, as pretty as they come. She was descended from Goten, Trunks' best friend, and Marron, my own daughter. But he was ill, and she died when you were just a year old. The Capsule Corp. was taken by another huge company, and the house was burned down. That place is rightfully yours, or what is left of it. 16, 17 and I came here and stopped you destroying this house, which is where Goten grew up and where Chichi died and also where my husband Krillin died. I miss him so much-" 18 choked and surreptitiously wiped away a tear from her eye. 17 patted her shoulder and continued.

"If we had only known that the Capsule Corp. was going to be taken over, we would have stopped it. But we didn't know until too late.

"We aren't sure why you are the first since Trunks to have true Saiyan powers; maybe it was because two people of Saiyan ancestry bred, maybe not. But we know that you can fight to get your rightful home back. A bit of training first of course, but in time... You can take revenge on the ones that killed your father and hold the world at his mercy."

Thyla's eyes were wide as she took all this in. Her soup was cold and untouched.

"So- so you're telling me that I am heiress to a multi-million dollar international corporation and I am princess of the Saiyan race and I have potential to be incredibly strong?" She looked incredulous, then let out a sharp laugh. "What do you take me for? You come into my house, feed me a story about rich alien princes and expect me to believe that you are me great-great-great-grandmother? How is that possible? Do you take me for a fool? Who do you think I am? Yajirobe?" She laughed again and drank her soup. "Mmm. Good soup. Can I have the rest?" At a nod from 16, she picked up the huge pot and drained the contents. 18 smothered a smile but 17 laughed out loud.

"If that's not proof I don't know what is! Goku ate like a pig. You should have seen his food bill. Just as well he liked fish." He rose and walked across to the wall and straightened the framed 'Hom seeet HoAme'. "Why can't you accept our story when it is true?"

"Because I have no reason to," Thyla replied simply. "You don't know my life. Since I can remember I have been running from village to village, after I wake to discover people think I've destroyed them. How could I destroy a whole village in one night? I don't remember doing it and they accuse me and chase me, calling me King Kong and monster and freak. I don't know why. Until I can here I had no home or family, and suddenly you tell me I'm a princess of exceptional power and you expect me to believe you? HA!" She stood up. "It's all too good to be true! And why now do you come to me?"

"We need your help," said 16, speaking finally.

"Why do you need my help? Why me? What can I-" she broke off as 16 placed a hand on her head. Images flashed into her mind. The first thing was happiness. A lavender-haired man and a pretty blonde woman stood together, hold a small lavender-haired baby. Suddenly there were screams. The scene was rent by flames. A large figure was bearing down on the little family. The father bundled the now crying baby into her mother's arms and told her to run, pushing her away as he tried to hold back the figure on his own. The mother ran, tears streaming down her face. Behind her, a building was devoured by flames. The huge figure snuffed out the man's life like a flame on a candle. Thyla barely noticed 16 take his hand away and her vision clearing. She didn't notice the tears that flowed unbidden down her cheeks. All she could see was the woman's face as she ran for her life. Finally she became aware of her surroundings.

Choking back a sob she whispered, "Is that what happened?" 16 nodded slowly. Thyla wiped away her tears and took on a determined look that seemed as at home on her face as it had on Goku's.

"Then I'll help. I'll teach them for destroying all that good stuff and my parents. They shall pay for what they have done to planet Earth."

YAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!! Finally I got this up!!!!!!! I'm so pleased, cos I like this story. I'm gonna get on with it a.s.a.p.

Don't worry, I'm gonna continue with this!