Disclaimer: I do not own Veronica Mars or any other characters. But I would love to own Jason Dohring and Teddy Dunn!

Do you ever feel like breaking down?
Do you ever feel out of place?
Like somehow you just don't belong
And no one understands you

-Welcome to My Life by Simple Plan

Veronica stared out the plane window as they landed onto the tarmac.

"Welcome to LAX Airport. We hope you enjoyed flying with Delta Airlines and we hope to see you again" a perky stewardess announced.

Veronica tilted her head back onto the seat and breathed in deeply.

This is how an emancipated minor lives, huh? she thought to herself.

It had been a month since her dad Keith and her mom Lianne had died in a car crash. And 2 weeks since she was considered an "adult". Seeing that she was a 17, smart, A-student, her parents' lawyers gave her access to her trust fund. With all the cash and the money from selling their house in Boston, Veronica decided to move to the West Coast to start her new life. She had bought a apartment online in a So Cal town Neptune. She had also bought an office space and was going to open up an private investigator firm for extra cash. She was gonna call it Mars Investigations, after her dad's PI agency in Boston. In addition to her side job, she enrolled in the public high school so she could graduate and go to college eventually. She was going to start in a week.

Veronica walked through the metal tunnel to the hustle and bustle of LAX Airport. She grabbed her luggage and caught a cab. She had sent her trusty black Le Baron to Neptune a week earlier and should have arrived a few hours before she did.

When Veronica reached Neptune, her cab brought her to her apartment building and Veronica began to unpack.

One week later...

Veronica parked the Le Baron and walked to the school entrance. On her way to the office she heard people whispering "Whos she?" and "New girl alert!". A the office she was met by a tall African American guy with a fro and an office aid tag that said "Wallace".

"Hi, welcome to Neptune High. You must be new. I'm Wallace." He stuck out his hand and Veronica shook it cautiously. "Let me show you to the Principal's office. Its right over there but I suggest you talked to Mrs. Ingles, the secretary first." Veronica nodded and walked over to the desk. She told the secretary all of her information and sat down to a young man wearing a puka shell necklace.

"Logan Eccholls" Vice Principal Clemmons called out and the young man stood up and smirked at Veronica..

10 minutes later, Veronica was on her way to third period History with Mr. Rooks. As she walked into the classroom, people began whispering, just like in the hallway. She handed Mr. Rooks a note from Principal Audwin. Mr. Rooks handed her a history book and pointed her a seat next to a well-built male in an argyle sweater.

As she sat down she saw on top of his notebook said DUNCAN KANE in bubble letters.