Disclaimers: I in no way shape or form own Yu-gi-oh or Sailor moon. Kayla Tsukino is of my own creation so don't even consider stealing.

A/n: most of this fanfiction is based slightly on bits and pieces of a dream I've been having, as well some emotions I've been feeling as of late as a result of some personal maters.

Warnings: standard warnings aply. This fiction will contain sexual content, and other unsuitable material not ment for people with week stomaches or younger readers.

Chapter 1

The smell of rain lingered in the air as thick clouds blocked the sun from view. A flash of light, and a quick rumble of thunder were the only warnings that the sky intended on dumping its load upon the waiting city. People moved about running to avoid getting caught in a down poor.

A figure ran quickly along the busy street her feet pounding the pavment. Her brown hair done up in two pig tails on either side of her head bounced widly against her shoulders as she turned the corner sharply. Her legs skidded almost giving from under her weight but she managed to stop and matain her balance. She searched through her hand bag searching for something. Grasping the desired object pointedly in her fingers, she approached the entrance of the structure she had paused in front of moments before.

Taking careful strides, she inched her way in, her eyes darting right and left as if searching for something or someone. A figure in the not to far distance caused her to freeze and redirect her step and gaze. She broke into a quick jog slipping into an elevator just in time not to be seen by the figure she had spotted.

After arriving on her desired floor, she quickly slipped unnoticed down the hall and to a locked door. Shifting the object she held in her hands, she unlocked the door. The door sung open with little to no sound, her shoes hitting the wall to her left a second after. She quickly replaced them with house shoes and closed the door behind her. Her keys hit the wood with a soft clang as she dropped them half haseredly on the coffee table before her.

With a soft yawn, she sat back on the recliner behind her as she reflected on her life thus far. She had recently married, and had a well-paying job. She however didn't want the man she had married, and ever since her last real battle her mind seemed to have been else where. Her husband, Chiba, Mamaru had little time for her or so it seemed, and her mind couldn't concentrate on what it would take to make their marrage work. The two were always fighting over something, or she just didn't even bother to give him the time of day.

She had to wonder how her life could have changed so. One of her biggest thoughts revolved around a repetive chain of "what if's….. and one of the main one had to have been "what if I could do my life over. A slight ringing had jared her from her thoughts and she quickly relized it was her cell phone. Spilling out the contents of her hand bag, she quickly located the device and flipped it open. Upon seeing the phone number of one of her friends she hadn't talked to since her wedding, she answered it. "moushi Moushi…"

"Hi Usagi-chan, how are you?" came the voice on the other end.

"Ah, I'm fine Mako-chan, but I think I made a horid mistake…" Usagki replied as she started to count the number of popcorn dots on the celing.

Kino, Makoto, or Mako-chan, as Usagi had come to call her, had to have been one of her best friends. She still lived in their own town and co-owned a restrunt and flower shop with an old friend of theirs. At one point the girl thought she might have had feelings for him, but quickly relized that she had been wrong. "That's good, So how are you and your hyusband doing, and what is the mistake you think you made?" she asked with great concern.

"I just can't live my life pre-planned out for me. I don't love Mamaru, and I feel like there may be someone else out there just waiting for me. I hate not beinging allowed to search and find out…" Usagi stated flatly keeping her voice on level. If it were one thing about Usagi, she would tend to get over-ecited about the smallest thing. Yet, when she did she proved to have been right.

"Who says you have to fallow that path. I mean, look at what we have been through… I'm sure having a real life isn't going to change the future. I mean come on, Look at what happened to Ami or Minako. And, don't forget what a success Rei has become…. And your sister Kayla?" Makoto reminded her friend. This had caused Usagi to space and think about them each in turn.

Just out of high school, Mizno, Ami had gone off to America to study. She had quickly completed medical school and now was one of the youngest doctors there was. Her spicalities incluted general surgery and pediatric medicine. Usagi had even heard of one occasion that Ami even offered swimming lesons for free at the local YMCA.

Aino, Minako had perfected her singing. She had been labled number one in Japan as well as most of Canada and the United states. She even preformed several times in the U.K. where she had lived for a number of years. As a younger woman, she had been struggling with a terminal illness, but beat the odds and some how, dispite anything any doctor had predicted, over come it and now lives a normal helthy life.

Hino Rei, had gone into training right after high school. She studied hard and perfected her ability to read fire, and practice pristis traditions. Her father had disapproved of this field of study, but her father and her never could agree on any one thing. Yet, dispite his objects she continued on the path she had chosen, and now works with little kids on the side with art, and trains others that wish to join in her line of work.

Tsukino, Kayla lived in the United states for a majority of her life. She had flown to Japan a few times when Usagi needed her help, but due to her helth remained in Florida where she could receive the care she required. Even though on the outside, she looked like almost the exact mirror image of her sister, her insides said different. She had little to no Optic nerve depriving her of the ability to see. A brain disorder robbed her of her ability to walk well. It also effect how she used her hands, making life very difficult at times. But dispite this she had become very strong in other ways. The one thing she had most was a strong bond with her sister Usagi, and her best friend Rei. Yet she too like her sister felt as if there were something missing from her life.

"Usagi-chan…" Makoto called into the phne jarring the young moon buny from her thoughts. "are you still with the land of the living?"

Usagi laughed into the phone. "Hai Mako-chan I'm here… I just spaced out. I miss everyone so much…"

"I know, me too…. Maybe next time we are in town we should all meet up just like old days ne?" Makoto suggested.

Usagi beamed at the idea… She would have given anything to have everyone back together for a while. "that's great!" Usagi smiled through the phone. "I can't wait, lets get started right away…" she exclaimed hanging up on Makoto who seemed very confused by her friend's actions, although the girl couldn't help but laugh at her friend's antics.

:Some things never change: she thought to herself as she let the whole event sink into her mind. The problem now would be pulling it off. Ami and Minako had to have the two most busist lives, and Makoto or Usagi rarely had a chance to talk to rei. Aside from Usagi's twin Kayla, none of the old gang spoke much.

That night, after speaking with Makoto, Usagi begun to have strange dreams. Dreams that included places she had never seen before. People she was sure she had never met, and things she sure well she had never done before. What she didn't know, was that her friends also feel into a similar fate. Having almost idental dreams, but with slightly different people.

Early the next morning, Usagi staggered out of bed when the phone had jared her out of a much needed sleep. She grabbed the annoying device not bothering to look at the I.D. intending to chew who ever dared to wake her from her slumbers. "moushi moushi… and this had better be good…" she growled.

"it is very important so listen carefully." Came the voice on the other line. It had been Rei, one of Usagi's clostest friends. If she was calling, she knew something had to be up.

Usagi's face grew more serious as she spoke. " so what is the problem Rei-chan?"

"Have you had dreams of people you don't know, and a place you have never been?" Rei asked trying to remain calm about this. However, this task proved to be difficult considering she had called before daybreak. If she knew Usagi, she wouldn't give her a very nice welcome over the phone, and try to get the conversation over as soon as possible.

Usagi sighed almost dreading the question she saw coming a mile away. "Hai…" she responded slightly confused for a moment. "Why do you ask?"

"Are they related to your feelings, like an emptness you can't place?" Rei continued her questioning.

"Hai…" Usagi replied again now completely wondering where this might be going, but if she stopped to think about it, then she already knew. "Your not thinking… are you… please say… no…"

"Hai… I've already called our other friends. I suggest you get your sister down here…" Rei confirmed.

"Right…" Usagi nodded in agreement. Boy did Rei ever know how to read her like a book. She jumped at the sound of a door opening, quickly relizing that it were only her husband. Quickly she whispered a quick good-bye to her friend before turning her attention on her husband.

"What are you doing up?" he had asked her trying to remain calm. Truth be told he dispised it when she would sneak out of bed late at night. He had suspected something about her concerning him, but couldn't place his finger on it.

She took a deep breath, thinking for a reply. "well, I just wanted something to drink…" she replied.

"Who were you talking to on the phone?" he proded sounding acusing now.

"Why do you care? Besides, I don't think you need to know every move I make before I make it…" Usagi hissed out stalking towards the kitchen in anger. She pulled out a glass and waved it in front of his face as if trying to prove to him that she wanted nothing more then a simple drink of water. In fact it was actions like this that made her wonder what his motive might be if any at all.

"Because I don't trust you not to fuck up… You always screw up, and I think you're getting yourself in to much trouble. You hide your phone calls, I almost never see the girls, nor do you even talk about them. I have reason to suspect you're cheating on me!" Chiba, Mamaru her current husband, all but shouted at his whife half expecting her to burst into torents of tears. When none came, he continued his ranting. "So is it true then, You've become such a slut, that you don't want your own love to know of it?" he accused.

That had been it for Usagi. Her temper sparked up and she tossed the half-filled glass at him the object shattering on the floor in front of him. She then clutched her purse and stormed out of the apartment, still dressed in her evening whare. Half way down the hall, she paused and called her sister. Needing to make the call anyhow.

Half way across the world, Kayla, Usagi's twin sister, sat in her wheelchair listening to a television program. Her cell vibrated against her hip and she reached for it. Not bothering to glance at the display, she flipped it open automatically answering the call. "Hello?"

Usagi understood little English thanks to her sister's help. She often knew that Kayla often couldn't tell who were on the other end so often would answer in English. "Kayla-chan?" Usagi sobbed into the phone.

Kayla suddenly set upright her attention on the phone. "what is wrong?" she asked switching to Japanese.

"A lot of things Kayla-chan, can you please try to come down here as soon as you can?" the request seemed small and week, but non the less it had been made. Usagi didn't quite know what to do or where to begin when it came to explaining things over the phone.

"I'll be on the next flight…" Kayla promised packing a bag the moment the conversation ended. Now all Usagi could do was wait, and hope that her husband wouldn't try anything.

Not wanting to risk anything more, she slipped back for her shoes. She then retreated to an old hang out she used to live at when she were younger, choosing to sleep on the couch and try to salvage as much sanity she could possibly muster. She found she had little choice but to use this last resort.

For several days Usagi lived out of the hang out not stopping for much anything. She called Makoto and explained everything, and the other woman gladly gave her food to eat. Within that time, Kayla had arrived and when she didn't find Usagi at her place, she knew that she must have been hiding out.

About a week after Kayla arrived, Ami and Minako had made it back to town. Rei quickly briefed them on everything, and soon everyone had gathered in Rei's temple to figure out the dreams and their cause. Each night that had gone by, the dreams came a little clearer then the night before, but not one image, sound, place, or person seemed to make much since to them.

After a few hours on their knees, Rei sighed the fire showing nothing. She had thought of giving up when an idea had struck her. "Minna, lets pull our powers and see if we can't as a team figure out what is happening." She suggested.

The other former senshi exchanged glances but sighed. "You know, that might work, that is if we can." Usagi finally spoke up.

"Our power is week, and it take us several tries, but what do we have to lose?" Kayla agreed wanting more then anything to have one free night where her dreams didn't involve people, places, and things she had never seen or heard of in her life. At one point she thought that just maybe someone wanted her to remember a place and time, but why she did not know.

With her words, everyone nodded in agreement. The six people stood hand-inhand eyes closed. "Now everyone, concentrate on an aspect of your dream preferably a place, or a person." Rei instructed. As the girls did so they could feel the fire pulling them in.

They tried to pull away, but the more they pulled and tugged on each other, the harder and stronger the force became. Within seconds, they vanished the fire dying out as they did so leaving not a trace behind. In fact, the place where the fire burned had been left bone-dry not one ember remained, It looked as if it had never been used ever.