All three Uchiha's live together. Itachi, Sasuke: 6-years old, Kiyoko: 10-years-old, Itachi: 12-years-old.
Chapter 1:
"Hey! Wait up!" A young girl called, her waist length black hair flew behind her in a loose braid as she ran to catch up with her older brother. The oldest one stopped and looked at her momentarily as she caught up. She stopped and knelt over, hands in her knee's, catching her breath. Her ice blue eyes were closed. He just smirked.
"Worn out already sis?"
"Oh...Shut...up...weasel..." she managed to choke out between breaths. She finaly caught her breath and stood, looking up to the slightly taller Uchiha boy. He just sighed and looked at her some.
"You were suppouse to pick Sasuke up from the baby-sitters."
"I just got out of school! I thought you were going to pick him up!" She called, half worried. Itachi smiled.
"Calm down. Mom picked him up an hour ago." Kiyoko sighed in relief and looked at her brother as she noticed he was looking her over. She glared.
"Your school uniform. It fits you." He smirked and ran as soon as he saw the angered look in her pearly, ice-blue eyes.
"I'll hurt you for that!" She yelled as she chased him all the way home. He ran in through the door, Kiyoko in close chase. Their mother looked up and sighed as she saw Itachi run into the kitchen. Sasuke looked up from what he was doing as well and blinked.
"Mom! I'm going to hurt that weasel." Kiyoko stated as she stopped on the other side of the table. Itachi went to run to the left only to feel his mother grab his ear.
"Itachi Uchiha. Kiyoko Uchiha. What's goingon."
"He made a comment about the school's uniform."
"What about it Itachi?" Their mother then turned from Kiyoko to him.
"All I said was it looked good on her."
"Kiyoko." She turned back to Kiyoko and sighed.
"He was being a smart...cocky about it!" Sasuke jumped from his chair and ran to his older sister. He latched his arms around her waist.
"Sis...Will you take me to the park today?" He asked in a small child's voice. Kiyoko forgot all about her anger towards their sarcastic older brother and nodded.
"Ofcourse I will." Sasuke smiled and reached his hadns up to her. She picked him up. She glanced at a smirking, now free, Itachi and sighed.
"I'm going to take Bub to the park Mom."
"Alright Kiyo. Be careful."
"Yes ma'am." She carried her heavy younger brother from the house and sat hiim down and they walked to the park. When they got there, Sasuke ran off to play around in the grass just before the woods. He began to flip around and other types of things hyper active little kids like to do. Kiyoko smiled and watched him, laughing to keep him from crying when he fell. After while, almost dark, Kiyoko looked up to see the sky. It was painted in several colors, making the area a picture perfect area. She smiled.
"Sasuke! Look up! Isn't it beautiful!" Sasuke looked up and fell on his bottom, then to his back.
"Wow! Sis, will it always be like this? You, Mom, Big Bwover, Dad and me?" Kiyoko turned her head to look at her younger brother and tilted her head in a worried way.
"Why Sasuke?"
"I was walking past Mom and Dad's room last night because I had to use the restroom. On the way back, I heard them talking and couldn't help it. I was curious. Dad said that there might be a war and..."
"Sasuke! You know you shouldn't be listening to them! No matter what!" Sasuke flenched at his sisters upset voice and looked at her, sitting up, with sad eyes.
"Sis...I...I'm sowy..." He was about to cry. Kiyoko's eyes widened at what she had just done and pulled the younger one into a warm embrace.
"Sasuke, little brother. No. I'm sorry. Please don't cry." She tightened her grip around her younger brother some and closed her eyes, resting her head on his some. "I'm sorry Sasuke." Sasuke looked up at her with sad, smiling eyes. She smiled sadly at him.
"It's late little brother. Come on, let's start heading home." The younges Uchiha nodded and stood along side his sister, walking home. When they got there, dinner was already ready and they were just about to eat.
"Sorry we're late mother. Sasuke and I lost track of the time." Kiyoko smiled at her mother. Both her mother and father nodded at her. They all sat down for dinner, Sasuke was the quietest for the day.
"Mom, I'm not feeling well. May I be excused?" Kiyoko asked, placing her eating utencils on the table, her head lowered some in a polite manner. Sasuke looked up emidiately, Itachi following his youngest siblings movements.
"Uh, I'll take her up to her room." Itachi said as Kiyoko stood. He stood as well. Both parents nodded and watched the two siblings walk upstairs. Kiyoko with her head lowered and Itachi looking at his sister through the corner of his eyes.
"I just became sick to my stomach is all. A little rest and I should be fine big brother."
"Kiyoko, are you sure? I mean, you have the best immune system than any of us."
"It must of been something I ate." She smiled at him weakly. "I'll be fine. Come and check on me in a few, I'm sure I'll be asleep though." Itachi nodded and threw the covers over his youner sister, taking one last glance at her as she closed her eyes to rest. He turned and walked from the room, back down to the kitchen.
"What's wrong with Sister!" A worried Sasuke greeted Itachi just at the door.
"She's just a little sick at her stomach. She should be fine. She's not running a fever or anything." Sasuke nodded and followed his eldest sibling back into the kitchen to finish eating. After dinner, Itachi and Sasuke attempted the dishes, Sasuke getting bubbles all over his head. Itachi laughed at him and when they were done, he picked his younger brother up, carrying him to the bathroom.
"Take a bath and then head to your..."
"But I wanna sleep in your room tonight big brother." Itachi blinked and smiled at Sasuke.
"Alright. Bathe, then meet me in my room. I'm going to go check on Sister and make sure she doesn't need anything." Sasuke nodded and when Itachi walked out, climbed into the tub. Itachi walked to Kiyoko's room. She was fast asleep. The thing that worried him was her breathing was abnormal. He walked over to her quickly and placed his hand on her forehead.
"Oh man. No. MOM! DAD!" He went to run from her room as he yelled for them only to be stopped at the door by two worried adults. Itachi was frantic and looked completely scared.
"Itachi. Itachi, calm down for a minute and tell me what's wrong." Their mother was trying to stay calm.
"Kiyoko...Her fever...She's running a fever. Her forehead, it's burning hot. And in such little time. Mom, Dad, I'm scared. Will sis be okay?" Sasuke was still clueless on all of this as he was still in the bath. Both adults ran into her room, their mother placing her hand on Kiyoko's forehead, only to jerk it back.
"Call a doctor. That's not normal. Itachi, go get a cold rag. Hurry." Itachi nodded and ran from the room, to the bathroom.
"Sis is really sick Sasuke. Don't worry though, Mom and Dad are taking care of her at this moment." Itachi explained to the now worried kid in the tub as he got the rag wet undder extremely cold water.
"Sister! I wanna see sis!"
"Get out and get dressed. We won't be able to see her for a little bit. They're calling the doctors. Don't worry too much." With that, Itachi quickly ran back down the hall to give to cold rag to his mother. She placed the rag over her daughters head.
A/N: Please don't kill me. I wanted to make this since, well, it came to mind. I didn't want to lose the idea. Please review and let me know what you think.