"Yusuke why were you crying?" I asked as we sat there in silence for a little to long. He went silent, the only sound being made was our breathing, and he was nervously moving his hands.
"My mom." He answered silently.
"Your mom what Yusuke?" I asked pushing little by little, so he didn't break down again.
"Um…She was yelling, then she hit me and I can't hit my mom back no matter how mad she makes me. Then she kinda kicked me out for not standing up for my self stupid I know, but her so called friends were there too. I mean it wouldn't bother me so much usually but it's Christmas Eve and all she could think about was getting drunk and probably letting her friends take advantage of her. So I ran away and I ended up in the park and I didn't mean to cry it's stupid I shouldn't cry I should be a man I know." He said babbling on nervously.
"Yusuke." I said softly, he just continued to talk nervously, looking at his reflection in his hot chocolate.
"Yusuke." I said again trying to get his attention. He just kept talking, I gently leaned over and kissed him, he went into a silent shock. His eyes wide open, slowly he closed them leaning into the kiss.
"Yusuke." I said pulling away
"You can stay here, I don't mind as long as you don't." I said pushing his hair out from his eyes.
"My parents went to their in-laws. I did not feel like joining them, I don't know them so I don't feel comfortable around them but you and my parents are a whole different story. Right now my life revolves around not only my mother, but you as well Yusuke." I finish he looked at me with that same shocked expression. His eyes showed pure happiness and he didn't seem as nervous either.
"Ya-you you mean it?" He asked looking back down at his hot chocolate, which in my opinion wasn't hot any more.
"Yes Yusuke, I mean it," I answered as he blushed looking at his reflection, it's too much.
"You look so cute like that Yusuke." I said straining the 'so cute' part. He blushed even deeper, putting my hair to shame,
"Yusuke I must know where you got that shade of red. I'm thinking of dying my hair a different red. I love this one but that color on you puts me to shame." I said
"Kurama!" He shouted laughing.
"There's the Yusuke I know." I laughed, laughter dancing through both of eyes. He looks so natural like this carefree and having fun. I hope I can make him feel like this more in the future,
"Kurama, Thanks I needed that and I think I will stay. It's comfortable here. Really comfortable."
"Well Yusuke I'm glad you think that since your going to be here for a while. Hopefully I'll see what my parents say," I finished getting comfortable on the couch with Yusuke.
"You know I've been so caught up lately I didn't realize how peace life can be I guess. I mean this is sorta nice ya know." Yusuke said softly, leaning against me.
"I know Yusuke, Believe me I know." I whispered, running my hand through his hair gently.
I suck at this, I couldn't think of a good reason why Yusuke would cry so I came up with something. I thought would make me cry. THIS IS THE LAST CHPATER-takes a breath after yelling- just thought I'd let you all know that. Review if you review last time, and if you didn't review anyways.