Disclaimer: No, I don't own naruto. And if anyone has told you any differently . . . lies, lies! They are all lies! Masashi kishimoto is the original owner!

Chapter 1:

Night descended upon the peaceful village of Tokyo, lulling its normally bustling streets into a peaceful slumber. Everybody were safely tucked away into their beds… snoring everyone, except for a young girl busy looking for some hotel to have an overnight every person in the yukari hotel turned their head to see such a lovely girl in their sight

She had emerald eyes her long bubble-gum pink locks were silky and almost reached her buttocks. Her curves were perfect and her boobs were quite noticeable. Her full lips were covered in a light red lipstick, her porcelain white skin was flawless, and her nails were trimmed perfectly with a natural colored nail polish on them. But unfortunately she is underage… AND really childish. She walked towards a middle-aged woman in the counter to check in "kombanwa! What can I do for you?" the woman asked politely as she can

"Do you have any vacant rooms that I can use … Uhm… as you can see I'm new her-" she was cut of by a loud shriek from a known voice

"AHHHH! SAKURA-CHAN!" Tenten shouted at the top of her lungs and waved her hand high in the air to be noticed… while hinata and ayumi followed behind. They ran and almost bumped at the other persons walking around. Finally they got to her.

"S-sakura chan we M-missed you" she said timidly while handing her the flowers that they bought for her.

"Yeah! Why didn't you inform us that you're going here? "Ayumi asked in a cheery tone.

"Uhm… Well guys I'm really glad to see you but I would like to surprise you that I'm here, who informed you?" she gave a wide smile while playing her hair.

"Its your Mom… who gave that news to us THROUGHT telephone anyways that's enough we should celebrate cause sakura-chan is back!" they made a group hug which last in 5mins. "Uhm… Excuse me miss but are you still going to check in?" she said breaking of the silence.

"No thanks I'd prefer to sleep in my friends house arigato!" they skipped happily helping their friend to carry her baggage. Her parents were working and also living in U.S.A. that's why she have no place to live in nowadays coz before she got an apartment that ends when she go to U.S.A to compete for the volleyball competition and also to meet her parents.

"So what happened to our school did something happen or I mean change when I get to U.S.A.?" she said while combing her hair (they were having a slumber party at Hinata's mansion)

"Well there is a certain Uchiha lad who transferred at our school and unfortunately he's our classmate" ayumi finished her sentence quickly

"Then what do you mean UNFORTUNATE are you saying that he's some kind of nerd or something…"she emphasized the word unfortunate while glancing back at the mirror

Tenten hugged her pillow before answering sakura's question "To inform you sakura-chan

Sasuke is the youngest son of the richest family in the whole world… and is the son of the owner of our school he transferred because he got kicked out in his school you know the school where highly branded families go…"she said unamused

"And to add more sakura-chan he is the school bully in our school now!" hinata added

"But one thing is… she really HATES girls, well I can really say that Sasuke IS cute he even has his own fanclub!" ayumi giggled

"Well okay it's a little bit late and we have classes tomorrow right?" sakura yawned and turned to her room." they all greeted their goodnight's and quickly got to sleep.

Sasuke cackled to himself as he watched the pink-haired female continue acting like a child, doing what she wanted when she wanted.

"Bizarre female… I think she's the right person to prank" he muttered under his breath

Naruto glared at his best friend "Sasuke-teme I know that you're up to something bad…"

Naruto tried to go to sakura to welcome her back to school as a sign of hospitality. It's their homeroom period so he can do anything he wanted and as we all know he is a close friend of sakura. Sasuke just followed the fox boy to where he was going.

"Sakura-CHAAAANN!" naruto called out getting the attention of the other people around.

"Ne naruto-kun what's up? So what happened to you and hinata-chan when I'm off" she smiled sweetly noticing someone at his back. A raven-haired man with onyx eyes.

"Sasuke!" neji called out

"Doshite?" he answered in a half-annoyed tone.

Shikamaru pulled him to the company "wanna play truth or dare? Well this is really troublesome…"he muttered

"why would I play that lousy game huh?" sasuke asked

"Oh! The great Uchiha is afraid of playing truth or dare" takeshi said mockingly

"I'm not"

"Then do it … lets play!" neji dared

"ok" he said in monotone 'I know you guys are up to something'

takeshi spinned the bottle immediately. All 4 of them were waiting for the bottle to stop spinning. The bottle spins slower and slower and it finally pointed to Shikamaru!

"heeeheeehee" takeshi laughed evilly

"sorry for you lazy-boy" neji smirked

"this is troublesome"

"truth or dare?" Sasuke asked "truth" Shikamaru retorted

"OK! What the craziest thing you have ever done?" takeshi asked. There was a long pause.

"well… hen I uhm… dressed as a pregnant woman in our play last year… I cant help it that's my role!" he blurted

The company burst out in laughter imagining Shika wearing a dress and was pregnant. After criticizing him neji took the turn of spinning the bottle soon the bottle spins slowly and points its tip to Sasuke.

"Uchiha, which do you prefer tru-" neji was cut of by takeshi.

"DARE!I know that you're a though guy so its settled you will have DARE!" takeshi exclaimed while Shikamaru nodded in agreement.

"then Its settled! I –will-be-the-one-to-give-his-challenge… you need to find the cutest girl for you who is in your taste… you will introduce yourself to her and kiss her in public" neji said quickly.

"hey didn't you forget that he HATES girls" Shika asked to neji but he didn't answer

"hn. I accept it"he said coldly


Sasuke turned around looking for someone. He spotted a young girl happily chatting to her friends. He walked towards her confidently. Sakura looked up to see who is beside her.

" Hi! I'm Uchiha Sasuke" he smiled confident of his own way. But before sakura could say a word Sasuke pulled her wrist and kissed her gently on the lips.

Sasuke's fangirls flamed in anger and in jealousy. Some of the people applauded but was stopped

Sakura slapped Sasuke with all her might…


Well that's my first chapter on my first fic sorry for my grammar! pls. don't flame me and pls. Review now kindly click that purple rectangle there at the bottom left corner of your screen and click SUBMIT REVIEW
