Snape felt a burning sensation around his neck, not his arm. Dumbledore's again then, he thought. Drying his hands, he pulled out an invisible chain from about his neck. He rubbed the pendant making it magically appear. The phoenix song hummer quietly around him, Severus rolled his eyes. This was Dumbledore's way of making him safe? The potion master was quite happy he was alone. Snape placed his thumb directly over the heart of the bird and whispered.
"Sweet tarts," which was not surprisingly also the password to the headmaster's office.
The world spun, Snape taped his foot in annoyance. He hopped this wouldn't take long; he had potions to brew and people to watch being tortured. Long day's schedule.
The world, in Snapes perspective, stopped spinning and the order of the phoenix came into view. The man wasn't sure which vision he liked better, the spinning nothing, or this? Unable to decide, he sneered at the nearest member and found a seat located in the darkest corner of the room.
The great man himself, eating lemon drops no less, emerged minutes later. Immediately fallowing the surrounding witches and wizards stopped talking, paying close attention to the man who had yet to ask for their attention. Snape would have rolled his eyes at such blanten display of respect and aw, but he'd seen the way some death eaters reacted to their lords arrival. Some people might have joined out of fear, others greed, but there were a select few that were there out of loyalty and respect. Not many, but again, a select few. Severus wasn't sure if the order stayed silent in awe or loyalty, only knowing it wasn't fear. He could respect that, he didn't, but he supposed he could. And he was sure at one point in time he probably had.
"If we could all lend our ears to listen for a moment, this will be brief," said Dumbledore unnecessarily. Several new wrinkled had appeared between his brows; Severus knew this only happened when the aged man was trying not to frown.
"Our dear Mr. Potter has indeed been taken hostage by Voldemort." Many of the order gasped, one even broke down into tears, and predictably enough it was Molly Weasley. Between her sobs she managed to repetitively say the phrase.
"Oh the poor dear!" it all made Snape sick to his stomach. Here they were blubbering about something they could all together as a mass fix. But did they? No, and was Severus going to stand up and tell them to do something? Not a chance, he was going to silently laugh at them in his head instead, it was the most entertainment he got at these meetings.
Well he was enjoying the small mess of chaos, until that is, Dumbledore remembered he had a spy in the dark lord's manor.
"Severus, what have you learned?" Snape sneered at all the apprehensive face around him. The potion master decided to have a little fun at their expense. They always did say he was an utter bastard.
"Mr. Potter is enjoying the captivity in the luxury of the dark lord's personal chambers." But they never said he was a liar. Here Snape stopped talking and regarded the room. It was silent, as the meetings with Voldemort were after the dark lord had finished speaking. The potions professor sort of liked it, the silence that is. Rather unfortunate it was all about to be broken. As promptly as he'd thought the worlds "pity it has to end," the room erupted into pandemonium. Having worked past the shock the order processed to blast the ear drums off of every idiot not smart enough to have put a dimming charm on their ears before the meeting had started. Snape, having been to many proceeding meetings, had one placed upon his ears before even having entering the room.
Severus Snape glanced at the all inspiring leader of the light and noticed to no surprise that he had a contemplative look upon his face and was not adding to the mess of voices rising in the room. And the only reason he was probably not stopping his birds from talking was again the contemplative look on his face that told of deep thoughts running through his head.
Just as the potion master tried to quickly slide out of the door he'd strategically place himself next too, the headmaster called him out. He'd tried to leave as quickly as possibly because usually if he didn't, Dumbledore would give him a suicidal mission that'd Snape would usually accept and succeed in accomplishing much to the disgust of one Sirius Black. The potion master idly wondered if he'd ever complete a mission he'd actual enjoy accomplishing. He enjoyed going to betrothals, maybe he'd suggest that as his next assignment.
"Yes headmaster?" Snape asked silkily as the headmaster hailed him over.
"I have an assignment for you Severus." The potion master would have said duh if it was not beneath him, but as it is, he replied with a dignified.
"As I knew you would," instead. It sounded childish even to Snape's ears.
"I wish to know the state of Mr. Potter. Please do not compromise you're position; I know you cannot save him. If the opportunity arises however, then by all means feel free. But Severus I wish to know how he is doing. I suggest bringing you're strongest healing potion; Mr. Potter cannot be in great comfort at the moment."
Mr. Snape only nodded before gracefully dashing out of the room. He had much to think about. He'd just pledged his loyalties to the dark lord. There was no going back from that. But maybe he could help the light. After all, there is no shadow without light. And no darkness without glow.
Sp Potter was a whore that made some previous actions makes more sense, thought Snape as he apparated into the orders head quarters for the second time in as many days. This was the second time he'd left the dark lord; Voldemort was not pleased with him. But the old coot needed to keep trusting him so the dark lord let him be.
He was last to arrive after Dumbledore, he must have been late. Severus Snape did not like being tardy. He pressed through the crowd until he vacated a chair in the corner with a glare. He registered the old man's voice.
"… We have since discovered some very upsetting news when questioning Mr. and Mrs. Dursley. It seems that Mr. Potter," here he paused, as if trying to gather the courage needed just to say the simple sentence. Severus sneered at the sentimentality of it all. If Harry Potter could live it, surely they could say it. "It seems," the old man started up again, "that Mr. Potter has been a child prostitute for most of his short life. His relatives have been... I do believe the word is pimping, him out for money."
The silence lasted longer then when Snape had said Harry was enjoying the company of Death Eaters. In fact, some order members fainted.
No one knew what to say, the potion master figured this was the perfect time to state his finding and make a hurried, but graceful, exit. He longed to return to the delightful potions laboratory the dark lord had been generous enough to gift him with.
"Mr. Potter was healed by the dark lord himself and is at the moment in a magically induced coma to sleep off his remaining injuries without doing further damage to himself and his injuries. When the boy awakes, the dark lord has confided with me, that he will try to seduce and turn the boy. I will now be taking my leave as I am due back at the compound."
The potions professor hadn't wanted to give information that was completely precise up to the now. He might be informing the light with correct information, but he never said I'd be accurate to date.
He left to the silence that the order seemed to have great difficultly over coming. Just as he left the room he heard someone say in a normal tone of voice, though it sounded fairly loud in the silent room.
"WE are so fucked."
Severus would have laughed aloud had it not been so terribly accurate and quite out of character.
A/n: terribly sorry for the long wait. But my course load has been tremendous and I'd broken several bones in my wrist so I was unable to type for a while. This chapter is mostly filler to see what's going on with the other side. Hope you enjoyed. The next chapter will be up soon. It's already written out, just needs to be typed up.