Die to Live


By Mell8


"Ronald Weasley, for your duplicitous actions against Ginevra Weasley, Draco Malfoy, and Blaise Zabini you have been sentenced to experience what Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini endured. As both served a sentence in Azkaban of three months, nine days, and twenty-one hours, you will serve a sentence in Azkaban of six months, eighteen days, and forty-two hours.

"In addition you have been removed from your position as an Auror for this Ministry and have been barred from holding any future position in this Ministry." The Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot stared down at an abashed Ronald Weasley. "Auror Potter has informed me that you will be in his custody through Ginevra's wedding, after which you will be turned over to the Azkaban guards."

The warlock stood from his seat and turned to leave. He stopped at the door and turned back to Ron. "On a side note, I've heard that the Chudley Cannons will be looking for a new Keeper at the end of the season in eight months and as Mr. Potter has already agreed to try out for the open Seeker position…well Mr. Weasley, it's something to think about while in Azkaban."


Harry watched the proceedings with the Wizengamot with a sad sigh. He knew that Ron was unhappy with his sister's choice in life partners, but to go this far…it was a little extreme.

It had been almost too easy for Harry to trace the magic signature left on the paper to Ron's wand. Plus as soon as Harry confronted him about it Ron told him everything. Harry almost felt bad for the youngest male Weasley. Ron was confused and angry and he refused to see just how in love Ginny was with her two boys.

It was almost sad, Harry mused as he fell into step as Ron's guard. It was sad that Ron was so close-minded. But he had always been like that with every boy Ginny had been seeing. Even when Ginny had been dating Harry, Ron had been a little crazy about the ordeal. Harry guessed that seeing Ginny with two people who Ron despised was enough to send him over the top. Harry just hoped that Ron came to his senses before he managed to estrange himself from Ginny forever.


The wedding dress was beautiful. It was all white and shimmery with light blue highlights that served to accentuate the clean lines and intricate stitching. But the girl wearing the dress was even more radiant. Her red hair was clipped into a cascading waterfall of curls down her back and the dress fit her small figure perfectly, but it was her smile that truly made everything so perfect.

Ron sighed and turned away from the scene. He remembered his wedding with Hermione and how he had felt. He could see the same nervous smiles on both Malfoy and Zabini's lips that he himself had held watching Hermione walk gracefully down the aisle. He remembered the glowing happiness and absolute love that had surrounded Hermione and saw it echoed in Ginny.

"Blaise Zabini do you take Ginevra Weasley to be your wife, bound to your magic and your soul for all eternity?"

"I do!"

"And do you take Draco Malfoy as your husband, bound to your heart and your life for all eternity?"

"I do!"

Ron watched as the vows were repeated and Malfoy smiled a quick flash of happiness both of the times he said, "I do!".

Then all attention was placed on the girl standing between them.

"And do you, Ginevra Weasley, take Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini as your husbands, into your house and heart, with magic and life, to tie your soul irrevocably with theirs for all eternity?"

"I do!"

And they did.


Ginny tugged her shirt down over her bulging stomach and grimaced. She was glad that Dragon's Wear, Draco's clothing shop had expanded to include clothing for pregnant women, but there were very few shirts that were large enough for a woman pregnant with twins.

When they had returned to their home they had found that Lee Jordan had somehow managed to secure their positions in all of their jobs. Draco had immediately taken his shop and, using the Malfoy fortune as he now had full control of his family inheritance, had branched into a huge corporations spanning both the Muggle and Wizarding world. Dragon's Wear clothing had become a family commodity that both the poorest and richest families could wear.

Blaise had bought out the pizza shop and expanded it to become the best bakery/pizza shop in Europe. He also had branches spanning both the Muggle and Wizarding world and everyone wanted a taste of his famous pizza.

Ginny was still working at the grocery store but Lee had moved on to bigger and better things with the twins joke shop and had left the entire establishment in her capable hands. She was going on maternity leave in two days as she was entering her eighth month of pregnancy, but until then she still frequented the store.

Ginny finally got the shirt on straight and stomped into their tiny kitchen with a scowl on her face.

"I hope you realize that this is your fault?" She asked at the two smirking boys. "I'm having two baby girls, one from each of you thanks to that spell from St. Mungo's, and it is definitely all your fault!"

Draco and Blaise laughed happily and circled their wife in a hug, kissed her on the cheek, and promptly went back to their breakfasts.

Ginny stomped over to the refrigerator and wrenched it open angrily but there was a small smile on her face as she looked for her breakfast.

She loved her boy's so much and they would never, ever, be separated again.



A.N. This is the epilogue! I will not be posting another chapter and there will not be a sequel.

Thank you, everyone, for your reviews. I loved reading every single one and they make me feel so happy. Every review makes me feel that I'm doing something right with my story. Just knowing that so many people enjoy my fanfiction makes me want to write even more.

I hope everyone loved my story just as much as I loved writing it. As this is the end, I would hope that everyone who has taken the time to follow my story, chapter by chapter, will review and tell me what they liked the best, and the worst, about this fanfiction. I want to know everything.

Thank you all again.
