Hey just a short one-shot I thought you guys might like, I was bored so I thought I might as well get in more writing. : )
Well today was another day at Titans Tower, well the thing was it was only Robin and Starfire in the Tower because Raven, Beast Boy, and Cyborg all went out to Steel City.
Robin and Starfire went down to the nearest candy store, to go by some candy. They went in a started to look around,
"Ohh Robin"
"Can we get some of these please", Starfire was holding up a bag of Hershey kisses.
"Umm... yeah sure Star why not".
They walked up to the counter and there was a short older man and he looked at them through his think glasses.
"My my my if it isn't those young teen super heros the Teen Titans. . . and were might I ask are the others?", said the old Man.
"Their away on business", said Robin
"Aww that's too bad, well at least you two are here. I always knew you two would end up together." said the old man.
Robin and Starfire blushed.
"Well I won't keep you two love birds here... the candy is on the house... You to enjoy yourselves you hear", He said pushing them out the door.
"Ok... Let's forget that ever happen, and the others don't need to know about that deal", Said Robin
"Deal", Said Starfire
Robin and Starfire were on the couch, sitting together with a blanket around them both and a bowl of Hershey kisses in the middle of them and they were watching Chocolat (it's a movie duh).
Starfire was very interested in the movie and I guess you can say Robin was too. All he was doing was staring at the screen eating kisses.
Robin ran out of kisses and so he asked Starfire, "Hey Star can I have a kiss".
And without thinking Starfire leaned over and kissed Robin on the cheek, but she didn't notice that she did it, she was to into her movie.
But Robin noticed and he leaned back over to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"Hey what was that for", asked Starfire putting her hand up to the spot where Robin kissed her.
"Well I just thought I'd return all your kisses I ate since they were yours",said Robin.
"Well in that case I will accept it", said Starfire and she leaned into his lips, but not for long because just then Beast boy, Raven and Cyborg just happened to walk in.
"Eww... can't you two ever get a room", yelled Beast Boy as he headed for the kitchen.
Robin chuckled and Starfire giggled.
"That was the best chocolate I have ever tasted" said Robin smiling.
"Yeah do you want to go and get some more", asked Starfire slyly.
"You know I do", Said Robin and they were off to the candy store once more.
So what do you think I know I know I know it was short, but I thought it was short sweet and to the point. Well if you didn't like it DON'T REVIEW. NO FLAMES ARE ALLOWED. Thank you and good night. No really good night it's 3:30AM and I'm tried yawns good night world.
Love always,
Robin's Fair Lady