Disclaimer: Oh man, if Jhonen could only see how I was botching his characters. . .

Author's Note: In a search for something new, I spent a bit of time looking around for ZimxGir fics. To my disappointment, there were very few to be had. (I only found one! Can anybody suggest more?) So I decided to play around with this little brainchild. . . Don't worry, it won't take up much of your time. ;)






How strange.

Staring blankly down at your fragmented pieces, I allow myself a moment to sort out the situation. Somehow, during the five minutes in which my back was turned, you managed not only to destroy half the base, but blow yourself up in the process. Unsurprising. But still. . .

VERY strange. . .

This feeling.

Frowning slightly, I gingerly poke your scrap-metal head, wincing at the hallow echoing that fills the room. Useless noise; unwanted noise.

. . . white noise. Needed noise.

Silence is such an odd thing in the base. I've grown unusually accustomed to your fanatic screaming, shrill songs, annoying dances, unruly pets. Everything about you, regarding you, including you, really, has become but second nature to me: keep bribe-candy in the cupboards, use sock puppets to explain evil schemes, rent DVDs to keep you out of my way. So much effort put into keeping you entertained. . . quiet.

And now you are quiet: silently lying there, arms and legs dented, eyes black, torso spitting blue sparks. Finally, finally quiet.


Too quiet! God damn you, Gir, why can't I ever win? When you're noisy, I want silence—when I get it, I miss the noise! I find myself craving the spontaneity of your stupid actions; the idiocy that your very existence brings about; the never ending cycle of unnecessary chaos and laughter and doom! Cursed robot, I could have conquered twenty Earths by now if it wasn't for your meddling—your whining, your playing, your constant joking! I hate you! HATE YOU!

Hate you. . .

. . . because I need you.

(Oh, what would the Dib-beast think if he could hear this pathetic rant of ZIM'S?)

Yes, in some demented way, I need you, Gir—even when disregarding the rare moments you actually work properly. Your irritating singing, your random questions, your pointless statements of fact . . . the way you completely ignore my commands and desires. You keep my life interesting, no matter how crazy; you help with my plans in your own brainless ways. . .

You stay with me. And after decades of having been tossed from planet to planet with nothing but cold glares in place of goodbyes, it's nice to have someone who'd rather cheerfully accompany me on the ride.

. . . rghDON'T GET ME WRONG, GIR! I'm not being sappy! NOT ZIM! In fact, you stupid piece of trash, I'll reiterate! I'll emphasize! I'll repeat myself again: I HATE YOU!

. . . But I hate this feeling of loneliness even more!

So with a sigh, I bend over and pick up your pieces; knowing I'll regret having rebuilt you by morning.


ZimxDib is awesome (can anyone tell me why it's shortened to ZADR?), but again, it's fun to try new things. . . And I just finished watching the Tak episode, in which Zim admits to having promised Gir the moon. Heehee.

Again, I hope you liked! Please R&R!