Noise and Kisses

By Caiti and Court

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, we do not own Harry Potter…just the plot of this story! (Note: The title and all of the chapter titles are named after songs. We do not own any of them either.)

Chapter One: I Hate Your Eyes

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Hermione checked her watch; 8:45, she had to leave any minute. She checked herself in the mirror once more. She knew she looked great, but she couldn't help thinking it was a little too seductive. She was wearing a long, tight red dress with spaghetti straps; her hair was in long, perfect waves; and her makeup was simple, except for her red lipstick. She went to her bed and sat down. She put on her black laced heels and stood up; very uncomfortable, very hard to walk in. She grabbed her black purse and headed out.

She made her way down to the Room of Requirement anxiously. She knew that tonight would probably be the night. She had been thinking about it for awhile. She bit her lip as she reached the room and took a deep breath. She knocked.

The door opened and Ron stood with a goofy grin on his face. He was wearing slacks and a light blue button-up shirt.

He kissed her, "Happy Anniversary, 'Mione!"

The room was lit up with candles and there was soft violin music playing in the background. There was a table set for two and there were red, silk curtains hanging from the windows. She wrapped her arms around his waist, "Ron, this is perfect! Thank you," she glanced over to the table and saw a bottle of Fire Whisky, already half gone, "H-have you been drinking?" she whispered.

He looked over to the half-empty bottle of alcohol, "Only a little- to calm me down. I was a bit nervous."

She nodded, not very happy, but as long as he wasn't completely wasted, why worry?

He pulled a chair out for her and then sat himself down across the table, "One year…can you believe it?"

She smiled sweetly and shrugged.

A house elf appeared and filled Hermione's glass with sparkling cider. He then went over to Ron and poured him a glass of the whisky. He finished it off it less than a minute. Hermione bit her lip; why was he doing this?

Ron glanced towards Hermione, "'Mione, can I ask you something?"

She took a deep breath and nodded, "Yes, Ron?"

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of parchment that he had found in one of her books.

"What is this?" he asked shakily.

On the crumpled parchment there was a clutter of little hearts, and different writings on it; Hermione Malfoy, I Love Draco, Mrs. Malfoy.

Hermione gasped inwardly. She couldn't believe that Ron had found that.

"R-Ron," she tried, "that was a joke…you can't p-possibly think-"

"What about you staring at him in Potions, and gawking at him in the corridors?" He stood up and hovered over her, "'Mione, you're supposed to love me, not that stupid git! What's going on?" his expression was filled with pure anger and hurt.

She giggled nervously, "Ron, you're mad…"

"I know there's something going on, Hermione! Tell me! Tell me what's going on!"

She looked at him disappointedly, "You're drunk, Ron," just as she stood up to leave, Ron grabbed her shoulders and threw her against the wall.

"How could you, you slut? How could you?"

"Ron!" she yelled, "Stop! What are doing?"

Ron pressed his body against hers and kissed her, "Does he kiss you like I do?"

Hermione jerked her head from side to side, avoiding his kiss, "Ron…please…stop…don't do this!" she choked.

Ron kissed her aggressively and, taking her wrists into his hands, pinned her against the wall. He ripped her dress open and kissed her neck.

Hermione shut her eyes tightly, tears running down her cheeks. She tried to push him off but he was too strong, "Ron, I love you! Please, don't do this!"

"I hate you!" he growled, "You made me believe that you loved me!"

Hermione squirmed, "I do love you Ron, I do!"

"No! You're in love with that scum, Malfoy," he said maliciously, pulling her knickers down.

Hermione started sobbing and shaking uncontrollably.

Ron ran his clammy hand up her abdomen and towards her chest. He reached around her back and unclasped her black bra.

As the lacey garment fell to the floor, he trailed kisses down her neck and to her breasts.

With a sudden jolt, he lifted her up and pushed her to the floor, throwing himself on top of her. Ron started to unbutton his pants while Hermione lay helplessly underneath him.

With pleading as her last hope, Hermione frantically said, "Think about what you're doing, Ron! Please, don't do this to us! Please, I-"

Ron grabbed her hair and slammed her head into the floor, "Shut up, whore!" he yelled, shoving his throbbing cock into her tight hole.

Hermione winced in pain as Ron forced himself inside of her.

He began to sweat and his face turned bright red. He moaned as he slid himself in and out of her, harder and deeper with every thrust.

Hermione's throat closed up and she was gasping for breath. She attempted to scream, but she couldn't, "Ron," she choked, "Please, stop!"

Ron ignored her pleading and continued driving himself into her. With one final shove, he came inside of her and collapsed onto her chest.