Ok, So I was in a biology exam and suddenly got all inspired. The first part of this fic is called Prophecy, go and read that first unless you want to be COMPLETELY confused by this. Thankyou.

Phase One

Jounouchi ran a hand over his face, wincing at the textureless metal beneath his fingertips. He stood up, dizzy only from the loss of the use of an eye, and steadied himself against the wall. The feeling of being unable to close both eyes troubled him, but he pushed it to the back of his mind. Instead, he headed for one person who had no relation to shadow magic, but could help with this problem of a missing eye.

"Good god, Jounouchi, what did you do to yourself?"

Seto hadn't seen the Sennen Eye yet, but the blood running down his face was obvious. "I'll show you in a minute, Seto, just let me in, yeah?"

Seto stepped aside and let the blonde in. "Jou, what have you done?"

Jounouchi shook his head. "I wish I knew. " He paused. "Promise you won't freak out?" he asked tentatively.


Jounouchi lifted his head up, not meaning to be dramatic, only nervous about Seto's reaction.

He watched Seto's eyes widen in horror and looked away. "I'll go."

"No, no, no. You're staying here, and telling me what happened and why it happened."

Jounouchi allowed himself to be taken into one of the many rooms. "So, what happened?"

"It was -"

Seto looked at him expectantly. "Who?"

Jounouchi tried, but somehow, the word just wouldn't form in his mouth. 'Bakura!' his mind screamed.

"Bastard's made it so I can't accuse him." He paused. "It was -" Jounouchi sighed. "I can't accuse anybody."

Seto looked thoroughly confused, but Jounouchi could see him staring at the Sennen eye. He reached up and covered it with his hand. "Please don't stare," he muttered.

Seto was shocked. Mainly it was seeing Pegasus' eye against Jounouchi's admittedly beautiful face, but also that Katsuya Jounouchi wasn't his usual, loudmouthed self. The shock even cause him to apologise.

"I'm sorry, Jou, it's just weird. The last time I saw that was -"

"Pegasus," Jou murmured.

Seto paused a moment. "I'll go and get some stuff to clean up your eye with, alright?"

A sudden image flashed into Jou's head as Seto left of the brunette opening a cupboard. A pair of scissors, precariously balanced on a higher shelf, slipped and fell, the sharp blades penetrating the back of Seto's hand. Jou blinked his good eye, ridding himself of the vision.

"Seto, the cupboard - there are scissors, they're going to hit you -" Jou winced as he realised how pathetic it sounded.

"Don't worry, Jounouchi, this is my house, I'll be - SHIT!"

Jou leapt up and into the kitchen, where he saw Seto pulling the scissors out of his hand. He studied the wound for a moment, checking how deep it went, then pulled out a box filled with first aid supplies.

He pulled out a bottle of some foul smelling substance and handed it to Jounouchi, along with a cotton swab. "Do round the eye first, make sure it doesn't get infected. Are you going to try and get it out?"

Jounouchi looked at him, then more pictures flashed before his eyes. "No. If I remove the eye…I'll bleed to death like Pegasus did."

Seto shrugged and proceeded to sort out the hole the scissors had gouged out of his hand.

'Worse things will happen,' a quiet voice whispered in the back of Jounouchi's mind as the blonde treated his eye. The substance stung initially, but after a few seconds it soothed the skin. 'They'll start off like this…things seem worse when you see them happen from far away.'

Jounouchi frowned at the voice. 'I don't understand.'

'Deaths are imminent,' the pessimistic little voice told him. 'You will see them.'

The blonde thought as he cleaned the blood from his face. 'Who are you?' he asked finally.

'I'm from the eye. I suppose you could call me your 'yami'. I'm not much use, but I will be the only one to believe your predictions. Because I see them too.'

'I hope you get slightly more optimistic as time goes on.'

'I've been like this for centuries,' the voice sighed. 'There is no changing me now.'

Jounouchi bit his lip, unsure whether to be alarmed or comforted by the voice. He finished with the lotion Seto had given him and returned to the brunette, but kept his head turned as he spoke. "Thanks," he said softly. "I'll go. You don't like the eye, it's fine, I'll just…"

Seto caught his chin and turned Jounouchi to face him. One brown eye stared defiantly at him, the golden eye glinting malevolently. Seto released him. "I wish I could help you, Jou."

Jou turned and walked away. "Thank you." He paused. "And tell Mokuba well done with the A in math."

Seto raised an eyebrow. Mokuba could never get an A in math.

Who would believe Katsuya Jounouchi?