Well, here it is, the final chapter! I had a rough time over the holidays- I was sick, so that is why it has taken me so long to post this. I also suffered a bit of writer's block and still don't think this is necessarily the best ending I have ever written but I think it does my fluffy fic justice! Thanks for all your kind reviews!
Shortly after word of their success had spread, Ginny and Pansy were commissioned into Healing Research. They continued to work on those afflicted with mental problems due to Cruciatus exposure. Once Draco and Ginny were married and that aspect of her life settled down, she and Pansy began focusing on other areas of magical injuries which could be helped by mixing magic, potions, and Muggle medicine.
Ginevra Malfoy had become a highly respected name in Wizarding Medicine and with Draco's help, she and Pansy later started their own private research foundation. Life was good, no— life was great! Draco and Ginny both thought things could not get better, but they were wrong.
Ginny had been working long hours in her lab trying to develop a treatment for motion sickness, caused by use of Levicorpus. It wasn't the most important thing she had ever worked on, but was a sickness that affected many witches and wizards. She was under a deadline from Wizard's Pharmaceutica, which had bought several of the products she and Pansy developed and marketed them over the past few years.
Ginny was feeling nauseous and weak. She was sure she was coming down with something. She wasn't feeling up to making love very often, which was driving Draco absolutely mad with want, naturally.
"Ginny?" she heard Pansy's voice from the doorway to the lab. "You're looking really pale. Are you—?"
Ginny immediately turned, and wretched into the garbage can beside her chair. Pansy ran across the room to her, pulling Ginny's hair back from her face.
"Ginny, when was your last period?" Pansy asked. Ginny rolled her eyes and groaned.
"I don't think it's that!"
"I think you're pregnant, that's what I think."
"Pansy, I know you've had two children now and it's just the greatest thing and all, but Draco and I haven't even talked about it and we're always so careful to use contraceptive charms and potions. I mean, with my family's history of—"
"Exactly! Potions and charms are all very well and good but if his little guys want in bad enough, they're going to find a way. Just let me administer the test? Please? If you aren't pregnant, then we know you have a bug and you'd best stay home sick for a few days."
Ginny shrugged. Pansy had been dropping hints that she thought Ginny might be pregnant for a week now. What could it hurt? It would definitely get the woman off her back once she was proved wrong.
Ginny motioned for Pansy to administer the test and Pansy whispered a spell to her wand and ran it down Ginny's belly, then back up. The wand glowed bright blue.
Ginny's eyes widened and her cheeks flushed, slightly from anger that Pansy was right, slightly from nervousness at the thought of being a mother.
"Oh my gosh! Congratulations, Gin! Draco is going to be so excited!" Pansy gushed and enveloped Ginny in a huge hug, which Ginny could not fully return given her state of utter shock. "How are you going to tell him?"
Ginny remained silent and stared blankly at a wall. Pansy shook her lightly. "Ginny? Ginny?"
"I need to go home," Ginny said as she stood and took off her lab robes, tossing them aside. Pansy nodded and waved, throwing another little 'congratulations' her way once more.
Malfoy Manor, which they had restored, renovated, and redecorated, was blessedly quiet and empty when Ginny arrived home. She walked aimlessly around a few of the rooms on the first floor. She came to a room in the back corner of the East Wing, which served as storage. All of a sudden, Ginny had an idea of how to tell Draco.
When Draco arrived home, the house was eerily quiet. "Ginny?" he called. "Ginny? Love, I'm home!"
His reply came in the form of a vague shout from the general direction of their bedchamber and the sound of paper ripping. Not knowing what the fuss could possibly be about, he headed towards the sound of Ginny's voice.
He cautiously approached the bedroom door and it was cracked. "Ginny? What on Earth are you doing?" he asked as he pushed the door open to reveal different shaped boxes littering the floor along with lots of brightly colored paper.
"Bugger!" Ginny exclaimed, puffing a loose hair out of her face, and smiling at her husband. "This was supposed to be cleaned up by the time you got home."
"Well, it's alright. Come here, sweetie, I missed you today!" Ginny ran into his arms and gave him a long kiss. "Mmm," he groaned against her lips.
"I have something for you," she smiled as she broke the kiss.
"You do?" he asked with an evil grin, raising his eyebrows.
"Yes, and actually it's not what you are thinking," his features fell slightly, "but we can do that too."
"So you are feeling better? Okay then, what's this all about?" he asked as she handed him the package she had been wrapping.
He took it hesitantly but ripped into it eagerly upon seeing the grin cross Ginny's face. Once the paper was off, he shook the box and Ginny slapped his arm playfully. "No cheating!" she whined.
He used his wand to cut through the tape and opened the box to find more paper covering an object. He pulled the paper away to reveal a silver rattle with a light green ribbon tied to the handle.
"Surprise!" Ginny gasped. Draco did a double take between his wife and the gift.
"Wha—?" he gasped, taking the baby rattle he recognized as his own and studying it, then his wife's face in turn. "Do you mean to say?"
"You're going to be a father, Draco dear! I'm pregnant!" She smiled, small tears of happiness forming in her eyes.
Draco said nothing, but his face lit up and he grabbed Ginny gently around the waist and flung her lightly around. "Oh honey! Oh baby!" he exclaimed breathlessly.
He put her down and she laughed. "I know we hadn't really planned on it just yet, but apparently the universe had other ideas!"
"Oh! It's just the best news ever! I am going to be a father! A real father!" he exclaimed. Tears were now streaming down his face as well as Ginny's. "I never knew… I mean, I always doubted I could be a good father but with you as the mother, I know that I can do this. I love you so much, Ginny!"
"I love you too," she said softly and kissed Draco's lips.
"So, even though you're pregnant, we can still, erm, practice making more babies right? Cause I am completely turned on right now!" he said huskily, getting that look she knew all too well in his eyes.
"Oh yes. And really, since I found out we're having a baby, I've never wanted you more in my life!" she said as Draco picked her up and carried her gracefully to the bed.