ARGH! I have like... 6 stories out! 3 in Hamtaro, and 3 in TMM! GRRR! So, I'm telling U now, that my updates may be REALLY LONG! Sorry! Oh, and, sorry, but, so far in here, there are NO mew powers... but please keep reading anyways... NOTE: in this one, I used the Mews, in a book that Princess Ichigo reads. They have different names...

Disclaimer: You KNOW I don't own TMM... right?

By: HamtaroAngel, don't you already know that though?


Chapter 2: Getting a job!

Kish went inside the cave after reading the reply from Princess, oops, 'Ichigo', as she likes to be called...

"Why are you so happy?" Pudding asked, as Kish grinned happily, putting Ki back in her cage.


"Huh, 'cause why?"

"I gotta letter from a princess!"

Pudding turned around to face him. "Oh you did, did you...?"

Kish nodded in a VERY happy way. "I'm gonna send her another one!"

"...That's nice, but for some one of your age, 13, you sure are acting like you're 4."

Kish let that blow over him. He ran to get another piece of paper. He found one, then scribbled:

Dear Ichigo,

I am sorry for not telling you my name, but I still do not wish to. But, so you know, none of those were right... Do you like books, I think that they are okay. Well, since it's almost winter, hopefully, we can still write, but I don't want to make a bird-sickle out of Ki, or Ku—those are my birds. I hope I can meet you soon. Bye for now. –K.

Kish looked over his letter, then put in a cylinder, and stuck it on Ku's leg. He sent the bird to Ichigo. She saw it, and took out the letter.

Kish thought that Princess Ichigo had known he wanted to send her a letter, because she already had a pen and paper. Her kitten, Shuu-Shuu, jumped at Ku, who flustered her feathers. Then the princess sent the letter back.

Kish read it. It said:

Dear K.

Yes, I like books, and my favorite one is about a major fantasy, called 'Element Mew Mew'... I think they borrowed the name from the kingdom Mew. Anyway, it is about 5 super-girls, who are not part animal, but part element. It is very interesting; the characters are: The leader, Tasha, who has the power of fire, next is Doku, who has the power of water, then it's Krista, who has the power of plants (I know, kinda weird.), then Aaka, who has the power of lightning, and then , Roshi, who has the power of Darkness. There are 3 enemies, magical—wait, I don't want to ruin it for you. Yes, and it IS almost winter, isn't it? I hope, while your bird is waiting, it won't freeze... Y'know what, you're funny, I also wish to meet you, but, the only time I am allowed to leave castle-grounds, is if I am taking Shuu-Shuu for a walk. Oh, well. Bye. –Ichigo

Kish was speechless that a princess wanted to meet him. But she still didn't know that he was part-alien.


The next morning, Kish got up in his bed to find that the cave was freezing. He got up; he could see his breath in front of him. Being an alien and all, he had finally managed to float, not just walk and run, so he floated into the main-purple room. He glanced outside, it was snowing softly.

Pudding was already gone, so he just grabbed up the cooked squirrel that she had put out for him, and went outside. So many thoughts were on his mind. When will I meet Princess Ichigo? What is the red, warm stuff that appears on my face after I think about Ichigo? I've asked Pudding about it many times, and she calls it love. What... what exactly is love? He thought taking a walk would clear up his mind, so he did. He took the long path.


It was still lightly snowing when he heard something. It sounded like crinkling snow. He floated a little closer to the sound, and soon, a pink-haired girl with black cat-ears could be seen. It's the princess! Kish thought, he went to turn around and leave, but he accidentally ran-into a snow-filled tree. The snow fell off the tree in a thumping sound. The princess looked up, so did her kitten that she held.

"Who's there?" She asked. Kish stayed silent. "I said, who's there?" She said louder. Still quiet. She got mad. "I order, who ever is there, show yourself!" She demanded.

Kish quietly floated out from behind the tree, slightly blushing. Princess Ichigo stared at him. "...C... Come closer!" He did. He was now face-to-face with the Princess.

"What is your name!" She ordered.

Kish was about to tell her his name, but... "Wait, aren't you Princess Ichigo?" Kish asked, although he already knew it was her.

"Y-yes, but I asked you what your name is!"

"Okay, okay, my name is Kish."

"...Wait, are you even from here, no, you can't be, with those ears. Everyone in Mew is part animal. With the acception of... 3... al..." Her voice faded. "You are an alien. Aren't you?" Kish slowly nodded. "Well, good bye." She left gracefully.

Kish floated back to the cave 10 min. after she left.


When he got there, he went inside, and Pudding was back. She handed him a letter. "It came for you, a guy with the same ears as you delivered it. Kish opened it.

Dear K,

I just met the weirdest person ever. He had alien-ears, like my father's friend, Pia. He said his name was 'Kish', weird, huh, his name's first letter, 'K', is exactly like how you put your name! Isn't that odd? Okay, I gotta go! –Ichigo

Kish put the letter down.

"Umm, Kish, there is something I have to tell you."


"Well, now that you are older, I think you should.. get a job."


"Don't go 'huh', I mean it. Maybe you can get a job working with that girl you like so much. Y'know, over at the castle."
