Author's note: Riddick does not share my bed therefore I do not own him. I know it's sad isn't it?

Just so you all know, Riddick took Jack with him; he didn't leave her on New Mecca. For the past five years they have been planet hopping, settling where they can for as long as they can. Jack is now 20 (to me she was 15 when PB happened).

This is the last chapter in this series. I know it's been a long time coming but I had issues. Plus, just look what you people did to my one shot! Just kidding! Without your encouragement I don't know what would have happened to this story.

The song is Surrender by Evanescence.

Warning: Adult situation ahead! I'm not sure if this is an M setting so please read on with caution. If anyone believes that this should be M then I am more than willing to move it.



Dark curls billowed over the pillow as Jack's back hit the bed. Enfolded in Riddick's bronze arms, she welcomed the heat between them. R'gerillian had been their escape once and again it had served it's purpose. Jack's eyes locked with Riddick's, it was all too much for her and she briefly thought that this maybe another of her dreams. Jack sensed that the beautiful killer had a similar thought.

"Is this real enough for you," she whispered before capturing his lips.

You were so confused
Now that you've decided to stay
We'll remain together
You can't abandon me

All the years that the pair had been tested by fire melted away as they embraced. It was more than clear to both that this was their destined path. From the beginning neither could truly be parted from the other.

Jack purred as Riddick's assault on her body was drawn down. He frowned as she kissed his way down her body, for the first time taking in all her scars. His lips met each, igniting them with a welcome smoldering in Jack's core. Reversing his trail, Riddick positioned himself at her entry. Warm breathe against her ear carried his words, "You belong to me."

Breathe in and take my life in you
No longer myself, only you
There's no escaping me my love

Her half moan, half gasp stirred something within him that had never been touched before. In this simple act that both had performed before, but neither had ever imagined the feeling that would ignite when they joined. It was a place, a feeling that went far beyond their bodies joining. In this moment their souls came together.

Darling, theres no sense in running
You know I will find you

In that instant Jack and Riddick knew. The Universe could never keep them apart. Everything is perfect now, what they had went past love, past companionship, past all the labels that would or could be placed upon them.

We can live forever
You can't abandon me
You belong to me
Breathe in and take my life in you
No longer myself, only you

In this mixture of their souls they were one. The Hunter and the Huntress.

There's no escaping me my love

Hands up slowly
Give into

Jack cried Riddick's name. She felt her body going over the edge. Resolve set in that she would not submit before he did. Jade eyes met mercury in loving defiance. Knowing she wouldn't willingly submit, Riddick increased his ministrations to an unbearable level.

Breathe in and take my life in you
No longer myself only you
There's no escaping me my love

His husky rumble brought Jack to her figurative knees. One simple word passed his lips, "Surrender."

It was almost too much to bear. That simple would be her undoing. Unless…

Jack wet her lips between moans, lifting herself to his ear, "Surrender."

Together they were the Huntress and the Hunter. Together.
